gods of destruction

Gods of destruction

The Gods of Destructionalso known as Destroyers, are among the most powerful beings in the world of Dragon Ball.

They are so powerful that a simple wave of their hand can destroy an entire planet. While that may sound terrible and dangerous, they actually have crucial roles and responsibilities in their respective universe. In this article, we delve into the intricacies surrounding the Gods of Destruction, shedding light on their identities, unparalleled power, and the weighty responsibilities they bear. This is everything that you need to know about the Gods of Destruction in Dragon Ball. Each universe within the Dragon Ball multiverse is assigned a God of Destruction, responsible for safeguarding the balance of the universe.

Gods of destruction

Of all the latest additions to the Dragon Ball franchise, very few have been as well received as the concept of the Gods of Destruction. The Battle of Gods film introduced Beerus, a character who was stated to be the most powerful being in the entire universe, far eclipsing the villains that the Z-Fighters had ever faced before, even galactic-level threats such as Majin Buu. Upon awakening from his slumber, Beerus set out to find the Super Saiyan God. In his search, Beerus came across the Z-Fighters and has since seen himself become friends with the mortals. Moreover, Dragon Ball Super introduced the multiverse and in doing so, showed all the other universes with their own Gods of Destruction. Despite initially seeming like an evil and malevolent role for someone to have in their universe, the series further expanded upon the true purpose of these Gods and what their responsibilities are within the larger idea of the multiverse. The role of multiversal deities in the series is to create and foster life that best promotes balance and sustainability in their universe, By doing this, they end up raising the 'mortal level' of their universe, which goes to show how important the roles of Gods of Destruction and Kais are, so much so that there used to be a total of 18 universes but 6 had been erased sometime in the past for seemingly not upholding their duties. Whenever a specific threshold for the mortal level is not met, that universe is liable to be erased by Grand Zeno. The main responsibility of Gods of Destruction is not to merely destroy everything they see. Instead, their job is to keep balance within the universe by eliminating threats that hinder its overall development.

They also work with and even protect the Supreme Kai if need be. Known for their chaotic natures, Destroyers aren't required gods of destruction have good reasons for wiping out civilizations; sometimes, these gods destroy planets based on whims. However, this isn't the only way to use this ability.

The God of Destruction is a god who destroys life in order to maintain balance in the universe as oppose to the God of Creation. The Gods of Destruction destroys planets by his own judgement to maintain balance within the universe. There are twelve designated Gods of Destruction for each universe. However, there were once 18 before Zenoh destroyed six of them because he was slightly agitated. To become a God of Destruction, one must be chosen by the current God of Destruction and the current God of Destruction must train the candidate to replace them. Beerus also suggested for Vegeta to become the God of Destruction of another universe after their sparring match.

Unlike the Angels and the Supreme Kais, with whom they work alongside, and who are all members of the same species, respectively, both being naturally divine, the Gods of Destruction vary widely in species, with none sharing the same species, except for Beerus and Champa , who are twins, and are mortal-turned-divine individuals from naturally mortal species. Originally, there was a God of Destruction for each of the then-existing eighteen universes until Zeno destroyed six of them, leaving only twelve at the time of their introduction in Dragon Ball Super. Once every millennium, the Kais and the Gods of Destruction go to each other's realms and hold a coordination meeting. Gods of Destruction, due to being significantly stronger than Kais by nature, are usually more capable of dealing with universal threats than the Kais themselves. However, they seem to have no obligation to heed the commands of Kais, and thus tend to be whimsical as to which threats to eliminate. Despite their almost absolute authority, even the Gods of Destruction have restrictions. They are for example not allowed travel through time or allow anyone else to though Whis can transport Beerus through time to the Time Nest where Chronoa resides if he wishes to speak with her or at her request as shown in the Xenoverse series.

Gods of destruction

As a God of Destruction, Beerus usually uses his power to destroy planets and its inhabitants, [1] but he is strong enough to destroy entire solar systems with ease as said by Whis when describing Beerus' might when angered. At a greatly suppressed level of power, Beerus completely dominates Super Saiyan 3 Goku in battle, rendering him unconscious with just a light chop to the neck and barely breathing. Even with a massive power boost , Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta's assault barely fazed Beerus, who swiftly defeated Vegeta with a simple forehead poke. This was implied to be through fusion, as when talking about working with Goku, Vegeta states he did it only once before, much to his dislike. Beerus later shows worry of this, not wanting Vegeta to know that he authorized Planet Vegeta's destruction, meaning he might not be a match for the Saiyan prince in a rage empowered Super Saiyan Blue form. Goku comments that Beerus is so powerful that a normal ki blast from him would be enough to wipe out both Goku and Vegeta in their base forms. Beerus is easily able to destroy planets, he once tapped his nail and half of the planet was completely obliterated. He also destroyed a planet completely by letting a tiny bit of energy drop from his finger onto its surface. It is stated by the Supreme Kais that Beerus has enough power to destroy the entire universe if he was provoked enough - and it is again later implied that at full power, Beerus would destroy the entire universe. It is also stated by King Kai that Beerus is at a level "far beyond strong".

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When the Tournament of Power was being arranged, it was decided that Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 were exempt from competing, since each of them was considered stronger than the other universes. Dragon Ball Super has prompted plenty of discussion about whether Goku or Vegeta could ever ascend to God of Destruction status and eventually replace Beerus as the Destroyer of Universe 7. Once every millennium, the Kais and the Gods of Destruction go to each other's realms and hold a coordination meeting. Current Wiki. Arak possibly wears multiple sets of these on his "whiskers", while it unknown whether or not Heles wears one. Beerus even commended Vegeta's strength by saying that he would make a good Destroyer candidate in any other universe. They are so powerful that a simple wave of their hand can destroy an entire planet. The Battle of Gods film introduced Beerus, a character who was stated to be the most powerful being in the entire universe, far eclipsing the villains that the Z-Fighters had ever faced before, even galactic-level threats such as Majin Buu. Before the start of the tournament, Iwan, Arak, Liquirr, and Giin were invited to engage in a short free-for-all match, but Giin decided to stand back and watch, knowing that they would be forced to fix up the area once it was over. But even with those powers, he couldn't defeat Dragon Ball 's Vegeta. Categories : Occupations Add category. Thus, it can be implied that a God of Destruction authority seems to go beyond just universal balancing, and they have recognized political influence. While Goku and Vegeta have the potential to become Gods of Destruction, it may not align with their characters, especially for Goku, who values life and doesn't want to harm others.

Dragon Ball Super brought something new to the table for the Dragon Ball franchise, introducing the concept of multiple universes. Also introduced were the Gods of Destruction - powerful deities that can destroy planets with just the snap of their fingers.

Plus, a Destroyer can also eventually forego their position as seen with Belmod wanting to retire and propping Toppo to replace him. While there are certainly more powerful deities within the extended Dragon Ball universe, the most powerful God of Destruction is unquestionably Beerus. The Angels assist the God of Destruction and train them in the martial arts to become stronger and various techniques for battle. Since being a God of Destruction hinges almost completely on one's strength and prowess, anyone can take the position, provided they are strong enough. Their strength can be roughly divided into three categories, the Aura of God, the Power of Destruction , and finally the Hakai. Despite each Destroyer holding the same authority and standard powers as another, their individual might and combat ability can vary. One thing worth noting, however, is the fact that although every God of Destruction has this ability, their personal combat skills vary greatly. They may pass up the opportunity if it ever arises. However, Beerus was simply honoring the agreement that Goku made with Frieza who was no threat to the God of Destruction himself , though Beerus likely trusted Goku and Vegeta to take care of Frieza and his empire, given that he was likely to seek revenge on them anyway. Goku and Vegeta of Universe 7 were also both offered candidate positions by Whis but refused the offer due to simply wanting to become stronger on their own. Also, unlike Angels , and like the Supreme Kais , they share the emotions that mortals possess and are prone to the same revolt and rage, as they were once mortal beings themselves, which may cause them to commit abuse of their power, injustice, evil, and tyranny. Since the Supreme Kais are tasked with creating new life, Gods of Destruction are tasked with getting rid of stagnation , a role which not only develops the universe but also furthers its life cycle by continual destruction and creation to retain balance. However, there were once 18 before Zenoh destroyed six of them because he was slightly agitated.

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