gay cologne germany

Gay cologne germany

This proud, confident and fun-loving city has a thriving cultural scene, and is a major hub for media, business and tourism, attracting regular hordes of gay cologne germany to the many festivals and events this most liberal of German cities hosts every year. The city has a large and well-established gay scene with many barsclubs and saunasconcentrated in the city centre, gay cologne germany. It is also justly famous for its annual gay prideand Christopher Street Day CSD parade, which is one the biggest and most high-profile in all of Europe.

Great-value Cologne hotels. Explore Cologne's large, up-and-coming gay dance club scene. Check out the best gay saunas in Cologne. Reviews, maps, photos. Explore Cologne's gay bar scene. A roundup of the best gay saunas in town. Great-value Cologne hotels for gay travelers.

Gay cologne germany

While Berlin might seem like the undisputed king of gay Germany, Cologne is a very serious contender for the title. To be precise, Cologne is home to two gay scenes. It is frequented by older gays and has more of a leather vibe, with a good handful of low-key, friendly bars filled with long-running patrons thrown in. Babylon and Phoenix, two of the best saunas in town, are a short walk away. From its iconic Cathedral to the fairytale-like old town, Cologne is romantic and intoxicating, and you can spend your days here just walking around and taking in the atmosphere. Combine all this with friendly, open-minded people, a youthful student buzz, and an unparalleled calendar of cultural events including an impressive range of LGBT celebrations , and you have yourself one of the best cities in Europe for a gay getaway. Cologne has the distinct advantage of being home to not one, but two gayborhoods. This area is most popular with older gays and bears, although you will spot some young crowds here as well. As well as being particularly picturesque, Altstaft is near the Rhine, the cathedral, and several museums, meaning it is a great area to stay for sightseeing. The other gay Cologne neighborhood is a bit further west, concentrating around Rudolfplatz. Germany has generally progressive LGBT laws in place.

It can be a bit quiet in the early evening, picking up the pace as the night goes on. The gay cologne germany pool is good too. Both of these zones are also where the vast majority of the gay-friendly and gay-owned hotels are.

From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-friendly hotels, you have the option to stay in the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods in the places you visit. Please refer to our Help Center. Sign up Log in. Gay accommodations in Cologne. Cologne Gay Guide. Cologne Gay Pride. Gay travel news for Cologne.

As the regional capital of LGBTQ nightlife, there is plenty of gay nightlife with a variety of bars, clubs and all-night parties, but most of the action is centered around Schaafenstrasse, the so-called Bermuda Triangle. Barring a couple semi-regular parties, lesbians will have to do some sleuthing to find out where the ladies are. When the bar was taken over by two women and remodeled into a sleek lounge with creative cocktails, there was hope for a much needed migration of gay ladies to This alternative, even occasionally hipster-leaning bar on Schaafenstrasse showcases rotating DJs on a usually less-crowded dance floor, with a younger crowd and At the corner of the Bermuda Dreieck Bermuda Triangle is Excorner, a cozy locale serving all the standards and playing them as well, with the occasional With a paired-down but tidy. Home to nightlife greats like Ex-corner, Exile, Iron

Gay cologne germany

Cologne has enjoyed both the river Rhine and the majestic Cathedral of St. Peter and Mary as its main attractions. This city has a truly vibrant cultural scene, and is a major hub for media, business and tourism, attracting regular hordes of tourists to the many festivals and events it hosts every year. This is what makes Cologne a great gay destination, with even more to experience and discover far over its extensive gay scene. The city has a large and well-established gay scene in the city center. It is also famous for its annual pride and Christopher Street Day CSD parade, which is one the biggest and most high profile in all of Europe. Get ready for special tours in this amazing city! Start you incredible LGBT walking tour of Cologne from the Cathedral, which spires tower over Germany's oldest city and its innumerable cultural and historical treasures, world-famous museums and active art scene. Take a trip through years of history and visit cultural monuments from the Roman Empire to modern times. The city center, full of rubble, resembled a horrible battlefield - the picturesque part of the Old Town was destroyed nearly completely and had to be rebuilded in a precious work.

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The staff is part of the strategy, there was no solution, since we entered the place the looks of contempt towards us were impressive. Highly recommended! Also, the breakfast buffet was delicious, with a good variety of food. Halloween is the chance to transform yourself into who you want to be. This is one of the biggest gay carnival events in the world and certainly the biggest in Europe. It is more of a cafe-bar combo than a strict nightclub, but that makes it a great spot to escape the chaos of the city and enjoy some lovely desserts. One of the worst experiences, some third worlds airport look nicer and are more efficient. This is the largest fetish event in Germany. There is always time for a cocktail in our books. Well, count your lucky stars! It is the best sauna that has been visited, with excellent facilities including a bar and restaurant area. Traditional pubs and bars for mixed ages are located mainly in the Old Town. Iconic landmark of great architecture building that well maintained n fully operated by days. The night sauna is particularly popular. Butcherei Lindinger.

This proud, confident and fun-loving city has a thriving cultural scene, and is a major hub for media, business and tourism, attracting regular hordes of tourists to the many festivals and events this most liberal of German cities hosts every year.

Gay travel news for Cologne. This is one of the largest Pride celebrations in Europe, and second only to Berlin in Germany. Enjoy a midnight fling, a torrid affair or a whirlwind romance over and over each time you visit. I had to exit the airport and re-enter from Terminal 2 passing security a second time. Breweries and beer. What a little gem in old Cologne. The city hosts some of the most well-known party brands. Dance Clubs. This was a very good hotel. I would give it 0 stars but I can't. Thank you! Vulcanus GmbH. November is certainly the month for gay parties anniversaries!

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