giganotosaurus vs t-rex

Giganotosaurus vs t-rex

Picture this: Two dinosaurs giganotosaurus vs t-rex massive teeth and hulking figures circle each other, threatening a smackdown. Each was the most successful predator of its time. In a ferocious duel of the dinosaurs— Tyrannosaurus rex vs.

The Giganotosaurus and Tyrannosaurus T. Rex lived millions of years apart and in different areas. The long-skulled Giganotosaurus, native to South America, lived during the Mesozoic Era 97 million years ago , while the massive, heavy-headed T. Rex, native to North America, lived during the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period 67 to Both these extinct giants were carnivorous and gigantic compared to other dinosaurs. The T.

Giganotosaurus vs t-rex


Maybe it could deliver a fatal bite quickly, he says, or perhaps its blade-like teeth could weaken the massive prey, giganotosaurus vs t-rex, so the carnivore could track it down to go for the kill at the right moment.


In the realm of prehistoric creatures, Giganotosaurus and T-Rex stand as titans, each with their own distinctive traits and fighting prowess. This article delves into the fifteen key differences between these iconic dinosaurs, focusing on the intricacies of their size and combat abilities. From their contrasting dimensions and weight distributions to their locomotion patterns and even their hunting strategies, we explore how these variations influenced their survival in the ancient world. The length and height comparison between Giganotosaurus and T-Rex reveals significant differences in size. Giganotosaurus measured between 44 to 46 feet in length, while T-rex measured between 36 to 40 feet. This disparity in length indicates that Giganotosaurus was generally larger than T-rex. The controversy surrounding the size of Giganotosaurus lies in the estimation of its weight.

Giganotosaurus vs t-rex

The Giganotosaurus and Tyrannosaurus T. Rex lived millions of years apart and in different areas. The long-skulled Giganotosaurus, native to South America, lived during the Mesozoic Era 97 million years ago , while the massive, heavy-headed T. Rex, native to North America, lived during the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period 67 to Both these extinct giants were carnivorous and gigantic compared to other dinosaurs. The T. Rex was one of the more aggressive and dangerous dinosaurs, and although the Giganotosaurus lived in a different time, it is said to have come closest to being as powerful. Both the Giganotosaurus and the T. Rex were huge theropods, i.

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Giganotosaurus teeth could ably slice through meat and might have been able to cause a lot of damage with a small nip. Picture this: Two dinosaurs with massive teeth and hulking figures circle each other, threatening a smackdown. The first Giganotosaurus fossils weren't even discovered until July It could travel up to 31 mph. A solid resin cast from a Giganotosaurus dinosaur tooth measuring nearly 8 inches long. To date, over thirty T. Two other debatable species exist, but a recent rebuttal indicates that Tyrannosaurus is monospecific, meaning it contains one species. The Giganotosaurus stood on two large and very powerful back legs. The back of the skull had a steep forward incline. Rex grew to be 40 feet long and 15 to 20 feet high at the shoulder. No complete skeletons have ever been discovered. Rex balance its massive head. Science Fiction.

In this Giganotosaurus VS T. FAQs at the end of the post will be available too.

Rex also stood on two muscular back-legs. The Giganotosaurus had a long skull which was larger than most adult humans, with a relatively small brain. Rex could run up to 15 mph. What might have put T. Two other debatable species exist, but a recent rebuttal indicates that Tyrannosaurus is monospecific, meaning it contains one species. The bigger dinosaur could leverage its skill at hunting massive sauropods to take down a smaller-than-usual foe. Giganotosaurus , on the other hand, had a more forceful nip at the front of its mouth, with a long and slender snout about three times as long as it was tall. Rex specimens exist, including a T. Rex's teeth were serrated, conical and continually being replaced. Middle Cenomanian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period million years ago. The Giganotosaurus grew to be between 40 to 46 feet long and 23 feet high at the shoulder. Comparison chart Differences — Similarities —. That might be how Giganotosaurus could get the first bite on T. It also lived in forests where herbivorous dinosaurs found their food. Extremely wide with front facing eyes giving it binocular vison.

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