

Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury. In battle, incursors, Incursors Marines swear mighty oaths to destroy the enemies of the Emperor and uphold the honour of their Chapter, and such vows are sacrosanct. When the Angels of Death strike, incursors, they do so with the precision of incursors surgeon and the force of a thunderbolt. Experience and strategic expertise help them to read the shifting shape of the battle with post-human speed and clarity, incursors, directing their wrath towards one priority target after another.

Adeptus Ars - Miniatures - Primaris Incursors. Prices are subject to change depending on market or retailer! These troops are equipped with the latest Mk X Phobos armour, making them lighter and faster on the battlefield. But their real strength lies in their weapons: the occulus bolt carbine and multi-spectrum targeting array. With these tools, they can take down their targets with deadly accuracy, no matter what the battlefield conditions may be. Each member of the squad is a superb shot, able to take out their targets with ease, even through the thickest cover.


Ten Primaris Vanguard warriors for your Space Marines army. Can be built as Infiltrators or Incursors. Includes a host of customisation options and additional parts — including a deadly haywire mine! They hunt their prey with occulus bolt carbines and multi-spectrum targeting arrays, giving them pinpoint accuracy in any battlefield conditions. Each Incursor is a superb marksman, able to take out their targets with carefully placed shots through even the most concealing of cover. Primaris Incursors are armed with occulus bolt carbines and each squad also carries haywire mines, allowing them to threaten enemy vehicles as well as infantry. Additional parts are included to build up. Click here to find delivery information for your local store. All delivery options and prices. If for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us for a refund, or exchange it for something else.

Whirlwind Scorpius.

An Incursor , usually part of an Incursor Squad , is a close support Primaris Space Marine unit that fulfils an aggressive, close-quarters gun-fighting role within Adeptus Astartes forces. Their missions typically see them storming defended positions, sweeping the flanks of spearhead advances or rapidly knocking out strategic enemy assets such as power generatorums and communication centres. Key to this role are the paired wargear technologies of their Occulus Bolt Carbines and the Divinator-class auspexes that feed directly into their highly advanced transpectral combat visors. This remarkable combination of visual and multi-spectral observation-and-analysis technologies contained in the paired Divinator-class auspex and Occulus Bolt Carbine gathers every scrap of data from the wearer's surroundings. It employs a slaved Machine Spirit artificial intelligence to collate the findings at a thousand times the speed of Human thought and feed the resultant data into the Incursor's field of vision.

Space Wolves have the best Incursors of any marine chapter, and today I want to highlight their flexibility and potential power in the Rout. The previews for the Space Wolves have hit like a Thunderwolf charge this past weekend, and many very interesting combos have arisen. For now, I just want to convince all of you that may be waiting for the Prophecy of the Wolf box that you should be building Incursors for your ITC lists. Incursors have a massive datasheet, and I meet very few players who can say everything they do and get their rules correct. At their core they are a jack of all trades troop choice, and that is a good thing! Their true strength really does lie in their flexibility, coupled with some very key buffs and abilities to turn them into a hammer no one saw coming. I think they are most effective in 10 man squads and will be personally experimenting with two full units.


This fleet-based Chapter is an isolated and often reclusive Chapter that rarely works alongside other Imperial military forces or fellow Adeptus Astartes Chapters, and are often accused of being accused of being haughty or lacking in brotherhood. This is mainly due to their neverending Crusade to bring to light of the Emperor to the darkest corner of the galaxy, and despite their isolationist tendencies, this Chapter has continuously defended the realm of the Emperor of Mankind, earning a proud and enviable record of valour and service, comparable to other more senior Chapters. The Chapter has had a very prideful history as each compliance, battle, discovery, or negotiation is recorded and placed in their fortress monastery Great Libraries. When the deed is recorded the chapter serfs then make banners of it and place it in the mouth of a lion statue somewhere in the vessel or in the Honored Halls. The chapter has nearly isolated itself from the rest of the Imperium ever since the loss of their homeworld but have not neglected their sacred duty of protecting the worlds of the Imperium and its people. Before the Siege of Andrene the chapter was Codex Astartes -compliant. But after the loss of their home-world the astartes have been ever slowly drifting away from the tenants of the Codex Astartes. Within the chapter squad ranks are determined not by age or experiences like other chapters, but by fighting for said rank in a honor duels overseen by another squad sergeant. When a battle brother commits a unforgivable act one of two things will happen, the first one is the battle brother is exiled or he will be taken into the Halls of the Last Rite.

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Where to buy the Primaris Incursors. WHEN: Fight phase , just after an enemy unit has fought. Shield of the Imperium. Exercise precision in your application to avoid any spills onto the blue armor. Assault Doctrine The Codex Astartes leaves no doubt that the killing blow in most engagements must be delivered with a decisive close-quarters strike. Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes. Terminator Squad. Choose a suitable color for your terrain type; for example, Astrogranite works well for rocky bases. Land Speeder. Sicaran Punisher. Close-range Eradication. Otherwise, that attack is saved. Primaris Incursors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Current Wiki. They do battle on the move, wrong-footing their enemies with breakneck manoeuvres and melting away one moment only to crash home like a thunderbolt the next.

Forgot your password? Looking at the sprues my box is still at the FLGS waiting for me , you get four extra carbines, four extra pack antennae and full sets of heads for whichever version you don't build from the sprues. Maybe build the Incursors from the kit and the extra Infiltrators from the Reiver bodies?

An independent tabletop games retailer with over 12 years of experience. If the distance rolled is insufficient to move within Engagement Range of all targets while maintaining Unit Coherency, the charge fails. Bladeguard Ancient. Only where the enemy can be faced eye to eye can a Space Marine be truly tested. Their missions typically see them storming defended positions, sweeping the flanks of spearhead advances or rapidly knocking out strategic enemy assets such as power generatorums and communication centres. In their rapid, mechanised assaults, Space Marines smash aside the enemy, destroying them at close quarters without mercy. Stormlance Task Force. Ironstorm Spearhead. Land Raider Crusader. War Dog Huntsmen. Pedro Kantor. List Price. Storm Eagle Gunship.

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