game ready ice machine rental

Game ready ice machine rental

The portable Game Ready cold and compression system is clinically proven to help reduce pain and swelling in the early stages of post-operative recovery and acute injuries. Although it has been in use around the world for over 15 years, it is relatively new to the Irish market.

There is often confusion following an injury concerning whether to apply cold therapy or whether to warm the area. The answer depends on the type of injury you have sustained. Acute injuries are those which result from traumatic incidents for example a fall, twisting movement or direct blow for example and are immediately painful. When an acute injury first occurs, bleeding, inflammation, swelling and pain must all be controlled. Ice should be applied as soon as possible in order to cool the tissues, reduce their metabolic rate and nerve conduction velocity and cause vasoconstriction of the surrounding blood vessels.

Game ready ice machine rental

Contact us for info regarding your surgeon and hospital. Courier options: Available in most major cities. Pneumatic compression works to conform the wrap to the contours of the body, assuring better surface contact and longer-lasting cold than other cryotherapy products. I think it is fantastic and a great addition to my post operative recovery. Pain management post surgery was difficult to control with medication, therefore I used the Game Ready every two hours as the cold temperature was soothing. The compression pressure played a significant role in reducing swelling, allowing sufficient movement to start the recovery process. Keith had been complaining of an ache in his shoulder driving him nuts and after just one minute using Game Ready, the compression and cold water sent the ache away. His pain level has gone down significantly Immediately it gave me such relief! Next morning I was up on my feet with crutches and happy to be discharged home with GR in hand and by the 2nd day, I was off all pain meds. I would recommend this device to anyone!

Thanking you kindly. The Game Ready, along with physiotherapy and an extensive exercise programme helped me get from surgery to skiing in five months. The many benefits of cold compression therapy include reducing pain, swelling, and edema, while promoting faster healing and muscle recovery, and stimulating blood flow.


With Game Ready, you can break free from the limitations of traditional recovery methods that only offer limited relief from pain and swelling. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your recovery journey and witness the transformative power of Game Ready devices. Invest in a rental today to help avoid prolonged recovery times Now you can bring Game Ready to the convenience of your home or office to benefit from its amazing recovery abilities, including:. Now you can bring Game Ready to the convenience of your home to benefit from it's amazing recovery abilities, including:.

Game ready ice machine rental

Medical doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractic physicians want the best for their patients and know that merely resting and elevating the affected area, using a R. Despite the wealth of information available at just the touch of the button or through a simple internet search, may patients need more specific treatment options. Over the years, conservative options were used to treat those dealing with pain and discomfort associated with musculoskeletal injuries or post-surgical recovery process. In the post-surgical recovery process, many patients would use a combination of Continuous Passive Motion CPM Machine therapy along with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This regimen often involves numerous steps and a significant amount of time for each therapy session. Specifically, in post-operative rehabilitation, when used in conjunction with a CPM machine, patients will have an improved experience with less of the troubling side effects.

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A snug fitting wrap provides a closed coolant and compression system that does not leave a trail of ice and water during and after use. Cold compression therapy combines the benefits of cold therapy and compression therapy to provide optimal results for pain and swelling relief. PowerPlay combines the benefits of a cold therapy machine or cold therapy unit and a compression machine to deliver intermittent compression therapy — meaning the compression pump inflates the wrap to the desired pressure, holds for 10 seconds, releases, then inflates again. Email address. A chronic injury can also be caused by an acute injury which fails to heal due to a lack of, or inappropriate treatment. As Game Ready transfers this heat into the ice bath through the circulation of cold water, the ice melts faster. Pain management post surgery was difficult to control with medication, therefore I used the Game Ready every two hours as the cold temperature was soothing. Cold and compression therapy can be applied to a variety of situations including post-surgical rehabilitation such as MCL and ACL surgery recovery , injuries such as sprains, fractures, and tears, as well as pain and swelling. I would recommend this device to anyone! It comes highly recommended by orthopaedic surgeons and sports medicine specialists. I still use the Game Ready everyday, especially after my gym rehab, physio and running sessions.

There is often confusion following an injury concerning whether to apply cold therapy or whether to warm the area. The answer depends on the type of injury you have sustained. Acute injuries are those which result from traumatic incidents for example a fall, twisting movement or direct blow for example and are immediately painful.

This therapy can be applied to those suffering from minor joint pain, to major surgery rehabilitation such as ACL surgery recovery and anything in between. Heat therapy can also be used prior to exercise in chronic injuries to warm the muscles and increase flexibility. Acute Injuries: Acute injuries are those which result from traumatic incidents for example a fall, twisting movement or direct blow for example and are immediately painful. When an acute injury first occurs, bleeding, inflammation, swelling and pain must all be controlled. PowerPlay also offers cold therapy through frozen gel packs or ice bags, which have been proven to reduce pain. Larger blocks melt slower, reducing the times needed to replace ice throughout the day. My confidence in the Game Ready stems from my own use following a total knee replacement. It should be re-applied regularly, every hours. Studies find that when active compression is coupled with cold therapy, it results in increased blood flow, and decreased swelling, edema, and muscle spasms. Applying cold and compression to overworked, aching muscles will pump blood and oxygen through the area, and bring down swelling and fluids so that you can get back on your feet faster and be ready for your next event. Order Summary. As you progress through your recovery and your body produces less heat, you will not need to replenish the ice as frequently. We recommend using your PowerPlay gel pack after it has been initially frozen for one hour, then placing it on your affected area for 20 minutes, and returning it to the freezer while your body rests from the ice.

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