homemade pinata costume

Homemade pinata costume

Because 1. I need my money for ramen and 2. I've seen enough of the same "themed tube dress" to know it wasn't worth my ramen money for 1 yard of fabric homemade pinata costume everyone else was wearing.

This homemade costume for kids entered our Halloween Costume Contest , and won 2nd place in the Favorite Halloween Costume nomination! I made this for my 2 year old out of felt and pajamas. It's pretty straight forward just cut the felt pieces in strips and hot glue them on to the PJ's. The hat is made out of thick cardboards and more felt. The ears are just cones made out of thick paper. I got the idea from online but there are not too many photos or instructions.

Homemade pinata costume


October 6, I'm attempting this for my 3 yr old.


Pinatas are a popular party decoration and activity. But have you ever thought of dressing up as a pinata for Halloween or a costume party? Measure and cut the cardboard box to fit your body size. Cut off the bottom and top flaps and then cut two armholes on either side of the box. Be sure to leave enough space so that you can move around comfortably. Cut streamers of crepe paper to the length of your choice. Using double-sided tape or glue, attach them to the box, covering the entire surface. Mix and match colors to create a festive pinata effect. Start from the bottom of the box and work your way up. To create the fringe of the pinata costume, cut crepe paper into long strips of about inches wide.

Homemade pinata costume

Because 1. I need my money for ramen and 2. I've seen enough of the same "themed tube dress" to know it wasn't worth my ramen money for 1 yard of fabric that everyone else was wearing. In the end I decided to make a pinata costumer! Keep reading to learn how to make your own quick and easy pinata costume. Generally, the costume is a skirt and a shirt covered with strips of streamers attached by tape. Rather than tape every single layer of streamers, I made strips with several layers of streamers attached, then taped those "pinata strips" clothes. I made the mistake of laying the skirt out flat and putting on the tape that way. This caused me grief, because unlike the surface of my table, I am not flat.

If u seek amy meaning

In the end I decided to make a pinata costumer! I love this! Yes, I'm 32 years old, but I work at a high school and I love to see the kids' faces light up for some fun! I just made the pants and top The warm felt works perfect for us cause it gets very cold this time of year, I also have sewn it all by hand. Wrap, tape, twist, curse, repeat until they look good. I'm in love with the results, but they were certainly hard won. Unfortunately though, I stopped there because my 2 year old son did not like wearing it because the pants i used were a tad bit small. I'm going to attempt this for my grandson. Then I put a regular ball cap on my son and put the costume hat on over-top. I love the idea! October 6, I'm attempting this for my 3 yr old.. I need my money for ramen and 2.


I also did two pieces and made the pants using crepe paper instead of felt because we live in Florida and I thought the felt would be too hot. Buy your felt by the yard if you can. I'll try that and let you know. Thanks for the inspiration! I bought a pair of footed fleece pajamas from Goodwill. I'm going to attempt this for my grandson. I bought old scrubs at our local goodwill and so far so great!!! It worked out perfectly, and they are really light weight. What a great, unique costume :. One of our producers saw this pinata Halloween costume and loved it! October 31, I am one proud mama I love this! How wide did you cute the strips? My daughter is 2 and we will be inside at a shopping mall. You are essentially walking paper mache.

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