How many horcruxes did voldemort make

If you think about Tom Riddle he-who-must-not-be-named asked Slughorn how he can split his body into 7 parts. So we know there is the goblet,diadem,locket,nagini,diary,ring and also the accident horcrux Harry Potter but he asked for seven and harry was not even born yet. Quirinus How many horcruxes did voldemort make was not needed because he-who-must-not-be-named did not need him until his down fall.

For the definition of a Horcrux, see Horcrux. The entire Harry Potter series revolves around the defeat of the Dark Lord , which cannot be complete until all the Horcruxes are destroyed. This article lists the Horcruxes and details about them as best they are known. The entire Horcrux plot starts some forty years before Harry is born, when Tom Riddle asks Professor Slughorn about Horcruxes, whether if having one's soul in two places would allow return from death, would not multiple Horcruxes provide additional security? Would, perhaps, seven be a better number, as seven has so many mystical properties? Professor Slughorn is revolted at the idea, but Riddle does come away with the idea that it is not impossible. Professor Dumbledore , then Transfiguration professor, may have suspected that Riddle was studying Horcruxes; it is likely that he had already removed the books about Horcruxes from the library, as Riddle apparently claimed he could not find them.

How many horcruxes did voldemort make

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. A Horcrux was an object in which a Dark wizard or witch had hidden a detached fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. The Horcrux was considered to be by far the most terrible of all Dark Magic. Horcruxes could only be created after committing murder, the supremest act of evil, as a means to tear the soul. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involved a spell and a horrific act of some sort was performed soon after the murder had been committed. Given that Horcruxes were utterly precious to those who made them, there were usually protective measures made to prevent them from being stolen or destroyed, such as counter-charms and curses. Horcruxes were also extremely durable, and therefore only the most powerful and potent elements and magical spells of the wizarding world could truly destroy them, such as Basilisk venom and Fiendfyre. The only other known creator of a Horcrux was Lord Voldemort , who was very likely the only person to have successfully created more than one Horcrux. Horcruxes were originally conceived of as being a singular act. As such, it was unknown for many centuries what the attempted creation of multiple Horcruxes would result in, as nobody thought it to be ever possible to accomplish such an act. However, Voldemort planned to create six Horcruxes in the hope that splitting his soul into seven pieces would make him stronger than just creating one, due to his belief in the power of the number seven. The nature and concepts of Horcruxes were so terrible that they were kept secret from most of the wizarding world , and very few people were ever made aware of their existence. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry banned any study of the subject of Horcruxes; Albus Dumbledore was especially adamant and fiercely strict in enforcing this rule. Secrets of the Darkest Art was the only known book that gave clear instructions on making a Horcrux. Very few books, even those revolving around the Dark Arts , would mention Horcruxes even in the slightest detail: Magick Moste Evile , a book that contained much information of the most advanced Dark Arts, barely skimmed over the subject of Horcruxes, stating them to be a subject so evil that it should not ever be spoken of, showing that even many Dark wizards and witches were terribly horrified by them.

However, his arrogance had also inadvertently let him leave behind subtle hints of their whereabouts, leading to their destruction. Although Voldemort had six true Horcruxes not including Harry in total, no more than five existed at one time because T. The latter casts the Fiendfyre curse, which causes uncontrollable flames to destroy the room and the objects hidden inside — including the diadem.

The Harry Potter franchise finally revealed in Half Blood Prince that Voldemort was able to keep coming back because of his seven Horcruxes, but Harry and several others were able to destroy them all. One of the bigger Harry Potter mysteries in the movies and books was how Voldemort seemed to remain, in a sense, alive after the killing curse rebounded off of Harry, eventually leading to Voldemort's full rebirth in Goblet of Fire. Horcruxes, or dark magical objects in which a wizard can hide a piece of their soul, were introduced in the sixth installment, sending Harry on a quest to find and destroy them all. The Half-Blood Prince movie cut several crucial memories from the books that would've given audiences greater insight into why Voldemort coveted these very specific objects, who they were taken from, and how they were made. Horcruxes are known in the Wizarding World to be supremely evil objects, so much so, that even most Dark Arts books won't divulge how to create them.

Horcruxes are objects in which a dark witch or wizard hides part of their soul. To hide a portion of the soul, the witch or wizard must rip the soul in two. The only way to do this is to commit the ultimate evil act — murder. Lord Voldemort Tom Riddle , the darkest wizard of all time, is known to have created seven Horcruxes. Over the course of the Harry Potter novels, these Horcruxes were destroyed and Voldemort became mortal once again. After the portion of soul possessed Ginny Weasley, it was destroyed by Harry in the Chamber of Secrets using the fang of a Basilisk. Dumbledore recovered the Horcrux from the House of Gaunt and destroyed it using the Sword of Gryffindor. The curse in the ring poisoned the Hogwarts headmaster, ultimately leading to his death. This Horcrux was created when Tom Riddle killed a Muggle.

How many horcruxes did voldemort make

Horcruxes are some of the most evil magic items created. They were originally invented by Herpo the Foul in ancient times. Tom Marvolo Riddle split his soul seven ways and created and hid a number of them in an effort to make himself immortal. This timeline traces the people and events connected to the creation of all of those Horcruxes and the circumstances which led to their discovery and destruction:. Herpo the Foul creates the first Horcrux Herpo the Foul, who is perhaps the original evil wizard in history, is the first to create a Horcrux successfully. He created only one horcrux; Voldemort was the first to split his soul multiple times.

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This act, said to be the most supreme act of evil, resulted in the metaphysical sundering of their own soul. He recalled this in Deathly Hallows and began looking in the Room of Requirement before being confronted by Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle though the characters would be different in the movie. They were also unable to summon their Patronuses while wearing the locket since the soul fragment inside was darkening their thoughts. After Voldemort's curse rebounded on him, a piece of his mangled soul split off and latched onto Harry. Horcruxes, or dark magical objects in which a wizard can hide a piece of their soul, were introduced in the sixth installment, sending Harry on a quest to find and destroy them all. As a fragment of the maker's soul, a Horcrux seemed to retain the identity of its creator at the time of its creation. Since the trio had lost the Sword of Gryffindor to Griphook at that point in Deathly Hallows , they had to wait to destroy the cup until Ron and Hermione could get down to the Chamber of Secrets during the Battle of Hogwarts to use the fangs from the basilisk skeleton. This article lists the Horcruxes and details about them as best they are known. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He went out of his way to protect his last Horcrux, Nagini , and was totally horrified and angered beyond words when she was killed by Neville Longbottom with the Sword of Gryffindor, thus finally stripping him of his immortality.

Seija is a Los Angeles-based features editor. What does it mean to be immortal?

While he did not fit the definition of a Horcrux, as he was not created intentionally using the Horcrux-making spell for the purpose of obtaining immortality, Harry Potter essentially became a Horcrux. The latter casts the Fiendfyre curse, which causes uncontrollable flames to destroy the room and the objects hidden inside — including the diadem. The Harry Potter franchise finally revealed in Half Blood Prince that Voldemort was able to keep coming back because of his seven Horcruxes, but Harry and several others were able to destroy them all. Both Voldemort and his uncle are unaware that this is actually the sign of the Deathly Hallows and the stone is, in fact, the Resurrection Stone. It also implied that the creation of a Horcrux used a set amount of soul and that this amount had to be the same every time the process was undertaken. This held true even for the diary, the destruction of which he became aware of nearly two years before his eventual death , and which he could have replaced during that time. A Horcrux was an object in which a Dark wizard or witch had hidden a detached fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. Voldemort seemed to understand that his soul had a limit to how many times he could split it, as he ceased creating any more Horcruxes once he intentionally reached his desired six and refused to create any replacements for the ones that were destroyed. Basilisk venom is one of the few ways to destroy a Horcrux, as the venom's only antidote is Phoenix tears. In this way, a Horcrux could gradually feed on another person's life and negative emotions to strengthen itself and increase the ability of the soul fragment within to act independently in the physical world. However, Malfoy believed Voldemort to be truly dead and decided to both free himself of the incriminating object and implicate the Weasley's by sliding it into Ginny's cauldron. Dumbledore speculated that Voldemort underwent other dangerous transformations as well as creating Horcruxes and that it was a mixture of these, rather than just one thing, that resulted in Voldemort's hideous appearance. Harry destroyed the diary before the Horcrux was fully extracted from it, which similarly freed the soul fragment. Well, you split your soul, you see, and hide part of it in an object outside the body. He left more than his body behind.

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