hearthstone best wild decks

Hearthstone best wild decks

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Known mostly for playing Big Priest, you can find MOM most seasons slinging degenerate decks on high legend ladder. DocDelight grew up in Western Canada playing Pokemon, developing a preference for turn-based strategy games that led to his introduction to Hearthstone in Since then, DocDelight has accumulated numerous leaderboard finishes across Wild, Standard, and Classic modes in the Americas region, as well as multiple Wild leaderboard finishes in the Europe and Asia regions. He can often be spotted on ladder piloting full golden decks belonging to Reno or Big archetypes, including his signature Big Shaman. MartianBuu grew up playing paper card games as his favorite pastime, traveling around with his friends to compete in tournaments.

Hearthstone best wild decks

Home » Wild Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Wild Decks. Mine Rogue Legend Score: Reno Priest Legend Score: Reno Quest Mage Legend Score: Reno Druid 4 Legend Score: Renathal Pirate Rogue Legend Score: Reno Druid Legend Score: Miracle Priest Legend — bebop4th.

After a long period of stagnation, a new Demon Hunter archetype has finally emerged in Hearthstone best wild decks For players looking for direction in this new metagame, Questline Druid is a solid straightforward option that is seeing a decent amount of success.


Energy Shaper was turned from a mediocre card into a powerhouse. While it might not be very popular at lower ranks, the deck is insanely popular in high Legend. The goal is basically to have a bunch of spells in your hand generate as much as you can from minions, spells, The Sunwell etc. That will turn your cheap, weak spells into something way more powerful. For example, your Coins are now 3 mana spells, but they still cost 0.

Hearthstone best wild decks

Home » Wild Decks » Paladin. Submit your Deck. Category: Paladin.

Mhw the eye of the storm

The second reason is because of the dilution of spells players can copy with Rewind and Volume Up. Reno Shaman 52 Legend — sinf3rn0 Score: Although, to be honest, you could dump Twig, Sphere, and a couple of Instrument Techs into 26 other cards and have something at least playable It doesn't seem as though Festival of Legends brought any inclusions for Aggro Priest, but the play rate of the archetype is also fairly low. The rest of the set appears to have little synergy with the deck's gameplan, meaning nothing new has made the cut. The Hero card, Kurtrus, Demon-Render, is universally good in all matchups, greatly increasing your max damage potential. And ever since Voyage to the Sunken City, Even Warlock makes great use of the now-infamous Seadevil Stringer—Gigafin combo, which temporarily removes the opponent's board at the cost of 8 health. Both archetypes may potentially find new Festival of Legends cards to add to their regular rotation, but that experimentation is still underway. Mine Rogue Legend Score: Questline Warlock 45 Legend — ipdb. Duels Darius Crowley — Fire Away! Halveria Darkraven gives Outcast Demon Hunter some snowball potential, letting unchecked boards spiral out of control with growing Attack power.

Home » Wild Decks » Hunter. Submit your Deck.

This was often unreliable before, due to orders of Battlecries in the Shudderwock pool being random. Even so, Festival of Legends offered few new options to the archetype. Tier 1 : Well-optimized decks with extremely efficient and overwhelmingly powerful combos and card synergies that makes losing against these decks feel helpless and unfair. Duels Darius Crowley — Fire! If you use Graveyard and Necruim Blade to trigger Scourge Illusionist, you draw Deathrattle minions that cost 4 less mana, four times. New Festival of Legends legendary card E. Renathal Pirate Rogue Legend Score: Festival of Legends has been underwhelming for Secret Mage so far, but new synergies are being discovered all the time. This effectively allows the Druid player to ignore what the opponent is doing in most situations, giving the archetype a bit of a solitaire feel. With Druid on the radar, the metagame could improve for Aggro Priest again very soon. We don't recommend taking this archetype to ladder, but those insistent on playing it should rely on the featured list from Corbett. Cookie Settings. Aggressive archetypes like Even Shaman and Aggro Priest can still cause problems for Tony Druid, but the deck can race these more often than it seems due to the increased consistency of newer lists. Bronze Gatekeeper, recently buffed as part of the new Core Set, is also an interesting tech choice to counter decks like Kingsbane Rogue, as its combination of Magnetic and Taunt can prove troublesome to get through.

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