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You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information. Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University. Skip to main content. Ies Tiempos Modernos. Go back to the Country page. Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.


Ies Tiempos Modernos is an educational institution that is located in a region known as Zaragoza , which is found in the country of Spain. Ies Tiempos Modernos is a very good option for Erasmus when looking for in the area of Spain. To apply to Ies Tiempos Modernos, you need to consult your course coordinator, Erasmus manager or the International Office at your home school and follow these steps:. So, when it comes to comparing Ies Tiempos Modernos with the rest, is it in the Top 10 Erasmus destinations in Europe? Well, the best way to find out is to check our Current Erasmus Top Rankings and see if Ies Tiempos Modernos makes the top of the list! Had a great cultural experience. Other notes: There is no information available that confirms whether Ies Tiempos Modernos has limited Erasmus placements. This website is not related to the European Union and the European Commission either. Erasmus Program Me is an independent publication that evaluates study options based on a set of metrics that are custom developed. This website provides content, not advice. When choosing your study abroad you should consider a variety of resoures when doing your research. This website is also independent of any government or educational council body.

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Lo primero que hago es organizarme, para no pasarme varias horas con la misma tarea, sobre todo si hay que estar sentado frente a la pantalla del ordenador, me gusta que durante la jornada haya movimiento. Hola de nuevo ha pasado ya un mes y lo hemos superado de una manera excelente, os voy a contar un poco como a finalizado este maravilloso mes. Para que se hagan una idea, en el departamento de lo penal donde yo me encuentro, se encarga de tramitar las solicitudes de los abogados del gratuito patrocinio. Es como el abogado de oficio, pero con la salvedad de que al acusado le deben haber juzgado por su primer delito. En lo referente al ocio, alguna que otra tarde me he dado una escapada por la ciudad, sin rumbo fijo establecido, solo caminar, contemplar y disfrutar. En una de las entradas al Palzzio quedamos con Giulia ella pertenece a la Academia Europea de Firenze , que junto con Mundus son los que han gestionado nuestro Erasmus , es como la tutora de seguimiento. Esta primera semana no hemos hecho mucho, aprovechamos para hacer las compras y empezar a adaptarnos. A pesar de esta semana atareada y de lluvia, intentamos sacar algo de tiempo para pasear por la zona.


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Student Research Reports. Student Resources. Ies La Fuensanta. Visualize Data. Privacy and User Information. North America. Community Activities. Learning Activities. Popularity Trend based on web traffic. User Roadmaps.


Near East and North Africa. Public Users. Student Research Reports. Globe School Data Site List. Ies Tiempos Modernos is a very good option for Erasmus when looking for in the area of Spain. Preparatory visits. Citizen Scientists. Search Erasmus. Search for a Protocol. If possible, identify course outlines or units at the destination university that match or correlate to your current course at your home institution. Event Resources. Housing support. Ies La Fuensanta. Recent School Measurements.

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