Freddy mercurys wife

When Freddie Mercury first met Mary Austin, he was 24 years old and she was

News UK. One of his closest and most trusted friends, the pair were in a relationship and even briefly engaged before Mercury confided in Austin about his sexuality. When he died in of Aids-related bronchial pneumonia, the singer left his London home and its contents to Austin, which has been left untouched as a shrine to the superstar for 30 years. But now Austin has announced she will auction an intimate collection of 1, items belonging to the late Queen star, including some of his handwritten lyrics and dazzling stage costumes. Not one to soak up the limelight, Austin lives a quiet life and has rarely spoken in public since Mercury died.

Freddy mercurys wife

Freddie Mercury [2] born Farrokh Bulsara ; 5 September — 24 November [3] was a British singer and songwriter who achieved worldwide fame as the lead vocalist and pianist of the rock band Queen. Regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of rock music, he was known for his flamboyant stage persona and four- octave vocal range. Mercury defied the conventions of a rock frontman with his theatrical style, influencing the artistic direction of Queen. Born in in Zanzibar to Parsi-Indian parents, Mercury attended English boarding schools in India from the age of eight and returned to Zanzibar after secondary school. In , his family fled the Zanzibar Revolution , moving to Middlesex , England. Having studied and written music for years, he formed Queen in with guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor. His charismatic stage performances often saw him interact with the audience, as displayed at the Live Aid concert. He also led a solo career and was a producer and guest musician for other artists. Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS in He continued to record with Queen, and posthumously featured on their final album, Made in Heaven

When Freddie Mercury first met Mary Austin, he was 24 years old and she was So what?

Mary Austin may have been quite different from the flamboyant frontman of Queen , but she was one of the most important people in his life. The softly-spoken working-class girl was brought up by her deaf parents, and remained by Freddie Mercury 's side until his death in Mary is one of the main characters in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody , in which she is played by actress Lucy Boynton. It was only last year that she finally took down tributes to the late singer. In , she is selling a large amount of Freddie's items at a high-profile auction. They did in fact date, and although they split up as romantic partners, they remained very close friends. To me, she was my common-law wife.

Freddie Mercury and Mary Austin had an exceedingly close relationship that spanned over three decades. Freddie Mercury , was openly gay, however, he had one woman in his life who was more important to him than anyone else and who he referred to proudly as his 'soulmate'. The unusual and life-long love between Mary Austin and the singer was played out on screen in the Oscar-winning film Bohemian Rhapsody and Freddie Mercury said he'd love her "Until I draw my last breath. Over the years close friends and Mary Austin herself have spoken out about the extraordinary relationship — one that was so significant it was reportedly the inspiration behind Queen 's hit song, 'Love of My Life' — and fans the world over and still fascinated by the pair's close bond. A young Freddie Mercury first met Mary in , when he was years-old, five years after moving to England and a year before he joined the band, Queen. Mary Austin was from a working-class family in Fulham, west London — her father was a wallpaper cutter and her mother a maid — and had landed a job in the prestigious fashion boutique Biba in Kensington, in when she was years-old. Freddie Mercury had just finished studying at Ealing Art College when he visited the fashionable shop and met Mary — love quickly blossomed between the pair. It wasn't long before the young couple shared a small flat near Kensington Market — where Freddie had a clothes stall with Queen drummer Roger Taylor — and for a long time, it was Mary who was the breadwinner of the two as Freddie struggled to get his singing career off the ground. Another friend Yasmine Pettigrew said in the documentary that Freddie and Mary were inseparable from the moment they met.

Freddy mercurys wife

Mary met Freddie when she was 19 and he was 24, with the pair quickly sparking a romance and moving in together, with Mary often joining Queen on the road. They remained best friends and lifelong companions after Freddie came out as gay, with Mercury considering Mary his common-law wife. Very painful. I try never to be jealous or envy people.

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The extraordinary relationship has long fascinated fans, and was recently played out on screen in the film Bohemian Rhapsody. The softly-spoken working-class girl was brought up by her deaf parents, and remained by Freddie Mercury 's side until his death in Recalling those "distressing" final days, Mary said: "The quality of his life had changed so dramatically and he was in more pain every day. So entertaining and generous. Retrieved 9 January In February , he moved back to Zanzibar where he joined his parents at their flat. As the first major rock star to die of AIDS-related complications, Mercury's death represented an important event in the history of the disease. And of course, I always admired a man who wears tights. Mary Austin was the first person Freddie Mercury told about his Aids diagnosis. Contents move to sidebar hide. How Rami Malek became Freddie Mercury.

Mary Austin was the ever-present female figure beside Queen frontman Freddie Mercury. Austin, the daughter of deaf, working-class parents, met Mercury in at a London clothing store where she worked. Despite her reservations, Mary and Freddie started dating, and several months later, she moved into his flat.

Several popularity polls conducted over the past decade indicate that Mercury's reputation may have been enhanced since his death. In the United States, where Queen's popularity had lagged in the s, sales of Queen albums went up dramatically in , the year following his death. The Times. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Austin, 72, adds: "The time has come for me to take the difficult decision to close this very special chapter in my life. Peter's School , a British-style boarding school for boys, in Panchgani near Bombay. Listen to this article Loading audio He always wanted to know, if he was with Mary, that Mary was okay. The Ivors. But in he divulged his feelings about his sexuality to her. April saw her make the unprecedented announcement she was to auction 1, of Freddie Mercury's personal treasures at auction. ISBN Austin was by his side. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. To me, it was a marriage.

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