hot emo dudes

Hot emo dudes

They wear their heart on their sleeve, their parents don't get them, and their very existence is pain.

Davey Havok from AFI. Getty Images. Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Then: Red highlights Now: Hair gel. Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco. Then: Bangs Now: Coif.

Hot emo dudes


Sasuke Uchiha, from Narutois a ninja driven by his desire for vengeance and the burden of his family's legacy.


If you've spent any amount of time online in the last couple of years, then it's likely you've come across the term "e-boy" before, usually accompanied by photos or videos of young men with a distinctive shared aesthetic. Meanwhile, Billie Eilish is probably the most famous e-girl out there right now. But even if you're not a typical member of these young creators' target audience, it's possible that something about their style speaks to you, or seems a little familiar. And that's for good reason: You're probably remembering how you used to dress as a teenager. We'll explain everything there is to know about e-boys.

Hot emo dudes

Davey Havok from AFI. Getty Images. Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Then: Red highlights Now: Hair gel. Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco.


Zero Kiryu. Vincent's innovative use of his transformational abilities in combat exhibits his creative prowess. Then: Striped scarf Now: Fringed scarf. His introspective journey towards self-acceptance captures the heart of the emo subculture. Kenny Vasoli from The Starting Line. Claudio Sanchez from Coheed and Cambria. Most divisive: Robin. His quiet and menacing presence belies his creative mastery of the Force, used to uphold his tyrannical reign. His creative use of his powers and skills reflect his multifaceted character. Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy. Zuko's art of firebending also symbolizes his emotional struggle and eventual transformation.


Sam Monroe, from Life as a House , is a rebellious teenager dealing with his parents' divorce and his father's terminal illness. Kylo Ren, from the Star Wars sequel trilogy, is a character torn between the light and dark sides of the Force. His creative spirit is evident in his attempts to bring Christmas to his home, albeit in a macabre fashion. Then: Long hair Now: Yellow nail polish. Darth Vader, another iconic character from the Star Wars universe, represents an extreme example of emo characteristics. Then: Eyeliner Now: Goatees. At The Disco. Then: Hair on both sides of his hair Now: Hair on one side of his head. His cunning and resourcefulness, however, often serve to outwit his enemies, displaying a mind that's as sharp as it is tortured. Then: Striped scarf Now: Fringed scarf. Then: T-shirt and hot Now: Bolo tie and hot. Eventually, it developed into the aggressively angsty pop-punk and alternative rock bands of the early '00s, like Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, Fallout Boy, and Panic!

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