henry pym marvel

Henry pym marvel

Henry "Hank" PymPh.

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. For a time, he worked for S. However, during a mission to stop a Soviet Union missile, Ant-Man witnessed the Wasp sacrificing herself to save millions of lives, as she had become trapped within the Quantum Realm , with seemingly no way to save her. Pym then changed directions and had founded Pym Technologies while also retiring as the Ant-Man, vowing never to use his invention again, turning his back on S. Despite some troubles to get Lang to master their technology, Pym's plan eventually succeeded, and Cross was defeated. However, during the final fight , Lang had found himself transported inside the Quantum Realm and successfully escaped, giving Pym a new hope that he could save his wife.

Henry pym marvel

Henry Christopher "Hank" Pym grew up with an ordinary family in Nebraska. His family was poor, which led to his father complaining why he couldn't invent something useful instead. The only one who drove Hank to follow his imagination was his grandma. He was an ordinary, but brilliant, young biochemist until his wife, Maria Trovaya, was murdered on a trip to Hungary. Devastated by the loss of his wife, Hank suffered his first mental breakdown. After recovering, he decided to focus his scientific work on things that could help him battle inhumanity and injustice. This new focus eventually lead him to discover a rare group of particles that could be used to alter someone's size. Thus Pym Particles were discovered. Hank Pym has been a polarizing figure within the Comic Book Industry. His most infamous, and oft-referenced, moment is the time he struck his wife, Janet Van Dyne.

Having no quick way to move around, Hank would usually launch himself henry pym marvel crime scenes using a catapult he had rigged in the wall of his laboratory. Ant-Man tried to shrink to subatomic size, but his own suit had sustained heavy damage.

He returned several issues later as the original iteration of Ant-Man , a superhero with the power to shrink to the size of an ant. He later assumed other superhero identities, including the size-changing Giant-Man and Goliath ; the insect-themed Yellowjacket ; and briefly, the Wasp. He is a founding member of the Avengers superhero team, and the creator of the robotic villain Ultron. He is also the ex-husband of Janet van Dyne and the father of Nadia van Dyne , his daughter by his first wife, Maria Pym. Since his beginnings in the Silver Age of Comic Books , Pym has been featured in various Marvel-endorsed products including animated films , video games , television series , and feature films. In a interview, Lee said: "I did one comic book called 'The Man in the Ant Hill' about a guy who shrunk down and there were ants or bees chasing him. That sold so well that I thought making him into a superhero might be fun.

Let's delve into some classic Marvel lore to learn more about Hank Pym's dark past. But to say he has a checkered history with the team would be to hilariously understate things. Hank has been a problem for the Avengers on more than one occasion. In fact, this What If? Up to now, the two Ant-Man movies have just painted Hank as a rebellious and cantankerous scientist. They have conveniently side-stepped the insecurities and schizophrenia that have made Dr. Henry Pym as played by Michael Douglas would be incredibly enticing. Seeing him playing a mentally unstable superhero would be right in his acting wheelhouse.

Henry pym marvel

Henry "Hank" Pym , Ph. D , [21] is an American Entomologist , biochemist, roboticist, engineer and physicist and "Scientific Adventurer". He discovered the Pym Particles , subatomic particles which can increase or decrease the size and mass of objects or living beings. A prodigy from birth, he spent his time creating fantastical and fun inventions encourage by his grandmother. But on her death, he became more serious and decided to stop with his wild ideas. He attended university where his own professors discouraged Pym's use of his own imagination and inventing things for fun by being told that he would never invent anything that would impact the world.

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When the Avengers arrived to Titan, Ultron released enormous quantities of spores into the Earth which contained Ultron's consciousness and infected any all living creatures. Pym later joined the other founding members of the Avengers in a trip to the Microverse after an Avengers emergency signal was triggered there. Throughout his career as Ant-Man, he was only seen in costume in miniature size. Janet van Dyne went to explain herself, but the Quantum Satellite reactivated and a blue wave of energy was released. Retrieved 28 April Henry Pym was knocked unconscious, and Maria was murdered. Back in his mansion, Pym spoke to Scott Lang about what he remembered from his experiences within the Quantum Realm and how he escaped, pushing him for any new details although Lang assured him that he had no recollection of what happened to him, which Pym explained must mean that the human mind cannot cope with such an experience which was why Lang had failed to remember. Over the next few years, Pym rarely, if ever, returned to Pym Technologies and instead lived as a recluse inside of the Pym Residence , still continuing his older experiments to try to understand the Quantum Realm in the hope of finding some way to rescue Janet van Dyne. Originally, Hank Pym thought that his size changing serum was too dangerous and destroyed it. He made his way into the radicals' headquarters by controlling a flying ant. What size image should we insert? Actually, they worked for Egghead, who, having successfully framed Pym, now asked him to join their criminal organization.

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion.

However, before Ant-Man could attempt to reason with Starr, he was then shot at by more of the guards, as he shrunk down to avoid the gunshots, only for them to hit the tunnel, causing it to overload. Yellowjacket tries to move in on Songbird. Utilizing the newly discovered particles, Pym developed a suit that could shrink a human being into the size of an ant, while it maintained the true strength and resilience of the wearer. At the conclusion of the Civil War, Pym is named "Man of the Year" by Time magazine for his role in freeing several captive anti-registration heroes. Iron Man, Ant-Man and Wasp fought the green behemoth for a long time until Thor realized that their mission was false and that his half-brother Loki was the cause of all the mischief. Avengers A. In the pages of "Old Man Logan" that takes place on Earth, it was shown that during the fight in Connecticut that Giant-Man had become enraged when the Wasp was killed by Hobgoblin. Hank walks into Ultron's throne room demanding to talk to his "son" where he than starts a conversation that leads to Hank starting to show some doubt before vision who was hiding phased inside of Hank's enlarged body jumps into Ultron and merges with him. Hank's trial was interrupted by the arrival of Egghead's Masters Of Evil. Confronted with the near death of Janet, Hank reverted to his Goliath identity to save her. Archived from the original on 10 February Ant-Man and the Wasp had then watched, as the facility had burned to the ground, knowing that Starr would have been killed by the massive blast of Quantum Energy.

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