gay ken doll

Gay ken doll

Mattel has been manufacturing its Barbie dolls since Shortly thereafter, it began producing dolls of Barbie's boyfriend, gay ken doll, Ken. Girls really liked Barbie, and the doll became a certifiable cultural force, but Ken dolls never sold as well.

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Earring Magic Ken in particular has been the stuff of urban legend for decades, thanks to his totally-not-a-cock-ring necklace. It was the year , and this new Ken tried to make things feel modern. He wore a lavender mesh shirt, a purple pleather vest, baggy jeans, and black loafers. He accessorized, too, with jewelry including a single earring on his left ear and a necklace with a circular pendant.

Gay ken doll

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. And we have a special love in our hearts for one particular Ken who made a surprise appearance in the movie: gay icon Earring Magic Ken! Getty Images. Earring Magic Ken — who was a real toy created by Mattel as a part of the Earring Magic Barbie line in — comes dressed in a lavender mesh shirt, purple pleather vest, an earring in his left ear, and what appears to be a cock ring necklace. Earring Magic Ken appears in the movie with another iconic gay Ken, Sugar Daddy Ken created in , his name supposedly refers to Sugar, the name of the toy dog that comes with it in a scene where we meet some discontinued Barbies and Kens. Download the Advocate Channel App for your mobile phone and your favorite streaming device! Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade. Email Newsletter Subscribe Subscriber Services. All Rights reserved. Sign up today for our free newsletter. Privacy Policy Terms of Use. Out Newsletter.

Savage joked in his piece that Mattel employees had gone to raves in L.

But her boyfriend is a bit bland, a true dork best known for wearing satin tuxedos. The doll was called Earring Magic Ken , which is the absolute best name for an accidentally gay doll. Earring Magic Ken rocks a mesh lavender shirt and matching pleather vest. His hair is perfectly quaffed and expertly highlighted with chunky streaks of blonde. True to his name, his ear is pierced on the left side, which was sometimes considered to be a covert way of indicating queerness.

At least, not for Barbie. The implication is clear: Come for Barbie, and stay for Barbie… but Ken happens to be there too. Since then, like Barbie, Ken has undergone countless transformations and fashions. But as time went on, Ken found himself an afterthought. An incredible amount of jobs for a person, sure. But for a doll?

Gay ken doll

About this rating. In May , a picture supposedly showing an "Allan" Doll, a buddy for the Mattel company's famous Ken Doll , was widely circulated on social media:. This social media user's caption of "Ken's Buddy" wasn't conjured out of thin air. If you look at the bottom of the box, you can see that Allan was marketed as "Ken's Buddy. This is a genuine product that was sold by Mattel. The vintage Ken doll website Somethingaboutaboy. His first TV commercial can be seen on Youtube.

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Why most GOP women are standing by their man. Skip to content Across the Yahoo Network. But her boyfriend is a bit bland, a true dork best known for wearing satin tuxedos. Connecticut Post. PAGE B1. Search form Search. If you knew what I know, you'd be terrified too. Meet Sean Gunn, the dreamy Olympic swimmer who just came out as gay 22h. Valencia: from sunniest city to Green Capital of Europe. Retrieved September 19, Despite the controversy, Donna Gibbs from Mattel told the Wall Street Journal in August that, "Everybody loves Barbie and we're pleased that [gay men] are finding something to enjoy in our products as well. These clothing choices led to gay commentator Dan Savage joking that Mattel toy designers had "spent a weekend in LA or New York dashing from rave to rave, taking notes and Polaroids. Film Movies Entertainment. Retrieved May 29, Most Popular.

The doll is notable for inspiring a toy craze among gay men including some claims that it was the highest selling Ken doll of all time and for the controversy that ensued upon its debut.

As Savage outlined back in the s, the chrome metal ring used as a sex toy was also worn as a fashion accessory among certain subsets of the queer community. Corey Fogelmanis leaves Disney kid days behind in this powerful new queer film. Toggle limited content width. Sign in. This rumor first appeared in a review of Dan Savage's new radio show, "Strange and Stranger," in which the reviewer says that Savage scared Mattel into shelving the toy [31] and was repeated in the book "Brand Failures: The Truth About the Biggest Branding Mistakes of All Time. Choose a password to create an account: Enter your password or sign in with a different email Forgot Password? And it is still giggle-worthy to this day: Mattel wanted Ken to be cool enough for Barbie, but instead accidentally made him gay. A major appeal of the doll for many gay men was that Mattel did not market it to them on purpose. Most Popular. Learn more. Contents move to sidebar hide. But now you see more earrings on men. But Mattel's choice for Ken's necklace would cause a row that the company would soon regret. Cite This!

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