forced sissy stories

Forced sissy stories

We have found that Our stories have become the favorites of so many girls. Through the decades, We've been able to curate one of the largest, and most erotic collection on the 'net here at the House of Sissify. Forced sissy stories put on your favorite lingerie, mix yourself your favorite cocktail and dive into your favorite sissy stories - from sissy sex storiesforced sissy stories, to humiliation stories to true life stories of transformation!

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Orphan Petal by Victoria Temple 7. This is the story of an year-old who loses his parents and is now an orphan. He is bitter and mad at the world. His new life will change him in ways he never knew pos Royal Frills by Victoria Temple 9.

Forced sissy stories

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. An Unexpected Fate by Isabella Ben has always known he was different from the other boys, but when his school uniform gets swapped with his sisters, his entire life changes into something he had never Waking up a different person. The Hidden Sissy by Ronda Smitten This is a story about how a young boy starts his sissy journey with the pressure from his step mum and step sister once his secret is revealed. Ashu forced to become Aisha by Ashish Goyal This is a forced feminizations story. Ashu has to unwillingly accept life of a girl because of a big donation from someone his parents knows but the donation is for a gi Billionaire's Bikini Brat by Santa's Cunt 2. Creeps Turned Girls by WaitressAlice 2 1.

From Bully to Beloved by Misterious


Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Here I'm sitting in Julie's room doing some schoolwork with her. I have known Julie for years now, and we are basically best friends and do almost everything together. We are both 24 years old, she half a year younger than me.

Forced sissy stories

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Like many women of my age I have a sense of resignation about my prospects of finding a life partner. Unlike some, I believe that I have found something more satisfying. My partner at the moment is sleeping now, bless him, after quite an exhausting evening of emotional manipulation. He won't stay for long -- few of them do -- but every waking moment will be precious. I first realised that I got a thrill from humiliating men quite by accident. It was a second date shortly after the end of the longest relationship of my life.

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Tom is blackmailed by his roommate to pose as his girlfriend. Striper by Erica Bunningham 9. Jackson's mother finally finds out that her son wants to be a baby for him. Alex is a teen boy and the eldest sibling. My first encounter with Mistress Z This helps Tom discover he was born to be a sissy slut. A teen boy can't resist the sudden urge to wet his bed and pants. Read more to learn how he goes from o Why, that's slavery! Would love your thoughts, please comment. Henry consistently gets bullied by a guy named Justin.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box.

Billionaire's Bikini Brat by Santa's Cunt 2. From boy to wolf's bitch. He is bitter and mad at the world. Inline Feedbacks. A teen boy can't resist the sudden urge to wet his bed and pants. This is the story of an year-old who loses his parents and is now an orphan. Cheer Sissy! An Unexpected Fate by Isabella This is a story about how a young boy starts his sissy journey with the pressure from his step mum and step sister once his secret is revealed. All across the nation, a co-ed project is being held to see if previ This is a forced feminizations story. The story of a man to bogged down in debt to say no to his boss.

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