imdb atomic blonde

Imdb atomic blonde

An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents. Lorraine Broughton : I've read your file. I've also read your dog file, imdb atomic blonde. So let's cut the crap, shall we?

Chronicles the history of Berlin during the Cold War. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Atomic Blonde: Welcome to Berlin 5m. Director Josh Oreck.

Imdb atomic blonde

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Charlize Theron had eight personal trainers to help her master her intensely physical performance. Charlize Theron cracked two teeth while filming. Before filming resumed, James McAvoy broke his hand on the set of Split and had to endure all his action scenes with his injured hand. The pivotal fight on the marble stairs presented one of the most challenging sequences to film. Charlize Theron was actually slammed against a padded wall but her tumble down the stairs also padded to look like marble was executed by Canadian stunt woman Monique Ganderton. The key fight sequence that unfolds in a real Berlin building lasts for almost 10 minutes in what appears to be an unbroken take when, in fact, the sequence comprises almost 40 separate shots seamlessly stitched together. Though filmed chronologically from start to finish, nearly half the splices needed some degree of CGI assistance. Swish-pans provided the simplest solutions for smooth cuts and door frames provided vertical seams for smoothly bridging some segments. Director Cameo. David Leitch : the voice of the pilot of the private jet heading to Langley, VA in the end. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Edit page.

I like the disclaimer at the beginning that gives the historical background and then says, This is not that story, imdb atomic blonde. Driver Balazs Lengyel Tear down these walls is a sentence you will recognize from then, I liked this flick a lot.

Sign In. Atomic Blonde Hide Spoilers. There is a scene about two-thirds into Atomic Blonde that will likely go down in cinema history as one of the most exhilarating displays of visual trickery and good-ol' fashioned stunt work that the action genre has ever offered. Charlize Theron's MI6 spook enters an apartment building in pre-Wall collapse Berlin with a wounded informant and battles gun-toting thugs up and down stairs, in and out of various rooms, using fists, knives, a crowbar, and just about anything else she can lay her hands on. It's a kinetic, utterly dazzling set-piece that eventually takes the violence outside and into a moving car, all in one long, mind-bogglingly complex take.

What do you get when you take the brutal fight choreography from "John Wick," the seductively roguish charms of James Bond, and wrap it all in a Cold War-era period piece? Based on the graphic novel "The Coldest City," "Atomic Blonde" immediately made waves for featuring a bisexual female lead in a role that could've easily gone to exactly the same sort of leading men who've owned this genre for decades. After attaining a solid performance at the box office for a movie of its subject matter, budget, and rating, calls for a sequel came fast and furious. So it seems like it's only a matter of time and scheduling before we finally receive the long-awaited sequel. But what have we heard about "Atomic Blonde 2" so far? Fast forward four years, however, and the potential strategy for a sequel appears to be quite different. Back in August of , Leitch dropped the update that a streaming service was interested in distributing "Atomic Blonde 2. As for when we might get to see the sequel, all we know at the moment is that star Charlize Theron confirmed that the project is definitely in the works:. Until we get confirmation of a completed script, unfortunately, a precise timeframe remains up in the air. Leitch will be busy for quite some time, so here's hoping the stars align, schedules open up, and the sequel is officially greenlit soon.

Imdb atomic blonde

Without Charlize Theron , the spy adventure "Atomic Blonde" would only be clever. She makes it insightful. Theron's commanding performance is remarkable. Her take-no-bull body language and calculating stare give her character an intelligence and prove she's the right person for the job. Theron grounds the film whenever it threatens to become a smarter-than-thou, hyper-convoluted slog. She also makes you believe that her character isn't just another James Bond clone.

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I like the disclaimer at the beginning that gives the historical background and then says, This is not that story. Need to watch. However, it just comes off as overcompensation for a bunch of shortcomings. She can do anything physical that she has to. It was on your shelf. If this isn't enough to warn you away, the music is so loud it's a constant irritant. I agree with those who say that this is the answer to the call for a female James Bond. Trailer Budapest, Hungary as Berlin, Germany, main shooting location. Need to watch.

Atomic Blonde is a American spy thriller set in Berlin just prior to the collapse of the Wall and starring Charlize Theron as Lorraine Broughton, an MI6 operative sent to retrieve a list of agents.

Top credits Director Josh Oreck. Technical specs Edit. Quotes Lorraine Broughton : I've read your file. Self archive footage uncredited. The plot- Late in Berlin: Believing that the Berlin Wall is reaching a tipping point, MI6 send in secret agent Lorraine Broughton to East Germany,in order to retrieve a document with a list of all the agents there,that is at risk of falling into the wrong hands. The highlights are the fighting scenes that show just how tough Theron really is. Only a little. So why do these movie makers wants us to believe she's that capable. Edit page. Helena as Lili Gessler. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content.

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