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Can the spell be reversed? I hope not. I was already half my former height, but I loved when he stole my size to make his muscles bigger. Mark flexed his massive biceps and I felt hot gay pic tumblr tighten and drop down another few inches.

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The bigger your biceps get, the smaller your mind becomes. So, when you were given the opportunity, you gladly agreed to give up small pieces of your intelligence in order to make your muscles grow. You had intelligence to spare, you figured. All you wanted was just a little bit of muscle, you had told yourself. But having muscle, getting bigger and bigger every day… Watching the muscle grow and expand right in front of your eyes… You had no idea that it would feel so good. And the more of your intelligence that you gave up, the less you cared about studying and learning and passing your classes in school… It just seemed so much easier to let it all go and just keep getting bigger…. His body swelled with muscle as he pulled the red muscle-speedo up his legs, his chest thickening with strength and dark hair grew across his formerly scrawny body. He looked concerned for a moment. But if you take it with a friend, the physical changes kick in. Corey, on top, has already grown a tail. Fur is sprouting down his back, and his once-hairless legs are getting shaggy and dark. He can already feel his grip on Corey failing as his hands become paws. When they kiss, the changes will be complete.

A shrinking helpless man, stumbling towards him. I was already half my former height, but I loved when he stole my size to make his muscles bigger. Make you huge.


By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Otterj is a provocative American photographer whose work documents his day-to-day antics. As his name suggests, Otterj draws his greatest inspiration from the slender, hairy, bearded, and often tattooed gay male subculture known as otters -- but not exclusively. The men in his photographs are unabashed exhibitionists looking for a place to fit into a gay culture that has increasingly turned its back on a sexually aware world where leather and cruising are forms of liberation. Otterj has worked extensively with the queer party producer Honcho, whose underground queer sex-positive aesthetic fits well with Otterj's vision. In addition to photographing several of its parties, he has hosted several blowouts on his home turf in Denver. Additionally, his work has been featured in Butt magazine as well as a number of galleries coast-to-coast. Otterj can be found on the web at Otterj. Follow him on Instagram , Tumblr , and Facebook.

Hot gay pic tumblr

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Overnight, there was one less place where queer men, and queer people, can be kinky, explorative, and curious. Tumblr was more than the best porn on the internet -- it was a place where many of us discovered ourselves, discovered our interests, and found others. The unsettling phrase "sex panic" rings truer and truer. The reality of the ban is something a bit more alarming, something everyone both inside and outside the sex worker community should be concerned about: It is sweeping censorship on a site used by queer people everywhere and is part of a censorship trend that is disproportionately erasing queer people. Don't lose hope -- there are other digital sanctuaries. Browse the list, and list any I might have missed in the comments.

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How did I turn my literature professor into a caveman? Feel the sweat invade your nose, make you dizzy, make you horny and dumb. So helpless! I looked down and saw that my feet had become hooves. Feel this chest. Moments before he was a twink like me. And the more of your intelligence that you gave up, the less you cared about studying and learning and passing your classes in school… It just seemed so much easier to let it all go and just keep getting bigger…. His clothing evaporated as I spoke, dissolving until he wore just a skimpy bathing suit. Muscles getting huge. Can the spell be reversed? Dark pit hair grew in under his arms, and his chest barrelled out with muscle. Please, no more! Gay porn free often includes real world self pleasure.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. We've curated a few of our favorite portraits from the exhibit below, but you'll have to visit Spotlight on Stephane Gizard at www. All photos by Stephane Gizard stephanegizard.

To show off. Dark pit hair grew in under his arms, and his chest barrelled out with muscle. There is actually argument over whether gay porn free is actually a kind of infidelity. He struggled for a moment, but then the serum took over his mind and he got a glazed, vacant, horny expression on his face. My friend Toby and I were both learning hypnosis together, and one night we got drunk and made a bet about which one of us could hypnotize the other into thinking he was a porn star. Gay porn free network is right now the premier dealer of flicks, pictures, pics. He yanked down my pants, exposing me. The top quality of a gay porn free experience typically based on the attendees capabilities to stimulate a dazzling, visceral vision in the minds of their companions. Something weird happened the last time my roommate and I smoked pot. Look at you, slipping down, getting tiny. Though text-based gay porn free has actually been actually in strategy for decades, the increased level of popularity of web cams has actually raised the quantity of on the internet partners using two-way console links in order to expose themselves in order to each other online-- offering the act of gay porn free a far more visual component. This is all gonna be yours soon. You must be just under four feet now, and getting smaller. This time, he looked grateful. He laughed.

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