havok summers

Havok summers

Alexander Summers is the younger son of Christopher and Katherine Summersand younger brother to Scott.

Havok genera potentes "explosiones de plasma", una habilidad que ha tenido dificultades para controlar. Uno de los hijos de Corsario , es el hermano menor del X-Men, Cyclops , y el hermano mayor de Vulcan. Pero la avioneta fue atacado por una nave Shi'Ar. Acto seguido, Christopher y sus esposa fueron abducidos por los Shi'Ar. Los hermanos Summers se recuperaron de sus heridas en un hospital y luego enviados a un orfanato. Trask y los Centinelas fueron derrotados por los X-Men. Tras graduarse de la escuela, Havok y Polaris comenzaron a colaborar con la Dra.

Havok summers

Alex Summers is the powerfully destructive mutant known as Havok , one of the first new members of the X-Men and a former leader of X-Factor. However, he has experienced some rough roads over the years that have resulted in his placement with the Hellions , Krakoa's new team of troubled mutants, while he attempts to regain control of his mind and abilities. As a mutant, Havok's physiology is already inherently different than most other heroes, and the nature of his powers has been a core part of his stories since he debuted in Arnold Drake and Don Heck's X-Men 54 in However, Havok's unique physiology has a few extraordinary components that set him apart even from the rest of mutantkind, both due to his own uncontrollable levels of power and thanks to the manipulation of other powerful characters. Now, we're taking a closer look at what about Alex Summers' unique anatomy that sets him apart from the rest of the X-Men. Like the other Summers brothers, Alex can absorb and re-channel energy with devastating effects; however, Havok's particular power set allows him to absorb and redirect cosmic energy as superheated waves of plasma. Havok's body acts like a solar battery and is constantly absorbing the cosmic radiation of the universe, which has resulted in his use of containment suits that help him monitor his energy input so he can regulate the energy stored within his body. This effect is only increased when Havok is removed from Earth's protective electromagnetic shield, as fans discovered when Havok led a team of X-Men deep into Shi'ar space in order to stop his mad younger brother Gabriel Summers. Vulcan was able to take over the Shi'ar Empire, and Havok was forced to remain in space as the new leader of the Starjammers, where he repeatedly displayed the upper limits of his body's ability to absorb energy from the heart of a star itself, allowing him to take on his usually more powerful brother. When he debuted alongside Havok, Ahmet Abdol was an Egyptian professor who believed that the ancient kings and pharaohs of Egypt were the world's first mutants, which brought him to the attention of the eternal Egyptian mutant known as Apocalypse. After the tragic loss of his family, Abdol became the Living Pharaoh and his similar cosmic-based absorption abilities were further enhanced by Apocalypse , who used Mister Sinister to graft samples of Alex Summers' DNA to the mutant that inextricably linked their abilities for years. This meant that anytime Alex lost his abilities or was cut off from the cosmic energy that reached the Earth, the excess cosmic energy Havok normally drained would funnel into Abdol, triggering his transformation into the dangerous Living Monolith.

Alex was infuriated by his brother's actions.

Alexander Summers , also known as Havok , is an alpha-level mutant with the ability to emanate plasma in the form of a blast or discharge, with a tell-tale concentric circle pattern. The family were flying back from a vacation in their vintage airplane when they crashed into a scout ship of the intergalactic Shi'ar Empire, setting the wooden plane ablaze. Their mother pushed the brothers out of the burning plane with the only available parachute, allowing them to escape capture by the aliens. The two boys were hospitalized for injuries they sustained during their landing. Alex left the hospital after two weeks and was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska that was secretly run by the master geneticist Mister Sinister. Alex was soon adopted by the Blanding family, who had lost their son Todd.

Jump to navigation. During a flight back from Anchorage, a Shi'ar Imperial freighter materialized above his family's plane. With only one parachute left, Kate Summers strapped Scott into it and tied Alex to him. She and Chris said their final good-byes to their children and pushed them out the plane door. They were teleported from the plane a moment before it exploded and transported to the Shi'ar craft, where they were kept as Earth specimens. The explosion set the Summers brothers' parachute on fire. During the fall, Scott first manifested his optic beam to lessen the impact of the fall and he shielded Alex from their landing with his body.

Havok summers

Separated as young children, Alex and Scott Summers later reunited as members of the early X-Men team. Over time, however, Havok found that he wasn't as intensely dedicated to the X-Men as his brother, leaving the group when the "All-New, All-Different" members joined. Although he tried to make a life for himself, it seemed that Havok could never truly escape Cyclops' shadow. While Havok successfully led X-Factor for a time, he did so immediately after Cyclops led the team. Apparently, nothing could detach Alex from his brother.

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The New Mutants. Havok and Cyclops were reunited with their real father Christopher Summers, however they discovered that he was transforming into the new brood Queen. When I couldn't absorb them, he could, becoming the Living Monolith. Havok is well-educated in the field of geophysical science , where he has earned a master's degree and completed some doctoral work, and he has been trained in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts by Wolverine. The two battled aboard the station, neither brother holding back. Seemingly, both men were killed as Polaris and the rest of X-Factor looked on in horror. Explore Wikis Community Central. They revealed to the team many of the secrets Essex had been keeping from them, such as his secret clone lab in Murderworld he'd used Mastermind to trick the team into procuring for him. Only a few days after approaching the others, Alex takes his new group to Los Angeles to try to see what's going on there. After arriving in New York , Spider-Man came to their aid and accidentally knocked The Living Pharaoh into a containment unit that was to be used to make Alex a living battery to amplify the Pharaoh's powers a million fold, and he was transformed into the Living Monolith again.

Havok Alexander Summers is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics , commonly in association with the X-Men.

Havok agreed to return to the X-Men in their time of need. He frequents the club which Angel owns, Heaven, and has an affair with the club's diva, a flatscan or human woman named Scarlett presumably that reality's version of the woman who appeared in the Meltdown miniseries. He was unfortunately caught in the act of almost killing a human member of an anti-mutant organization. Raised together as the cream of the new mutant aristocracy in Apocalypse's America, the brothers, under the rank of Prelate, work to oversee their foster father's interests. Alex and Lorna, along with the other captured Starjammers, were kept in a deep underwater prison below a planet's surface. His blasts are focussed through his extremities, if he is able to. During Avengers vs. Dark Web Marvel Comics. Before his wedding, Scott tested Alex's resolve by hiring a shapeshifter to morph into Annie, something that disturbed Alex very deeply. The bombardment of energies transformed Abdol into the Living Monolith , a gigantic mutant with vast cosmic power. Sinister placed psi-blocks on both Alex and Haley's minds, causing them to forget what had happened that night. The two agreed that it could also be good for them to spent time alone, to get in touch with themselves again after the long time in space. Havok is immune to his own powers and to those of his brother Scott. As they fought against him, they realized they were outmatched. While both of them had the latent mutant power to absorb and transform cosmic radiation, Abdol's ability to exercise the power was blocked in an unknown manner by Alex.

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