Ian somerhalder young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Ian Somerhalder Actor Producer Director.

Ian Joseph Somerhalder, born on December 8, , in Covington, Louisiana, has had an illustrious career spanning from his early years as a model to becoming a celebrated actor. Luther Swann in Netflix's sci-fi horror series V Wars ; Ian Somerhalder has certainly left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Somerhalder was the second of three children born to Edna, a massage therapist from Mississippi and Robert Somerhalder Sr. His intriguing lineage boasts Cajun ancestry from his father's side and half Choctaw and half Irish descent from his mother's side. After his parents divorced when he was just 14 years old, he lived with his mother.

Ian somerhalder young

Luther Swann in Netflix 's sci-fi horror series V Wars. Somerhalder attended Saint Paul's School , a private school in Covington. He began studying with acting teacher William Esper. He played Hamilton Fleming, the son of the dean of a prestigious boarding school. In , Somerhalder scored his breakthrough role when he played Boone Carlyle in Lost. Despite his character's death in the twentieth episode of the first season, he returned to the role of Boone for seven more episodes between and , including the series finale. He was the first major character to die. In , Somerhalder appeared in the movie The Tournament where he played the role of an assassin participating in a lethal competition with other assassins. He appears in the coffee table book About Face by celebrity photographer John Russo. The series premiere attracted The CW 's highest premiere ratings of any season premiere since the network began in The series has continued to be the highest-rated series on its channel with both his performance and the show receiving a positive response from critics. He began directing The Vampire Diaries in its third season and produced the series at the start of season 8. Luther Swann as a series regular in the Netflix science fiction horror series V Wars. In , Somerhalder shot footage for and served as an executive producer on the film Kiss the Ground, a documentary centered on regenerative agriculture.

Retrieved November 1, The Tournament. Entertainment Weekly Interview.


Luther Swann in Netflix 's sci-fi horror series V Wars. Somerhalder attended Saint Paul's School , a private school in Covington. He began studying with acting teacher William Esper. He played Hamilton Fleming, the son of the dean of a prestigious boarding school. In , Somerhalder scored his breakthrough role when he played Boone Carlyle in Lost. Despite his character's death in the twentieth episode of the first season, he returned to the role of Boone for seven more episodes between and , including the series finale. He was the first major character to die.

Ian somerhalder young

Luther Swann in Netflix 's sci-fi horror series V Wars. Somerhalder attended Saint Paul's School , a private school in Covington. He began studying with acting teacher William Esper. He played Hamilton Fleming, the son of the dean of a prestigious boarding school. In , Somerhalder scored his breakthrough role when he played Boone Carlyle in Lost. Despite his character's death in the twentieth episode of the first season, he returned to the role of Boone for seven more episodes between and , including the series finale.

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Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Interviewed by Meroney, John. Trailer Us Weekly Interview. People's Choice Awards. Jane Seymour. Press Trust of India. Common Ground 8. Anatomy of a Hate Crime. All Voices. The Big Easy. Leo DiCaprio.

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Josh Hutcherson. Retrieved July 17, See our predictions. Retrieved April 16, Channing Tatum. Nature Is Speaking 8. Ian McKellen. See the list. Interviewed by Roffman, Marisa. May 6, Common Ground.

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