imdb mamma mia

Imdb mamma mia

The story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular s group ABBA. Donna : Somebody up there has got it in imdb mamma mia me.

Five years after the events of Mamma Mia! Young Tanya : I just want to be upfront and say that I visually enjoy you. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Mamma Mia! Play trailer

Imdb mamma mia

Sign In. Edit Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Sophie Andy Garcia Fernando Cienfuegos Celia Imrie Vice Chancellor Lily James Young Donna Alexa Davies Young Rosie Jessica Keenan Wynn Young Tanya Dominic Cooper Sky Julie Walters

Wendy Baldock Ensemble Performer. Ensemble Performer Clive Carter It's Surprisingly Brilliant!

Sign In. Amanda Seyfried Sophie. Pierce Brosnan Sam. Nancy Baldwin Sam's PA. Heather Emmanuel Harry's Housekeeper.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Pierce Brosnan had no idea what the project was about when he signed on. The producers told him it was being filmed in Greece, and Meryl Streep was starring. Brosnan said he would've signed on for anything involving Streep, describing her as "that gorgeous blonde I fancied terribly in Drama School.

Imdb mamma mia

Five years after the events of Mamma Mia! Young Tanya : I just want to be upfront and say that I visually enjoy you. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Mamma Mia! Play trailer

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As complications ensue from the misunderstandings, Sophie and Sky's wedding and relationship may be jeopardized, while, finding what is truly in their hearts, many may discover the course of true love. Ensemble Performer as Craig Anthony Kelly. Stag Celestina Banjo Dominic Cooper Sky. Ensemble Performer Fiona McDonald Yasmin McCullough Graduation Dancer uncredited. Michael Anthony Ensemble Performer. George Georgiou Panos. Top Gap. Singer uncredited. Rory Furey-King Ensemble Performer.

Sign In. Mamma Mia! Hide Spoilers.

Dolby Surround 7. Katy Osborne Ensemble Performer. Andy Garcia Fernando Cienfuegos. Ensemble Performer Chanel Mian Episode guide. Antonio Susinni Ensemble Performer. Nathalie Desmier Ensemble Performer. More like this. Top cast Edit. Streep as Kori Wilson Matthew Wolf Ensemble Performer Dean Street

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