gigi bryant autopsy pictures

Gigi bryant autopsy pictures

The news said Gigi Bryant and other people in the chopper died when it crashed. Graphics of the autopsy results have been posted on social media, which has left fans shocked and unable to understand how bad the tragedy is.

A top Los Angeles County coroner on Thursday testified in graphic detail about the state of Kobe Bryant's body following the helicopter crash that killed all nine passengers, including the basketball legend and his year-old daughter, Gianna Bryant. Testimony from Capt. Emily Tauscher, the head of investigations at the LA County coroner's office, took center stage on the second day of the trial between Vanessa Bryant and Los Angeles County. Bryant filed a lawsuit against the county and other defendants over allegations that LA sheriff's deputies and Los Angeles County Fire Department captains took and shared photos of the helicopter crash site in late January Tauscher painted a gruesome picture of the crash site, offering detailed insight into the grisly scene that would've been captured in the photos. She also discussed the photo practices of the coroner's office — describing a more ad-hoc approach to site photography in the sheriff's department's system that could've allowed photos to be taken and shared. On January 26, , a helicopter transporting Kobe Bryant, his year-old daughter , and the baseball coach John Altobelli and his family crashed near Malibu, California, as they were heading to a girls basketball game.

Gigi bryant autopsy pictures

Getty Kobe Bryant autopsy sketch photos are going viral, causing outrage. The death of his daughter Gianna was also listed as an accident by the medical examiner. Bryant, his daughter and seven others were killed in the crash. She provided horrific details. Whoever was the doctor doing it that would be traumatic. Jessica McBride is a news reporter covering breaking news, politics and crime for Heavy. She is a former reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Waukesha Freeman newspapers in Wisconsin and is a senior journalism instructor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. More about Jessica McBride. Unlock the latest News news — direct to your inbox. Subscribe to the newsletter. Get Breaking News.

The investigation found that Kobe died from severe injuries in the chopper crash. The detailed autopsy report shows that the crash caused serious injuries, such as severe burns and other traumatic wounds.


Gianna Bryant died on Sunday morning when the helicopter she was riding in crashed into a hillside in Calabasas, Calif. She was Her father died alongside her in the crash , which claimed the lives of seven other victims including the pilot, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. There were no survivors. As a young child, Gigi became a fixture at Lakers basketball games alongside her older sister, Natalia, 17, and her mother. The Bryants later had two additional daughters after Kobe retired from basketball: Bianka, 3, and Capri, 7 months. As Gigi grew into a young teenager, her love for basketball transcended watching her dad. She began playing competitive ball year-round, with her father helping to coach her team. I got this!

Gigi bryant autopsy pictures

The news said Gigi Bryant and other people in the chopper died when it crashed. Graphics of the autopsy results have been posted on social media, which has left fans shocked and unable to understand how bad the tragedy is. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner said that Kobe and the others who died in the crash in Calabasas, California, on January 26, , did so because they were severely hurt. The detailed autopsy report shows that the crash caused serious injuries, such as severe burns and other traumatic wounds. The autopsy drawings are essential to the court case because they explain the pictures going around online. Sharing such personal information without permission is socially wrong and against the law. The investigation found that Kobe died from severe injuries in the chopper crash.

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Welcome, Login to your account. Rebbica Martin is a professional blogger passionate about giving excellent insight and knowledge. Related stories. Sign up. Sign Up. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Chris Chester, whose wife, Sarah, and daughter Payton died in the crash, is also suing county workers on the same claims and will have a consolidated nine-day trial alongside Bryant's against the county. Age-restricted adult content. She offered insight into the grisly scene to give a sense of what photos of the site would show. Get Breaking News. Erin Snodgrass and Azmi Haroun. It symobilizes a website link url.

Gianna and Kobe Bryant 's autopsy reports are being released nearly 4-months after they perished in a helicopter crash. According to the documents, all of the passengers died of blunt trauma and the manner of death was accidental. This controversial statement was made in response to a lawsuit filed by Vanessa Bryant in February.

Whoever was the doctor doing it that would be traumatic. It indicates the ability to send an email. The detailed autopsy report shows that the crash caused serious injuries, such as severe burns and other traumatic wounds. This Post was deleted by the Post author. She is suing the county over claims of negligence, emotional distress, and invasion of privacy, as well as allegations on the federal level that relate to her constitutional right to the images of her deceased loved ones and LA County agency practices that may have led to the taking and dissemination of photos. Loading more stories. News Trending. Sharing such personal information without permission is socially wrong and against the law. Email address. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Remember me. She is a former reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Waukesha Freeman newspapers in Wisconsin and is a senior journalism instructor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Tauscher testified that human remains from the crash were scattered over yards, which created an impact zone larger than two football fields while a magnesium fire from the crash was aflame. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. It symobilizes a website link url.

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