gravity movie mistakes

Gravity movie mistakes

This article is a list of all the inaccuracies in Gravity. While it's true that the film is very scientifically accurate; even gravity movie mistakes to the star patterns in space, some liberties were made to sustain the story, leading to some minor yet rather glaring inaccuracies, gravity movie mistakes. For more information, See the full article. Rather diana counter using the medium as a gimmick, 'Gravity' uses it to depict a real environment that is completely alien to most people.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Explorer is in a spin due to debris impacts. When Stone travels back to Explorer, it is seen almost stable. When arriving at Explorer, it is spinning fast again. When George Clooney mentions the same distance a few minutes later it becomes miles, which is km.

Gravity movie mistakes

Hi everyone, Gravity has been bothering me a lot since I watched it in theaters last year, in particular some of the factual issues regarding the Kessler syndrome we observed the characters going through. I don't understand how that's possible, because everyone knows that orbital period in LEO is once every 90 minutes, that means that the debris must have been stationary over earth as in, net velocity of ZERO and the orbiter was flying through it.. If the satellite was in a retrograde orbit, wouldn't they run into the debris once every 45 minutes?? Does anybody have an explanation for this or any other factual errors that we have not been made aware of yet regarding this film? PS: Please don't reply with the classic "it's a movie" response. If you are going to advertise a film as being realistic, people are allowed to scrutinize its authenticity of that claim till the day they day. Gravity deserves to be picked apart on a factual level because of this claim, no matter how much audiences enjoyed it. Is it even possible? The debris is on a different orbital path, so it goes in and out of the path of the orbiter, and due to exentricity, only hits it on one orbital path. The only "big" mistakes with the movie were that the Hubble, ISS and Tiangong were in similar orbits Care to elaborate? Do you mean that the inclination of the debris was different and only crossed the orbit at one location?

In what is largely thought of as the most glaring and unnecessary inaccuracy in the film, Matt Kowalski unclips his tether and floats away to his death to save Dr. How gravity movie mistakes the main character end up alone in a hopeless situation to complete her story arc?

Clooney's speed should be very close to Bullocks' and the ISS', hence. The parachute ropes should be able to withhold the forces of deceleration the mass of two people is very small, compared to Soyus or ISS , so no more pulling or having to sacrifice himself This is due to the fact that there's no drag in space to constantly change Clooney's velocity revert to Newton's First Law. Suggested correction: The parachute ropes are of course strong enough to hold the relatively low kinetic energy of the drifting astronauts, but that is not the reason why Clooney detaches. The rope is not attached firmly to Bullocks' leg. There are some loops loosely wrapped around her leg, and while both astronauts are still drifting away from the ISS seen in a shot a few seconds earlier , those loops slip away from the foot one by one. Before the last loop slips away from the foot, untethering and condemning both astronauts, Clooney detaches himself to lessen the kinetec energy that pulls on the rope by reducing the total mass of the "system of two astronauts", so that there is a better chance that the last loop will remain attached to Bullock.

Clooney's speed should be very close to Bullocks' and the ISS', hence. The parachute ropes should be able to withhold the forces of deceleration the mass of two people is very small, compared to Soyus or ISS , so no more pulling or having to sacrifice himself This is due to the fact that there's no drag in space to constantly change Clooney's velocity revert to Newton's First Law. Suggested correction: The parachute ropes are of course strong enough to hold the relatively low kinetic energy of the drifting astronauts, but that is not the reason why Clooney detaches. The rope is not attached firmly to Bullocks' leg. There are some loops loosely wrapped around her leg, and while both astronauts are still drifting away from the ISS seen in a shot a few seconds earlier , those loops slip away from the foot one by one. Before the last loop slips away from the foot, untethering and condemning both astronauts, Clooney detaches himself to lessen the kinetec energy that pulls on the rope by reducing the total mass of the "system of two astronauts", so that there is a better chance that the last loop will remain attached to Bullock. Once Clooney had stop moving all that would have been need was a slight pull from Bullock to pull him towards her.

Gravity movie mistakes

On 6th October , Tyson posted a remarkable series of Twitter tweets highlighting technical blunders in Gravity while also confessing that he thoroughly enjoyed the film. His tweets created an enormous response including television reports on Inside Edition, The Today Show and NBC Nightly News, along with many other news stories, blog posts and online discussions. Tyson himself was shocked at the fuss created around the handful of tweets he had sent over the course of an evening and was moved to write an open letter on 9 th October explaining his motivations and offering praise for the many accurate details of space and space travel depicted in Gravity; we shall return to this message later. In his original stream of Twitter posts, Tyson highlighted some faults with the film and also raised some interesting issues around extraterrestrial travel and the safety of human beings exploring outer space. He started by noting that Gravity is possibly an inaccurate title and suggested names which better reflect the forces that the characters experience during the film, either Zero Gravity or Angular Momentum. This crater resulted from firing a small aluminum sphere at 6. Tyson notes that, despite technical errors in details, one of the central aspects of Gravity highlights a very real danger for space travel — that of collision with the existent and ever-growing amount of space junk orbiting the Earth.

Also the Tiangong is the one they are preparing to build by , and the movie shooting began in , when the shuttle was still there. I'm just frustrated that this movie was half real and half lazy. The thing that bothered me the most was when they try to grab onto the Main station. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Larger, denser pieces will not be slowed as much as lighter or less aerodynamic objects. Stop being so primal, and start using your brain. He also mispronounces the well-known name "Soyuz" as mentioned elsewhere here. The danger wasn't the ropes snapping, the danger was that they would slip off her foot, and they would both be lost to space. I heard someone say recently that this scene was an offense against science. Sure, but you can understand why they had it come back several times, right? Lieutenant is the lowest grade of officer in the military. So, why the hell did he keep making her talk?!

And again there are, like, massive spoilers below. This list is by no means extensive though, so if you spot anything we missed then post it in the comments.

Stone's hair would be floating in outer space, although this can be explained by her having short and thick hair, which would prevent it from moving. With such significant differences in orbital parameters, it would be impossible to travel between them without precise preparation, planning, calculation, appropriate technology and a large amount of fuel. Too long a time, too little air. Factual error : In the scene when Sandra Bullock is about to turn off the oxygen, a couple of tears leave her eyes and float up. As soon as the cord withstood inertia resulting from George's body mass pulling on it, George would bounce back towards Sandra. Those bone crunching impacts would have been literally bone crunching. Question : During the scene in which Matt detaches himself from Ryan so that he does not pull her away with him, why didn't he bounce back towards her when the rope snapped taut? Stars do not twinkle when viewed from space. Uh, probably not. Does anybody have an explanation for this or any other factual errors that we have not been made aware of yet regarding this film? Mazon Del Posted April 8, Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. Inaccuracies [ ] Ryan Stone's tears first roll down her face in zero gravity, and later are seen floating off her face.

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