funny sports videos

Funny sports videos

Embark on a journey of laughter and mishaps as we explore the great outdoors through hilarious fails. From DIY projects gone awry to hammock escapades, funny sports videos, join us in celebrating the lighter side of outdoor adventures.

One of the reasons we love sports—as competitors, as spectators, as fans—is that you can experience the entire range of human emotions. This is why the game inspires such passion and made the major pro and collegiate leagues more popular than ever. The funniest moments in sports are often the rarest, which is why bloopers are equally at home on SportsCenter as an amazing one-handed catch, or seemingly impossible birdie on the 18th hole. The beauty of sports comedy is it can happen to any of us, so you don't necessarily have to pop in that dusty "Football Bloopers" VHS tape to laugh. In fact, YouTube and hundreds of other video clip sites on the web have given us the gift of other people's fails.

Funny sports videos


If you don't laugh when he "meows," then you have no funny bone, funny sports videos. The University of Georgia's adorable mascot UGA is the gift that keeps on giving, even if he keeps dying and getting replaced. It must be frustrating for all those amateur funny sports videos who brave open-mic night that the image of a person getting hit in the face by a ball is pretty much a guaranteed laugh.


Billions of dollars spent and made so grown adults get to play recess games. Throughout the year, we kept an eye out for the things that made us laugh, from drunk fans setting several cars on fire at a tailgate, to thousands of people demanding a bird be named after a dick joke. Sucks eat cfootball, forever. Sucks Eat Cfootball pic. Novak Djokovic, one of many anti-vaccine athletes this year who tried to squirm around public health policy, got deported from Australia when he was caught lying on his visa application ahead of the Australian Open. The honeymoon ended nearly immediately. The Lakers struggled, and Westbrook put up historically bad shooting stats. His back hurt from sitting on the bench too much. Then fans started begging him to stop shooting.

Funny sports videos

The funniest Epic Bird Fails compilation you see on the internet. In this uproarious compilation, we're invited to witness the charmingly chaotic encounters between humans and birds. Dive into the frosty fun with our ultimate snow accidents compilation! Watch hilarious snowy escapades, gravity-defying stunts, and snowman shenanigans that'll warm your heart. Embark on a journey of laughter and mishaps as we explore the great outdoors through hilarious fails. From DIY projects gone awry to hammock escapades, join us in celebrating the lighter side of outdoor adventures. Eight minutes of wild nature videos! Hilarious moments can arise from anywhere. The funniest beauty and hair fails online. Discover the hilariously comical world of beauty gone wrong with our compilation of glamorous mishaps.

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Next time you suit up for a game, watch your step, because you could land yourself a spot on the next compilation of hilarious sports fails from AFV! Snow Fails Dive into the frosty fun with our ultimate snow accidents compilation! In this particular clip, the viewer--and Los Angeles Kings player Drew Doughty--get a full dose of the signature Green Man skeevy, butt-facing hand-stand. The Vancouver Green Men are both famous, and infamous, for their hilariously creepy antics at Canucks games. Sign up for our newsletter! Hilarious Sports Fails Compilation. This is why the game inspires such passion and made the major pro and collegiate leagues more popular than ever. As if talking wasn't bad enough, this goalkeeper starts cartwheeling around the joint before a penalty kick. One of the reasons we love sports—as competitors, as spectators, as fans—is that you can experience the entire range of human emotions. This ref not only strays from the script, but gives an awesomely candid and personal assessment of the situation. Funniest Nature Fails Eight minutes of wild nature videos! Beauty Fails The funniest beauty and hair fails online.


A life that apparently was in desperate need of a good army crawl through the infield dirt. Read our Privacy Policy. I may even prefer this UGA, more than I do the one that makes our hearts melt while making actual ice melt. Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan may be one of the best young passers in the NFL, but no matter how many thousands of yards he throws for, or touchdowns he tosses, his legacy will forever be haunted by this clip. Fortunately for the people who gutted out the inclement weather at this Big East Tournament game between USF and Connecticut, the players took it upon themselves to put on an absurd, awesome show. When that Perhaps that's what happened to this poor girl here. It eventually stops and kind of stares down the wary left fielder before the video ends. Declaring that his players need to, "be more like dogs," Bennett went a little TMI about the daily lives of his pets as his convoluted analogy grew more confusing and frantic. Typically, when a 'fart' is associated with broadcast journalism, it's the bodily function, not the word itself. You can tell the other mascots understand that the person is struggling, but don't intervene until it's apparent they might actually be hurt. These guys appear to have found a third way—knock each other out, simultaneously, at the beginning of the match. Considering the ridiculous get-ups used by many of today's mascots—especially in the NBA—I'm shocked that a train wreck like this doesn't happen more often. I know this just high school-level girls hurdles, but when you watch this debacle, you can't help but feel it's setting back decades of progress when it comes to the image women's athletics. In fact, YouTube and hundreds of other video clip sites on the web have given us the gift of other people's fails.

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