Global yes24
Online mall operated by Yes 24 Corp.
Number subject 1 Is it available for nonmembers to book tickets? Booking ticket is only available for members, please sign up first. Please click "Join" above to start up. Booking limit number is 10 per person at one time. Each event may have different due dates and ticket available numbers, please check details carefully. Purchased ticket is not available to change the dates. Please cancel the ticket and re-book.
Global yes24
For purchasing ACE memebership code, you have to put in your Fanclub membership card number. Information that does not have the grounds for its retention is destroyed after the global yes24 of its use are fulfilled. Must match the name in passport, global yes24.
Online mall operated by Yes 24 Corp. Through the privacy policy, we inform you in what ways and for what purposes the personal information you provided is used as well as what measures are done to protect the personal information. This privacy policy may change depending on changes in the personal information protection laws or regulations, or changes in the company policy. Users should visit "YES24" frequently and check the privacy policy. Purposes of Collection and Use of Personal Information 2. Agreement on Collection of Personal Information 3. Protection of Non-members' Personal Information 5. Periods of Retention and Use of Personal Information 8. Procedures and Methods of Personal Information Destruction 9. Use of Cookies
Global yes24
Number subject 1 Is it available for nonmembers to book tickets? Booking ticket is only available for members, please sign up first. Please click "Join" above to start up. Booking limit number is 10 per person at one time. Each event may have different due dates and ticket available numbers, please check details carefully. Purchased ticket is not available to change the dates. Please cancel the ticket and re-book. But, only available before the purchase due and the cancellation fee may be charged.
But, only available to cancel before the cancellation deadline. Preventing improper or unauthorized use of the services by delinquent members and preventing duplicate registrations. How can I change the delivery information? Details on the purchase options are available on the YES24 purchase page. What can I do? Product could be discarded if the customer does not claim the product or is out of contact within 5 days of its arriving. Please check the policy for relevant show. There are [ 3 ] answers for your question [ payment ]. Agreement on Collection of Personal Information "YES24" has a process in which you can agree or disagree to the 'terms and conditions of services' and 'privacy policy' during membership registration, and you cannot register as a member unless you agree to both of them. The policy shall become effective on the day of notification.
Please present your physical valid ID Card Passport and record of booking confirmation for picking up the tickets at the Venue. But, each show can be operated by different policy. If you paid by Credit of Debit card, your refund will go to your card within 30 days. What kinds of payment methods are available for booking? If I cancel tickets after payment, how do I get refund? Number subject 1 I want to canel the purchased ticket. In the case that users do not agree to the provision or sharing of personal information, we do not provide or share the information to or with partners. Product could be discarded if the customer does not claim the product or is out of contact within 5 days of its arriving. YES24 won't be responsible for problems that occur due to the incorrect information entered. ACE membership code is for join as a paid member. Personal Information Protection for Children 1 For children who are 13 years old or younger to register for "YES24", they must obtain their legal guardian's agreement.
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