hemiptera en casa

Hemiptera en casa

Phytoparasitica 49 4 : Bader, Ahmad Katbeh and Asem H. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume 12, Number 2, June

The Cercopidae family constitute the largest group of xylem sap-sucking insects. Several species are important pests of sugar cane and grasses. In America there are species and 65 subspecies in 60 genera. In Mexico, the total number of species is unknown and there is no inventory of specimens in the collections or taxonomic keys. In the present research, we study entomological collections to trace the distribution of genera and species and constructed taxonomic keys for their identification, based on external morphology and male genitalia. The Cercopidae of the country included 3 recognized tribes, Neaenini Fennah, , Ischnorhinini Schmidt, and Tomaspidini Schmidt, , in addition to the recently proposed Microsarganini Hamilton,

Hemiptera en casa

Recibido: 07 agosto Aceptado: 11 octubre Pselliopus karlenae Hussey is a new record for Mexico. Diagnostic taxonomic characters of pronotum, posterior border of abdominal segment VII, male genital capsule pygophore and parameres are illustrated. An identification key based mainly on the male genitalia is included. Como resultado de este estudio se describen comonuevas 5 especies y una P. Rasgos comunes para las especies nuevas. Membrana hemelitral. Segmentos conexivales del abdomen amarillos y con el tercio anterior negro borde anterior amarillo. Pselliopus cosmopolites n. Holotipo macho. Clavus y corium pardo claro. Segmentos dorsales negros y con el margen posterior del VII amarillo. Amarilla y con una franja longitudinal negra que corre de la zona postocular al cuello. Borde posterior del segmento VII suavemente convexo Fig. Placas genitales amarillas con bandas oblicuas de color negro en el tercio apical.

Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil 27 4 :

Arias, B. Barreto, N; E. Granja; R. Pacheco y D. Borges, M.

Cerci, for example, are entirely absent in all living paraneopterans some taxonomists classify this group as the superorder Acercaria, meaning without cerci. Perhaps the most significant hallmark of the paraneopteran lineage is a progressive development of haustellate mouthparts, variously adapted for scraping food from a substrate or gathering it by suction in liquid or semi-liquid form. Mouthparts of this type are distinctive because one or more of their structural components is elongated to form a rod or a stylet. In their most specialized form, as in the order Hemiptera, haustellate mouthparts form a tubular rostrum also called a beak or a proboscis with feeding stylets that can pierce the tissue of a plant or animal host and suck out the liquid contents. Enlargement of cibarial muscles along the anterior surface of the pharynx usually accompanies the development of haustellate mouthparts. Contraction of these muscles creates the bellows-like suction that draws food up through the proboscis see illustration on the apterygota page.

Hemiptera en casa

Most of the diversification of the Hemiptera started in the late Paleozoic Upper Permian , and the major lineages diverged early in the Mesozoic Triassic. Regrettably, some key fossils come from beds of uncertain age. Well-preserved, complete fossils are scarce—for example Karabasia evansi family Karabasiidae, Upper Jurassic? For the most part only isolated structures have been reported, and many of them have not been assigned with certainty to groupings below the family. Certain very-well-preserved specimens are known from amber, such as Metrocephala anderseni family Hydrometridae and Succineogerris larssoni family Gerridae from Baltic amber Eocene , and Brachymetroides atra family Gerridae and Halovelia electrodominica family Veliidae from Dominican amber Oligocene-Miocene.

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Cercopidae belong to 3 previously recognized tribes, Neaenini, Ischnorhinini, and Tomaspidini Paladini et al. In ventral view, prothorax and mesothorax usually black or dark brown, but metathorax generally reddish. Schmidt, E. Hemiptera mexicana enumeravit speciesque no- vas descripsit. Homoptera, Cercopidae. Osvaldo Cruz, 34 , Castro V. Material type. Experientia, Basel, 27 , Clavus y corium pardo claro. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. Cimicidae: Hemiptera. Comunidad Providencia, km 7. In: Highman, K. Head crossed by yellow and black longitudinal lines that extend to pronotum or scutellum Fig.

The Hemiptera True Bugs is the largest and by far the most successful of the Hemimetabolic insects having young that look like wingless adults and a sort of metamorphosis that does not involve a pupa.

Further studies on Neotropical Cercopidae Homoptera. Text mining and visualization using VOSviewer. This genus has 3 species distributed from Guatemala and southeastern Mexico. Another infestation of a school building by Oeciacus vicarius Horvath. A study of parasites in domestic pests in households of patients with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. Le Cesne, M. Abadia G. Recovery of Tonate Virus "Bijou Bridge" strain a member of the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelits virus complex, from clif swallow nest bugs Oeciacus vicarius and nestling birds in North America. Length 8. Monte Verde Res. Castro V. Zootaxa , , 41— Cimicidae: Hemiptera. The phylogeny of the Homoptera.

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