hobbyking europe

Hobbyking europe

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Remember Me Forgot Password? Vendors HobbyKing Discussion What happened to hobbyking?????????? Page 2 of 7 Prev. Nov 12, , PM. Originally Posted by PilotsSummer. In the UK we have good reason to give HK a miss these days. HK are closing their UK warehouse.

Hobbyking europe

Remember Me Forgot Password? Vendors HobbyKing Careful! Hobbyking Europe: bad management of warehouse. Jul 24, , AM. Thread OP. Dear all, I write this post to alert all of you that European Warehouse of Hobbyking is a completely disaster. Nowadays is really worthy to buy in Banggood or dealextreme before Hobbyking. My last order, placed on July 7th is still pending. In these three weeks I have open two chats online to know why. Its answer is that one item was in backorder When I made the order ALL items were in warehouse.

Ten day later the parcel is still pending In the UK we have good reason to give HK a miss these days. Hobbyking europe sourced building materials beyond Adams foam board.


I've used them for a number of years for batteries, general modelling supplies and a few models with very few problems and delivery to Spain generally within a week. Now, I am left with a choice between using the global warehouse with all the associated shipping delays, increased costs and problems which can arise, or finding and using another supplier for my modelling needs. I understand it's hard times for our hobby and many retail outlets have gone to the wall and I guess HK is no different to the rest. Still, it's somewhat sad to see one of the major players of recent times, who offered us some great gear at reasonable prices, reduce their operation so drastically that they now have no representation in either the UK or mainland Europe. It was inevitable once they had obviously decided that it was just "too difficult" for them to fulfil the requirements to provide products to the UK market.

Hobbyking europe

Remember Me Forgot Password? Vendors HobbyKing Careful! Hobbyking Europe: bad management of warehouse. Jul 24, , AM.

813 area code

Banggood has slashed the amount of stuff they will ship to us and many companies in mainland Europe are refusing to ship due to the extra paperwork involved. I made an order in mid January but the carrier refused to carry Lipos so claimed to have returned the order mid-journey to Hobbyking but gave an unrecognised return tracking code. Sorry but there is no way i would of waited that long before i asked why my order was pending still,the longest i've ever had to wait is two to three days and then i was on live chat,but i sort of guessed what the hold was,yes because there was a hell of a lot of orders going through when i ordered,so no surprise there but i will add HK CS soon pushed my order through some how. My ticket in customer services has been cancelled by Rob due to my post here but nobody has move a finger. Bunch of thieves expect the customer to pay when they loose the goods! Up to you, guys. Relaxincherry Registered User. Hobbyking Live - what happens? Remember Me Forgot Password? Dec 06, PM. It is now 5 April.

Plastic Unibody design and ABS cowling construction, the plane is extremely durable compare other airplane in the market. Great big FPV plattform. For beginners, "gliders" or FPV fantasts!

Quote: Originally Posted by Oxigeno One more day: no parcel, no explanation Corsair Well-known member. The Hobby King warehouse in europe is based in Holland Netherlands , I think and their delivery is excellent. It is an online store and they ship to a lot of places. And above is the proof of their crookery! Click to expand Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Dont worry! Rob will write an email to the manager of the warehouse PsyBorg Wake up! Simply inadmissible. How do you feel after three days without more news? You are using an out of date browser. Still waiting a inmediatly solution. Meanwhile I know the scripts of the chat-bot by heart.

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