greek movies i gi tis elias

Greek movies i gi tis elias

Pantelis Tsompanis April 7th,

Greek movies and TV shows — page 5. View all. My Family and Other Animals 7. Silent Road 7. List of greek movies. Subscribe for New and Better Recommendations. The First Olympics: Athens

Greek movies i gi tis elias


Audience: kids, teens. Toggle navigation. Plot: teacher, coming of age, dedicated educator, boarding school life, boarding school, youth, teachers and students, hardcase students, school, friendship, mentor, education


Sign In. Edit I gi tis elias —. Series Directed by Giorgos Evangelou Chaido Stefanea episodes, Paschalis Tsarouhas Stathis Kapernaros episodes, Dionysis Papandreou Filippos Stefaneas episodes, Antigone Kouloukakos Ioulia Vrettakou episodes, Antzela Gerekou Athina Nomikou episodes, Tasos Iordanidis

Greek movies i gi tis elias

Three powerful families of Mani are involved in a cycle of blood, hatred, and revenge. In the rugged land of olives, a revenge trap sets to love. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

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Genre: Comedy. Story: BC, Sparta and Athens are in a endless war, but Lisistrata, a beautiful woman has an idea to stop the fight, and convinces all the women to do it: no sex until there is peace. Plot: teacher, coming of age, dedicated educator, boarding school life, boarding school, youth, teachers and students, hardcase students, school, friendship, mentor, education The impeccable acting performances and its unique cinematography fascinated audiences, and it was submitted by Greece to the 87th Academy Awards for consideration as Best Foreign Film. The Trip to Greece Country: USA, Japan. Duration: min. Below is a list that includes a road-trip comedy, a murder mystery, a romantic drama, and two films that throw light on 20th-century Greek history; these movies will help you understand a bit more about Greeks and Greece through the stories they present. Plot: dysfunctional family, child prostitution, incest rape, perversion, suicide, incest, child abuse, family problems, parents and children, domineering husband, teen suicide, childhood sexual abuse Plot: olympics, intrigue, track and field, swimming, greek, studying, competition, athlete, male nudity, athletic training, mama's boy, ambition Time: year , post world war two. Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance.


Plot: cheating wife, greek, card playing, soldier, reporter, sex, priest, satire, sex talk, gay, sex maniac, high society Place: ancient greece, greece. Genre: Drama. Time: 20th century. Silent Road Dark Odyssey For Anna, the Law is one thing and Justice is Place: new york. He is rescued, given the name Edipo Oedipus , and brought up by Death in Brunswick Duration: 98 min. Below is a list that includes a road-trip comedy, a murder mystery, a romantic drama, and two films that throw light on 20th-century Greek history; these movies will help you understand a bit more about Greeks and Greece through the stories they present.

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