ibanez guitar serial number

Ibanez guitar serial number

Ibanez model numbers are used to identify a guitar model. Most Ibanez model numbers have three sections:. For guitars of recent vintage, the model number is often stamped or painted on the reverse of the instrument's headstock.

Ibanez serial numbers are unique identifiers placed on instruments sold under the Ibanez brand. Ibanez guitars have used serial numbers since the mid s. The first serial numbers on Ibanez acoustic guitars appeared in October [1] Serial numbers on solid body guitars came a bit later with the first appearing on the neck plate of bolt-on neck models around August The practice wasn't fully adopted on set-neck guitars until sometime in The serial numbers are generally a character string containing letters and numbers, although some are purely numeric.

Ibanez guitar serial number


SFM or missing a middle single coil e. Models produced through and perhaps into have serial numbers starting with "F7" which would normally indicate production in


Home Serial Number. Ibanez began using serial numbers on their guitars starting in September , but there are also some instruments from that have a serial which cannot be linked to a specific manufacturing period. Ibanez serial number usually consists of a combination of letters and digits, although there are cases where the serial number is solely numeric. To find the production date of your instrument you can use Ibanez Guitar Dater or check the serial number in our database manually. You can usually find the serial number on the back of the headstock on a sticker, stamped on the headstock itself, or on the metal cover plate between the neck and the body. At acoustic guitars look up the serial number stamped or written on the label in the hollow body, or stamped on the neck block inside the instrument. The serial number on Ibanez guitars manufactured in the s can be located on the headstock, either stamped or as a sticker, or on the neck mounting cover plate.

Ibanez guitar serial number

Ibanez serial numbers are unique identifiers placed on instruments sold under the Ibanez brand. Ibanez guitars have used serial numbers since the mid s. The first serial numbers on Ibanez acoustic guitars appeared in October [1] Serial numbers on solid body guitars came a bit later with the first appearing on the neck plate of bolt-on neck models around August The practice wasn't fully adopted on set-neck guitars until sometime in The serial numbers are generally a character string containing letters and numbers, although some are purely numeric. Serial numbers can be useful in determining the age of a guitar as well as in which country and by which builder it was produced. Unfortunately, there is no single unified format used for Ibanez serial numbers. The information on this page is culled from several sources both on-line and off-line and represents a distillation of the available information. It applies primarily to electric guitars, but some information may also be applicable to acoustics.

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Note that some models may have more than one of these series code suffixes e. Finally many models append a suffix to the end consisting of letters that indicate something else about the model typically the material used for an exotic wood top. Single humbucker H pickup configuration e. Most Ibanez model numbers have three sections:. The fourth digit of Prestige models or the third digit of Premium models indicates the pickup configuration using a similar convention as used with other series, as follows:. Ibanez Wiki Explore. Ibanez model numbers. View history Talk 0. One can think of it as the RG 6 55 0. Explore Wikis Community Central. SSS pickup configuration with pickguard e. Guitars in the JS series made in Japan have plates with a 6-digit numeric serial number which indicates the sequential number of JS production. In some cases addition characters are appended to the end of the model name, after the numeric model number. Other examples of this sort of naming convention include: RGFX six-string with pickguard-mounted dual humbuckers with a fixed bridge , RG seven-string with dual humbuckers with a pickguard and a tremolo bridge and the RG eight-string with two pickguard-mounted humbuckers with a fixed bridge.

Buying second hand Ibanez is great most of the time. For a small price you can find plently of great gear.

Example: C September , Cort. In some cases Ibanez produces spot models which are for sale exclusively by particular retailers in Japan. Splitting the production up from a situation in which they were already both made in the Terada factory wouldn't be efficient, so it is highly unlikely that pre AR and AS models were ever made there. Example: H 3rd example produced in Current Wiki. Example: F May For guitars of recent vintage, the model number is often stamped or painted on the reverse of the instrument's headstock. Related content:. As with the JEM models, more recent JS models have headstock serial numbers in addition to the neck joint plate number. Example: B February Steve Vai signature models known as the JEM and Universe series produced in Japan have neck plates stamped with a 7 digit serial number with an "F" followed by 6 numeric digits. D-Tuner equipped e. Examples: P , Peerless ; C , Cort. The serial numbers of these later JP20s fit the standard format used for Ibanez guitars produced by Terada.

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