Gargoyles titania

Titania is the wife of Oberon and queen gargoyles titania the Third race. She is good and generous. Unlike Oberon she likes to control events through subtle influences, gargoyles titania. She is so skilled in acting that way that it appears that everyone decides their courses of action for themselves.

Oberon : Do you now profess concern for mortals, Titania? Was it not your disdain for them the reason I divorced you? And decreed that you and the children should live among them to learn humiltiy? Titania : True enough. But perhaps, you have not learned your own lesson. Titania : Then grant them the opportunity to save themselves.

Gargoyles titania

Titania is the wife of Oberon and queen of the Third Race. Her human alias is Anastasia Renard. At some unknown point in time, Titania and Oberon were married and ruled over the Fair Folk together. In those days, however, Titania was vain and petty, and displayed considerable scorn towards mortals. At last, in , a specific action of hers as yet unknown served as the final catalyst in angering Oberon; he divorced her and banished both her and the rest of the Third Race from Avalon , to dwell in the outside world for the next thousand years, in the hopes that they might learn to respect the mortal races. Titania's adventures during the greater part of this time period are unknown to us, but in the latter half of the 20th century, she began studying human science and technology, under the alias of "Anastasia" last name unknown. During this time, she met Halcyon Renard , who was then a young man and had not yet fallen victim to the disease that is now killing him. She fell in love with him, and he with her; they were married not long afterwards, and apparently lived quite happily; by now, Titania had indeed learned the lesson that Oberon had wanted her to learn, to respect mortals. She gave birth to a daughter, Janine Renard, now Fox. But in the end, Renard proved too rigid and stiffly honorable to hold Titania's attention for long; they divorced. When Xanatos and Fox decided to create the Matrix , Fox sought the help of her mother to achieve this. She and Anastasia created the Matrix in a remote laboratory in Australia ; Anastasia, however, was aware of the potential danger that the Matrix posed, and urged Fox to take proper precautions. In spite of her warnings, however, the Matrix indeed became self-aware, and threatened to reformat the entire planet ; fortunately, Goliath and Dingo were able to prevent it from doing so. In gratitude to Goliath for helping to stop the Matrix from overrunning the globe, she spoke up in turn for him when she accompanied Oberon back to Avalon to confront the Avalon Clan , encountering the gargoyles for the first time in her true form as Titania.

The version became known for the kiss between Titania and Hippolyta.

This article is about the Gargoyles character. For the Marvel character, see Titania. Titania is a minor character from the Disney animated television show, Gargoyles. She is the wife of Oberon and Queen of the Third race. She is good, generous, and beautiful.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of gargoyles. Stone by day, warriors by night, We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. We are defenders of the night! Gargoyles October 24, — February 15, is a rare breed of a show, particularly for The '90s and even more so for a Disney series— the show was originally released under their Buena Vista banner, albeit on The Disney Afternoon. A dark, violent series with a story that follows deliberate arcs and does things very rarely seen in the average Western animated show of the time. The main characters of the series are gargoyles , large winged humanoids their appearance is vaguely demonic, though saying so is insulting to them that are extremely almost literally nocturnal — they turn to stone , no matter what, when the sun rises. Once, there were many gargoyles, but interactions with humanity have led to their species becoming endangered.

Gargoyles titania

This article is about the Gargoyles character. For the Marvel character, see Titania. Titania is a minor character from the Disney animated television show, Gargoyles. She is the wife of Oberon and Queen of the Third race.

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During this time Titania was very arrogant and coldhearted towards "the lower beings. The whole episode has a Wile E. Given that King Arthur appears to have a prominent role in the Gargoyles Universe, and given also your love of Shakespeare, I'm especially curious to learn what role Vortigern has in the Gargoyles Universe. She is also more subtle and ingenious than Oberon, an expert at accomplishing her ends through indirect methods. Revelations Major Jay writes Coyote vibe, so having the pie-gun come from "Acme," made sense. Titania matured during the millennium-long banishment Oberon levied. Help Pages Admins Wiki Manager. Leader of the Pack 2.

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Greg responds This question is about the Shaman from the Gargoyles episode Walkabout. Awakening, Part Four 5. The character is called Sol Titanion, alongside an Atlas moth. It's more of a crapshoot than you'd probably guess. She is good and generous. Authority control databases : National Israel United States. Andrew S. Aside from those two restrictions her magic, like Oberon's, is bound only by the limits of her imagination. When Titania finally revealed herself, she explained that her orchestration was to remind Goliath of the difference he already made in the lives of those around him, in particular both Xanatos and Elisa. You're assuming Oberon knows the title of the book "Once and Future King"? In her "true form," she looks like a beautiful "elven-featured" woman with pale green skin and red hair.

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