hilarious harry potter memes

Hilarious harry potter memes

What a super sophisticated child I was, reading this story about a magical British boarding school. Soon, though… well, we all know what happened next. Cards being banned after kids were attacked in the streets for their holo Charizards? JK Rowling has never really been one to embrace the global celebrity lifestyle, hilarious harry potter memes, preferring to champion certain causes and unleash great torrents of snark where necessary on Twitter.

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions.

Hilarious harry potter memes

On occasion, you are bound to run into something that was supposed to be funny, but it ends up making you see things differently. Memes can have that effect, too, as these are made based on franchises that can have multiple interpretations. The Harry Potter series deviated quite significantly when it came to interpreting the books to the movies. This caused a whole set of changes, and there were even some glaring clashes between the two mediums. To highlight that people have created memes granting us the opportunity to interpret the differences is only grazing the surface. Clearly, J. Rowling never had any intention for people to delve so deep into the series. After all, it only enlivens the fandom more, seeing that the series has been done and dusted since the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2. With that in mind, here are a host of Harry Potter memes that change the way we see the series, whether it be through highlighting quirks and inconsistencies or simply drawing attention to some odd truths throughout the wizarding world. Updated September 16, by Kim Dailey: We couldn't help but notice some of these memes had grown a bit stale, so we're back with a fresh round of wizarding puns to soothe your magical souls in these dark times between wizarding world releases. The two had been really close for the first three years of their friendship, bonding almost instantly upon meeting aboard the Hogwarts Express their first year. Those who have read previous Harry Potter articles will know this gripe is a most favored one. It would save a whole lot of trouble. What is the point of using Owls?

Still, though, at face value, this is not convincing. The Harry Potter series deviated quite significantly when it came to interpreting the books to the movies.

The realm of Harry Potter is a truly magical one, with nuanced characters, complex emotions, and the joys and pains of growing up in an enchanted but flawed world. However, it's not all serious Sirius? The characters tend to do some illogical and downright hilarious things, and fans are quick to make highly amusing memes out of them, especially on Reddit. From Dumbledore's partiality to Gryffindor, to Harry's not-so-secret weapon of Expelliarmus, the only way to truly express how ridiculous some of these events in the Potter verse were is to turn them into everyone's favorite means of online communication: memes. Gryffindor House had its best and worst traits , but to Dumbledore, it was the only house that deserved to win. After a dry spell and no House Cup, Gryffindor started winning every year, even if it was losing, after Harry took admission — mainly because the Headmaster was very generous with last minute points to get them in the lead.

The author, J. Rowling, did release other stories within the Potter universe, including Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, expanding on the tales of the other interesting characters fans loved through the years. Apart from the books and movies, there is merchandise such as toys, collectibles, as well as live events. Of course, fans are more concerned about the still-expanding lore surrounding their beloved characters. Harry Potter has indeed, brought together not only the magic-loving community, but also the Muggles on the other side.

Hilarious harry potter memes

Is anyone else still waiting for their Hogwarts letter? We keep telling ourselves that it's been lost in the mail, but it's been almost twenty years now, and we're starting to lose faith. Well, if we can't get into Hogwarts, we might as well laugh about it. Luckily for us, there are plenty of Harry Potter memes that make us feel like we're casting 'riddikulous' all over ourselves. Good thing we're not a boggart, or we'd be banished! From Harry Potter mixed with the best Mean Girls quotes to Albus throwing some serious 'Yo Mama' jokes at Voldemort, this listicle expelliarmus-es any negativity we might have had before reading through these and gives us room to lumos our way into a brighter day. You really can't go wrong with Harry Potter memes, can you? We don't need some magic laughing beans for these magical memes , they do all that magic on their own! Why don't you have a nose, Voldemort?

18 inch doll

Now, Geralt is bloody good at his job, and most soldiers in The Witcher 3, regardless of their allegiance, are more or less bumbling buffoons, making any encounters between the two quick, bloody, and largely one-sided. This scene was just fantastic to watch, too. I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. On top of that, to not use the talisman to prevent unnecessary death seemed illogical, but he did just that. Throughout the series, there are countless examples of wizardkind seeming to pity Muggles. Those are sacred objects. This was the night that Uncle Vernon was trying to schmooze a potential client who was coming to the house for a meal, which he was afraid of Harry ruining. Blue Peter craft projects, away! Nor is he early. Take this, one of the most relatable quotes in the entire series. Rowling herself even approved this switch — on one condition. Control yourself, guy. Fittingly, this is one specific scenario where using communication methods such as telephone or e-mail may not have been the most proficient, not to mention compromising on Sirius' behalf. Felton himself has even commented on the cringe-inducing embrace.

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

So we can see why Harry decided to narrow it down. Warn me next time, for God's sake. There was an amazing, loving side to this guy that we never really got to see. TIME Logo. He made the Slytherins believe they had won the house cup—which they deservedly had—only to create a whole show and award Harry and his friends points for the lamest reasons ever. Via: me. The most serious, emotional moments will become snarky jokes stop with the Weasley twin memes, it will always be too soon , all in the name of cheap laughs. Opinions about movie Lockhart versus book Lockhart will differ, but either way, he was some nice comic relief for the most part. If one meme sums up Harry's character , it's this. He was besotted with Lily Potter, and talking to Harry about his close relationship would have driven the young lad over the edge, more than any intimidation tactics that the Potions master had used previously. This accomplished actor and director has done all manner of high profile work. Are there any safeguards for potential rogue animagi? The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play.

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