hawaii 5 o actors

Hawaii 5 o actors

When Steve McGarrett returns home to Oahu to find his father's killer, the Governor offers him the chance to run his own task force: Five Steve McGarrett : Book'em, Danno! Sign In Sign In.

An elite police task force in Hawaii headed by a decorated naval officer probes high-level crimes. The series is a reboot of the classic Jack Lord crime drama of the s. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies.

Hawaii 5 o actors

Hawaii Five-0 is an action-drama series following a compelling central cast of characters fighting crime that hits the shores of the titular state. The show proves an action-packed affair, filled with shootouts and high drama but grounded by the bonds between the characters, particularly the friendship between Hawaii Five-0 leads Steve and Danny. The series is a reboot of the classic series Hawaii Five-O , which aired on CBS from to , and it features many of the same characters, as well as the same beloved TV theme song. The series is one of three classic police shows recently rebooted by Peter M. Hawaii Five-0 is the first and most successful entry in this universe, running for 10 seasons while seeing a shifting cast of talented actors filling out the roles among the task force. John, a vampire private investigator, on the short-lived CBS show Moonlight. He also played Tom Baker on 24 , Dr. Shin on New Amsterdam , and Dr. Han on The Good Doctor. She also played Lt.

Skeet 1 Episode. Urs Inauen. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide.

Hawaii Five-0 is an American action police procedural television series that centers around a special police major crimes task force operating at the behest of the governor of Hawaii. It is a reboot of the — series Hawaii Five-O the original series had the letter "O" instead of the number "0" in its title , which also aired on CBS. Beginning with season four, the program was moved to Fridays. Peter M. Lenkov , one of the show's developers, created two additional police shows that were reboots of previous TV series: MacGyver and Magnum P. All three take place in the same fictional universe , and Hawaii Five-0 had crossover episodes with both of the others. The three shows have been collectively referred to as the " Lenkov-verse ".

Steve McGarrett Episodes. Danny "Danno" Williams Episodes. Lou Grover Episodes. Kono Kalakaua Episodes. Chin Ho Kelly Episodes. Max Bergman Episodes. Jerry Ortega Episodes. Kamekona Tupuola Episodes , Kamekona 4 Episodes. Duke Lukela 85 Episodes , Sgt. Duke Lukela 5 Episodes.

Hawaii 5 o actors

Hawaii Five-0 is an action-drama series following a compelling central cast of characters fighting crime that hits the shores of the titular state. The show proves an action-packed affair, filled with shootouts and high drama but grounded by the bonds between the characters, particularly the friendship between Hawaii Five-0 leads Steve and Danny. The series is a reboot of the classic series Hawaii Five-O , which aired on CBS from to , and it features many of the same characters, as well as the same beloved TV theme song.

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Kojima 1 Episode. Olivia Victor 1 Episode. Bobby Roth. Tania Raymonde — 1 Episode. Gatekeeper 1 Episode. Teleplay 1 Episode , Writer 8 Episodes. January 3, [27]. May 2, Kekipi 1 Episode. Camila Banus Tori Onuma 1 Episode. A remake pilot, called Hawaii Five-0 the last character is a zero instead of the letter "O", which is the true title of the original series as well , aired September 20, , on CBS. Zulu Kono. Clyde 1 Episode.

When Steve McGarrett returns home to Oahu to find his father's killer, the Governor offers him the chance to run his own task force: Five Steve McGarrett : Book'em, Danno! Sign In Sign In.

Chosen Jacobs Will Grover 6 Episodes. Gary Gegan. John Dove. Lenkov-verse Hawaii Five Elena Sachs 1 Episode. Brad Powers 1 Episode. Paul Oliwa 1 Episode. Boy 1 Episode. Shirmer 1 Episode. Leonard Freeman.

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