hoffman auto group

Hoffman auto group

Members of the Hoffman family, which has deep roots in West Hartford and the surrounding community, reflect on the milestone anniversary, and their commitment to support of the arts and other nonprofits. Seated: Bradley Hoffman left and his son Zachary, hoffman auto group. Courtesy photo.

Kelser helps Hoffman Auto Group streamline customer experience and workflow just in time for a remote world. Look at license plates on the road in Connecticut. From Audi to Toyota, it seems like every other car you see will have a Hoffman frame on their plate. With 10 dealerships representing nine brands in four locations across Connecticut, everyone in the Nutmeg State knows Hoffman. Hoffman entrusted all of their IT needs to Kelser. Starting with the technologies the Hoffman team relies on every day — phone systems, customer support, desktop and mobile devices — Kelser streamlined the way Hoffman does business, reducing the average time to process a sale from four hours to 45 minutes.

Hoffman auto group

Welcome to the Hoffman Auto Group. We continuously work with our benefits partner to ensure we offer our employees and their families the best options in health, wellbeing, and development. Let us know by emailing the Payroll Team: payrollgroup hoffmanauto. Hoffman Auto gotosmbo. This information, including any summaries or videos, is for the our employees. These documents and videos contain only a partial description of the benefits, limitations, exclusions and other provisions of these plans mentioned. It is not a policy. It is a general overview only. It does not provide all the details of this coverage, including benefits, exclusions and policy limitations. In the event there are discrepancies between these documents and videos, the terms and conditions of the policy will govern. Look below to see our current benefit offerings. Benefit Contacts Benefits Call Center www. Prescriptions - EmpiRX Health www. Health Plans.

Let us know by emailing the Payroll Team: payrollgroup hoffmanauto.


Due to our new system upgrade, we are requesting all existing users to update their password. Create a new password. Forgot your password? Chances are, if you haven't purchased a car from the Hoffman Auto Group, then it's very likely that you know someone who has. Hoffman has been in business for 92 years, founded in when Israel Hoffman acquired a Ford franchise in New Hartford. Hoffman employs nearly people across its locations and has two of the largest body shops in the state — and the only aluminum certified body shop in Connecticut. In addition to its sales, service, parts, and body-shop departments, the company also consists of an IT department, a business development center, and marketing, public relations, and social media departments. The company is experiencing a very strong time in its history, said Michael Schoenster, Hoffman's corporate controller for more than 10 years.

Hoffman auto group


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It is not a policy. When Israel Hoffman died in at age 60, Burt became chairman of the company. Joshua lives in West Hartford, just a block away from the house his grandmother grew up in, and Matthew currently lives in West Hartford, too. Photo creditL Ronni Newton. Welcome to the Hoffman Auto Group. Jonathan is an attorney. Disability Plans. Courtesy photo. For Co-Chairmen Jeffrey S. Zachary thinks it may take two years for the supply chain issues to resolve. Todd went on to pursue other interests, but Jeffrey and Bradley continue to grow Hoffman Enterprises. Hoffman entrusted all of their IT needs to Kelser. You may also like.


Today, four of their children are among the fourth generation to lead the company. Look at license plates on the road in Connecticut. The Hoffman Motor Company soon had a waiting list of more than customers wanting to purchase Model Ts. Health Savings Account. Prescriptions - EmpiRX Health www. Like what you see here? Jonathan said giving to the organizations that represent them, and have a visible impact, is part of their relationship with the community. Vision Plan. The support from the Hoffman family has been so important, she said, from the very beginning and she understands that they choose their philanthropies carefully. He and Matthew also have three sisters, all of whom are involved in the arts in some way. All three sons of Burt and his wife Phyllis came on board the company — Jeffrey in , Todd in , and Bradley in Follow Us:. Zachary thinks it may take two years for the supply chain issues to resolve. Seated: Bradley Hoffman left and his son Zachary. It is a general overview only.

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