i know this much is true song

I know this much is true song

It was written by the band's lead guitarist and principal songwriter Gary Kemp to express his feelings for Altered Images lead singer Clare Grogan. Kemp was influenced musically by songs of Marvin Gaye and Al Green he was listening to at the time, and lyrically by Green and the Beatles.

Harold Budd Los Angeles, California. Contact Harold Budd. Streaming and Download help. Report this album or account. If you like Harold Budd, you may also like:.

I know this much is true song

It was featured in Oprah's Book Club for June The novel takes place in Three Rivers, Connecticut , in the early s. Dominick Birdsey's identical twin Thomas suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. With medication, Thomas is able to live his life in relative peace and work at a coffee stand, yet occasionally has severe episodes of illness. Thinking he is making a sacrificial protest that will stop the Gulf War , Thomas cuts off his own hand at a public library. Dominick sees him through the decision not to reattach the hand, and makes efforts on his behalf to free him from the inadequate and depressing hospital for the dangerously mentally ill. In the process, Dominick contemplates his own difficult life as Thomas's brother, his marriage to his ex-wife, their only child dying of SIDS , and his hostility toward their stepfather. Dominick displays classic symptoms of PTSD as a result of stressors in his adult life. First in Thomas's interests, and then for his own sake, he sees therapist psychologist Rubina Patel, employed by the hospital. She helps Dominick come to understand Thomas's illness better and the family's accommodations to it. In the course of Thomas's treatment, Dominick is covertly informed of sexual abuse taking place in the hospital and helps to expose the perpetrators. He succeeds in getting his brother released but Thomas soon dies, apparently by suicide.

Half of the Bowie songs, I couldn't tell you what they're about. It wasn't about ditching Steve Dagger. Sanders was already a giant of Jazz.

Kemp thought that bandmate Steve Norman 's newfound interest in the saxophone would be well-suited to the sound he was going for, as would the decision to record most of the album at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas. After an unsuccessful attempt to begin work on the album with producer Trevor Horn , the band tested out their working relationship with Tony Swain and Steve Jolley while recording its first single, " Lifeline ", and chose to produce the album alongside them. The album became available as the second single climbed the charts, and the overwhelming response to the title track dictated its release as the third single from the album, leading it to four weeks as the most popular song in the UK. It also became their first song to appear on the Billboard Hot in the US, where it peaked at number four. A fourth single, " Gold ", reached number two in the UK but only got as high as 29 in the US, which Kemp attributed to internal conflicts at their record label that took time away from promoting the band. On the album charts, True reached number one in the UK and number 19 in the US while also having success in numerous other countries.

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I know this much is true song

Lyrics submitted by ricardoafp , edited by oOo Starchild oOo. I think this song could be about wanting to discover truth within oneself or with wanting to confess love for another person. Like Steve, I believe that the biographer interpretation is too staid and doesn't fit with the dreamy quality of the music. As beautiful ones pointed out, the lyric about the pill and the slow rhythm does make it seem as if the singer is on drugs, or at least relaxed from downing half a bottle of wine. Actually, the song seems very sexual. The singer's mind id obviously clouded with passion, for he finds it "hard to write the next line". There's an allusion to Marvin Gaye does anyone else hear strains of "Sexual Healing"? The "head over heels, toe to toe" could be recalling the act of dancing together or the thrill of the first intimate encounter with someone.


Archived from the original on 17 May Retrieved 10 October Australia's Music Charts — The choice of suits for the album photos and "True" music video was thought to have misled US audiences by presenting them as too clean cut to have much else to offer other than soul ballads like the title song. David Teplica. GfK Entertainment charts. Contact Harold Budd. On twelve consecutive days they gave away an original 80s album. Official Charts Company. Their record sales were sailing neck and neck with ours, but so confident was Richard Branson , owner of the League's label Virgin , that he'd decided to throw a lavish post-show party at the Kensington Roof Gardens in honour of the history and importance of Top of the Pops ; but of course, him being a publicity-loving beast, it would also elevate his own band's achievement. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. I just thought it made sense to have someone working with us who knew more about the business than we did. I basically reincarnated the spirit of 'True' for me.

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We need something else. Zimbabwe: Singles Chart Book. The problem, I think, with America is that you didn't have the pre-history, if you like. It wasn't about ditching Steve Dagger. We were away from the familiar streets, and no longer the young Soho funslingers we once were. Early edition cover with Prize notice. The song has since become the band's signature hit. No one else saw it that way. Event occurs at But I figured I'd leave a couple of messages in there.

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