gay slave trainer

Gay slave trainer

Log in. Chapter One-1 Words. My body was totally wracked in unbelievable pain, and I was unable to move even a fraction of an inch.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. L'Esclave 1 Slave in Training. Gayle Translator.

Gay slave trainer

Our advanced slave training techniques educate your conscious mind at the same time we are reprogramming your unconscious mind, planting the seeds of slavery deep inside you. And how do you find the right Master? What if there were a way for you to get real slave training right where you are, the exact same training that real Masters have already successfully used to train real slaves just like you? In the past, this was a bit of a chicken and egg problem. And then He can get right to training you on His preferences and desires without having to train you on everything you can already learn with Gay slave Academy. Which slave do you think He will be most interested in:a the mewling newbie slave who He has to train from scratch on every little thing? Definitely addicted to hearing the voice and soundscape and to obeying and listening more. Looking forward to going even deeper and learning more. But after a week of intense training, i know who i really am. The entire training process is really easy to grasp and works wonders! It was amazing and surprisingly relaxing all the way. I urge other slaves to enroll themselves in Gay slave Academy! You won't regret it! See more slave reviews here. This is where you start, slave.

Rather I was swept along by it gay slave trainer no qualms. If the topic interests you, and if you can handle cruel masochists in a TPE, this might be a good read. Better than I could do for sure.

If you need help or more information, contact us at [email protected]. We tried to charge your subscription, but the payment failed. If you want to continue your subscription, you may need to contact your bank, or you can change your payment information here:. Do you have any further concern? Write to [email protected] and we will help you out. Add this book to bookshelf.

In psychology, obedience training is better known as behavior modification and we will use a lot of the techniques used in psychology to modify and shape a submissive's behavior. This post is meant as an introduction and will cover the basics but not delve too deeply. You should read part one of Obedience Training first. Classical Conditioning. This technique involves pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus to produce a conditioned response. If you are familiar with psychology, you probably learned of Pavlov's experiments with dogs. Pair a bell neutral stimulus with food unconditioned stimulus. The dog salivates from the food. Pair these enough times and the bell alone will produce salvation without the food being present.

Gay slave trainer

It is recommended to play the downloaded version below. This is because of itch. Be warned that the game contains heavy themes of slavery and non-consensual sex. Please keep discussions and bug reports in discord. There are no support for playing as a submissive character. Key designs. This game is designed to be a short-story-teller machine: the core gameplay loop involves assigning groups of slavers to quests, reading what happens to them, and finally reaping the quests' rewards. This game is complete : all features, bugfixes, polish, balancing, and originally planned stories are finished.

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Diane Dannenfeldt. The loss of self, the willingness of Max to accept it is so foreign and terrifying. This book spends a great deal of time exploring the psychological aspects of slavery. Certainly this book deserves a four or five star rating, if for no other reason than the strong writing craft and meticulous editing. Do you understand me? Il y avait bien des trucs interessants niveau psychologie des personnages mais bon…. This books asks the reader to think about many fundamental questions. Completely at a loss as to why Max was even there, and completely desperate to stop him from drinking the Kool-Aid. I learned lately to speak English so it's very possible that I forget mistakes in my reviews and other writings as this one. So want to read that now. I really loved this book. Let me start off by saying the writing was good, and the story was well thought out.

Role-playing Until Role-living. Belief begets action, and repetitive action also begets belief. Sometimes reducing protocol is to allow her to serve better; for example, she will initially avoid eye contact to reinforce submission and later be encouraged to have eye contact for emotional bonding and to recognize and fulfill my unspoken desires.

My doubts are based on the fact that so many people need a big Daddy to be able to live their life that someone like them surely created Him in a very distant past. Our introductory slave training is the gateway that all Academy slaves must go through to access all of our slave trainings. Other issues Once trained to meet all his master's whims, Max will be sold. If the reader truly enjoys the mind and the role it plays in sex then a lot of the story will be arousing psychologically. Be sure to register with your best email address to receive GsA training emails at. As I say, it's got great appeal for other people, but just wasn't something I could relate to. I saw the way you looked at all those women in their tight spandex clothes. I don't believe in any religion. Second, I don't believe in God. You wonder who you could trust to hold on to the keys and control you. The feelings, emotions between him and James had me bound to the book finished about 3 something in the morning and I just wanted to know what happens next. A slave could also be a masochist or bottom , but this is not always the case.

3 thoughts on “Gay slave trainer

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