Infodog by state

Lil Pawz Havanese Picture courtesy of www. Welcome to our corner of the World, which would be in Northern California. Dennis and I have been showing and loving these wonderful dogs since

Upcoming Shows May 30, - June 5, MB-F, Inc. Superintended Dog Show. SHOW Sorting TYPE Sorting CITY Sorting All rights reserved.

Infodog by state

Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As much as we'd love to, I'm not sure that we will be able to take time off work to travel across the country to meet our breeder's puppies or their mom. When the time comes, our breeder will bring our puppy to us. We are, however, able to drive to a dog show in the northeast ideally, in New England. What would be a good show to check out? I'm assuming that's the best way to meet Havanese, right? Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Look for AB all-breed under Type. Ruffin is yours, right? I'd LOVE to meet him. Ducky and I were there Thurs-Sat. We took today off!

Be sure to try satellite and hybrid views. Upcoming Shows. Clicking on the past entry will generate a list of how many dogs in particular breeds were entered at that particular show in past years.

Drag as needed. Mac users: hold the Command key down. Click the small US map to find shows in a specific region. All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced without permission. Easily locate the right event for your dog by breed, date, state, and even specific judge and then see a map of the show site.

Contact Jack's Travel Professionals. Online Entries and Checks by Mail are not affected by this change. If mailing be sure to have the entry with check enclosed arrive prior to the closing date of the show. With credit card security and identity theft concerns we are implementing this change to protect your information from potential abuse. Entry forms are occasionally viewed by others outside of the staff of the Superintendent.

Infodog by state

With over 22, dog events each year, the AKC is committed to helping you find the right events for you and your dogs. Another addition is the ability to sort the search results in Location Site order, so you can see all the events happening at one location over the course of a couple of days or the weekend. Search by a specific breed or grouping e. If the specific location does not matter for your search e. These documents will include any information about an upcoming event, from premium lists , running orders and judging programs to brochures, flyers and entry forms. As you explore the new features, our frequently asked questions may help answer any queries you have. You can also contact us at eventplans akc. Compare Breeds Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side. Dog Sports. Dog Name Finder Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration.

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Drag as needed. Greater Spokane Shetland Sheepdog Club. Gem City Agility Club. If you get talking to a breeder, exhibitor or handler, they may invite you back to this area where they can talk with you and show you some of their dogs. There are so many good breeders out there but please be cautious and do your homework. Oregon Brittany Club. Deals Forum. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Oh and if you have a personal pooch, please leave them at home. Shawnee Kennel Club, Inc. Carolina Scent Work Association. Derby City Agility Association.


Some will be specialties per one specific breed, some will be for obedience shows etc. Please consider creating a new thread. Log in. Afghan Hound Club Of St. We do not have many litters but are always willing to help with education and we will try to help you find good breeders. Blue Ridge Herding Association. Durango Agility Dog Club. United States Lakeland Terrier Club. Clicking on the past entry will generate a list of how many dogs in particular breeds were entered at that particular show in past years. Colonial Shetland Sheepdog Club. Greater Washington Dalmatian Club. Yankee Siberian Husky Club Breed 2.

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