he shook his head regretfully

He shook his head regretfully

Directly to word page Vague search google. Regretfully in a sentence up 0 down 0. Similar words: regretfulfretfullyfretfulregretregrettableregrettablytactfullywistfully. Random good picture Not show.

The examples include shook at the start of sentence, shook at the end of sentence and shook in the middle of sentence. Use of shook in Sentences. She would have hated him to see how her hands shook. He shook his head slowly. She shook her hair loose. She shook him to wake him up.

He shook his head regretfully

Search Translation Games Programs. English - Turkish. English - English. Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring regret If someone expresses regret about something, they say that they are sorry about it. I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question Five years later she regrets having given up her home regret be sorry; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard" regret be sorry; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard" decline formally or politely; "I regret I can't come to the party" feel sad about the loss or absence of regret politeness You can say that you regret something as a polite way of saying that you are sorry about it. You use expressions such as I regret to say or I regret to inform you to show that you are sorry about something. Synonyms repining , rueful , sorrowful , apologetic , ashamed , attritional , compunctious , contrite , disappointed , mournful , penitent , remorseful , repentant. Antonyms content , happy , not guilty , satisfied. Resimler Google Resimler. Bing Resimler. About Us. Contact us.

His hand as it shook hers was warm and firm. English - English.

He stood at the side of the bed, gloriously naked and painfully aroused, to stare at her for a heartbeat before turning away and heading toward the en suite. Bronwyn watched the door close gently behind him and an instant later, heard the shower going on. She turned her face into the pillow with an anguished sob and wondered at the amount of self-control it must have taken for him to get up and leave her. She was tempted to join him in the shower, but she knew that he believed he had done the right thing. She could not undermine the sacrifice he had just made by stepping into that shower with him. A Ruthless Proposition.

Like this video? Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day! Literally, to rotate one's head back and forth to the left and to the right to indicate a negative response, disagreement, or disapproval. When I asked the little girl if she knew where her mommy was, she just shook her head. I see you back there shaking your head no. Is there something you disagree with? To express confusion or bewilderment about something that has just happened or been revealed. This usage does not always indicate a literal movement of the head. When he abruptly exited the meeting without explanation, we all just sat there shaking our heads.

He shook his head regretfully

The bartender had shaken the cocktail to perfection. That past participle is also, as usual, used in passive constructions, more often than not in the figurative sense of causing someone to feel upset or agitated, but also occasionally in the literal sense:. The bus was a special education bus that had just finished its noon run, Superintendent Jeff Beal previously said in a message. Both the driver and a monitor on the bus were shaken , but uninjured, he said.

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Married By Morning The Hathaways 4. She was tempted to join him in the shower, but she knew that he believed he had done the right thing. After several weeks of back-and-forth, Menashe emailed Harmel to say that, regretfully , the deal was off. Indeed I piled up on my home bookshelf many more volumes than appear here and which I have regretfully had to omit. Blood Fury Black Dagger Legacy 3. Regretfully traditional inspection often shifts the focus of responsibility for the quality of performance away from the person carrying out the work. An uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth. He shook her violently by the shoulders. His hand as it shook hers was warm and firm. Wired Buchanan-Renard He shook me so hard that my teeth rattled. Blood Vow Black Dagger Legacy 2. More similar words: regretful , fretfully , fretful , regret , regrettable , regrettably , tactfully , wistfully , boastfully , doubtfully , thoughtfully , respectfully , distrustfully , forgetful , regress , egregious , segregate , regression , segregated , regressive , desegregate , segregation , regressive tax , at full speed , fully , awfully , carefully , joyfully , ruefully , balefully.


Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring regret If someone expresses regret about something, they say that they are sorry about it. Turning his trousers upside down, she shook out a lot of coins. Bronwyn watched the door close gently behind him and an instant later, heard the shower going on. Regretfully in a sentence up 0 down 0. A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down. She could not undermine the sacrifice he had just made by stepping into that shower with him. He shook me so hard that my teeth rattled. She shook her hair loose. Taking It All Surrender Trilogy 3. Use of shook in Sentences. She turned her face into the pillow with an anguished sob and wondered at the amount of self-control it must have taken for him to get up and leave her.

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