General thaddeus

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General Thaddeus E. As a boy, Thaddeus Ross immersed himself in the study of military history. He then attended the United States Military Academy, and did well when he graduated. His first duty station was stateside under the command of Captain Lee, an officer in the Army Air Corps. Ross had regarded Captain Lee well as a leader, and his respect was cemented when he fell in love with and eventually married Karen Lee , his daughter.

General thaddeus

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. Thaddeus E. However, the experiment led to an accident which then transformed the scientist Bruce Banner into the Hulk. After their long chase , Banner got re-captured, only for Ross' subordinate officer, Emil Blonsky , to use all their experiments to transform into the monstrous Abomination. In the face of these odds, Ross was forced to accept Hulk as an ally, allowing him to escape after the fight in New York City , while Ross had been left humiliated. Ross would leave the military and instead served as the United States Secretary of State. During this time, Ross had approved of the Sokovia Accords , which aimed to control the actions of enhanced individuals, primarily the Avengers. When Captain America publicly disowned the accords, before going on the run, along with the Winter Soldier , Ross instructed Iron Man to bring them into custody. Ross arrested many of the Avengers, although Captain America would later break them out following the arrest of Helmut Zemo.

As the Avengers were deployed worldwide, only one remained to defend the tower; general thaddeus Red Hulk. Large and in Charge : He's 6'2" and he was a former General in the Army. He began receiving a high salary of 12, zlotys year, ending his financial difficulties, general thaddeus.

Secretary of State Thaddeus E. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. Following a heart attack and retirement from the Army, he has become the United States Secretary of State. A-K Adaptation Personality Change : Comic Ross is much more prone to pyrotechnics, letting lose antiquated cusses at the drop of a hat. Film Ross is more outwardly calmer, but more personally repugnant in compensation.

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. Thaddeus E. However, the experiment led to an accident which then transformed the scientist Bruce Banner into the Hulk. After their long chase , Banner got re-captured, only for Ross' subordinate officer, Emil Blonsky , to use all their experiments to transform into the monstrous Abomination. In the face of these odds, Ross was forced to accept Hulk as an ally, allowing him to escape after the fight in New York City , while Ross had been left humiliated. Ross would leave the military and instead served as the United States Secretary of State. During this time, Ross had approved of the Sokovia Accords , which aimed to control the actions of enhanced individuals, primarily the Avengers.

General thaddeus

General Thaddeus E. A jingoistic war hawk , Ross is portrayed as the military head of the gamma bomb project that turned Banner into the Hulk. After the creation of the Hulk, Ross pursues the creature with a growing obsession, and, after learning that Banner and the Hulk are one and the same, Ross hunts Banner as well. His motivations vary between different iterations, from a petulant hatred of Banner himself, to a Captain Ahab -esque desire to defeat the Hulk in combat, and sometimes even more villainous motivations such as hoping to harness the Hulk's abilities and create similar bioweapons for use by the US government. In , Ross was transformed into the Red Hulk to better combat his nemesis, though this instead led him to become more sympathetic towards Banner and eventually become a superhero , serving time as a member of the Avengers and forming his own Thunderbolts team.

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Also in Civil War , he believes that super-powered beings are threats that should be keep an eye on to protect the world. A failed Rigellian colonization attempt left a great source of power dormant on Earth. Ross then explained that since the Battle of Sokovia in which the city of Novi Grad had been completely destroyed, and many people were killed, the United States would sign their Sokovia Accords in order to put the Avengers into line, explaining that many other countries were planning to do the same. After a fight with Fortean, Ross returned to the camp he had with Annie. By the time of his later appearance, he is a much more refined and slick political animal who can easily make the Avengers' lives more difficult. ISBN In fact, Banner had virtually no control over his transformations or over his actions as the Hulk. Shocked at losing her husband, Betty blamed his apparent death on Ross, thereby causing her father great anguish. The Marvel Encyclopedia. Seeing the effect that the footage was having on Maximoff, Steve Rogers had asked Ross to end the presentation. Marvel Heroes Agents of S. Old Soldier : Ross spent more than 40 years in the military and served in numerous conflicts, including the Vietnam War. Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 14 October Ross then ordered Blonsky and Sparr to collect the rest of their unit and return to the United States of America , as Ross looked out over Brazil, believing he had lost his last chance to capture Banner.


You're lucky you're not in one of these cells. Shooting Superman : He unloads a pistol on Hulk close-up despite seeing him shrugging off any of his army's attempts to hurt him. Ross was eventually recovered and revived by agents of the alien Troyjan , and returned to the Air Force. Nowak, essay, Once again, Banner became capable of maintaining his own personality, intelligence, and memory when he transformed into the Hulk. The Army continuity is also followed in various Hulk adaptations, such as in the and — cartoon versions of the Hulk, the Ang Lee movie Hulk in which he is portrayed by Sam Elliott , and in the movie The Incredible Hulk , in which he is portrayed by William Hurt. Seeing the effect that the footage was having on Maximoff, Steve Rogers had asked Ross to end the presentation. The Cameo : He briefly appears via hologram in Infinity War where he orders Rhodes to arrest the fugitive Avengers only to get cut off by Rhodey. Retrieved 14 October Lampshaded in a deleted scene of Black Widow , when Ross tells Natasha that it's difficult to know whose side she's on, and she notes that this is something they have in common. Retrieved 25 September

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