ironhide death

Ironhide death

Log in or Sign up, ironhide death. TFW - The Boards. DotmOptimusPrime23Apr 28, Which Autobot Death was sadder for me Ironhide but I can't watch ratchets death without crying.

Ever since The Transformers made their way to the big screen in , there's been more than a fair share of violent and tragic Autobot deaths. Where The Transformers: The Movie killed Optimus Prime, affecting a generation, the live-action movies erased many beloved G1 characters. From Jazz to Ratchet, the deaths were not only final but gruesome. That said, the most brutal of them all was likely the tragic death of Ironhide. However, it was revealed that he had aligned with Megatron sometime before meeting with Optimus Prime and, in his big heel turn, shot Ironhide in the back with a rust gun. Not only was the fast-talking weapons specialist betrayed, but he wasn't even given a warrior's death.

Ironhide death

For me, Optimus Prime had a good death. Yeah, Megatron got in the fatal blow, but Optimus still kicked his ass. If any competent Autobot medics were there, they could have saved him. His death scene is sad, but being surrounded by a bunch of characters we only just met makes it feel disassociated. Heck, the only one that we have seen him interact with before is Perceptor, and all he does is say Optimus is toast. That this guy melts an innocent celluloid shoe without even the ability to talk brings to mind animal torture, which is worse since nobody watching him did anything to stop it. Watching a bad guy like Gaston in Beauty and the Beast or Sykes in Oliver and Co is always something looked forward to and not really shocking. But then you get to the shuttle scene just a few minutes into the movie. In probably the most brutal death the Transformers have seen — at least until the Bay films — Megatron blasts the wounded Ironhide in the face. The explosion leaves no question as to whether the Autobot survives. Until Optimus joins the Matrix, this is the last death you see on screen, even though other Autobot corpses are shown in the turret. Strangely, not a single Decepticon dies in this movie, no matter what damage they take. Kickback gets his head crushed but lives long enough to be transformed into a Sweep or something. The shuttle massacre scene messed with my little 8-year-old heart something fierce.

Ironhide spent months training Skids on how to effectively handle himself in a fight. He disagreed with Optimus Prime's decision to leave the AllSpark fragment in the ironhide death of Sector Seven while they were away, but nevertheless respected his commander's decision. That assignment went disastrously, as Demolishor massacred the entire settlement, leaving Ironhide's student for dead, ironhide death.

Ironhide was the Autobots ' resident weapons specialist and Optimus Prime 's old friend. He probably had enough replacement parts to build a small army, but Ironhide doggedly refused to roll over and die for anyone. He would fight to the bitter end and take down more than his fair share of Decepticons in the process. Ironhide didn't always see optic to optic with Prime, despite their friendship. He was perhaps the more practical of the two, and more than a little trigger happy, so he could be more willing to push the Autobot code to the limit if he thinks it will get the job done faster. Ironhide was one of Optimus Prime 's oldest friends, and fought alongside him in the Cybertronian War. Responding to Bumblebee 's call for assistance, Ironhide and the other Autobots under Optimus Prime's direct command came to Earth , with the old soldier landing in a suburban pool.

The cruel reality of machine mortality in Transformers was first established quickly and summarily in Transformers: The Movie. The infamous animated film began with a crass culling designed to make space for new toys and traumatized an entire generation of kids within the first fifteen minutes. Death never relents in the Transformers franchise. Throughout the successive animated series and live-action feature films, Transformers continue to die, some of them over and over again. Being a transforming sentient robot might be cool, but there's always a risk of being destroyed in the most gruesome ways. And as long as they continue to fight, Cybertronians will continue to fall. We've updated this list with even more Transformers who have fallen in the midst of battle. For a large part of Beast Machines , Tankor represented the primary threat to the Maximals after they'd recently returned to Cybertron. He was relentless in his goal to shut them down, making it heartbreaking when they learned he was actually their former friend, Rhinox.

Ironhide death

Ironhide is the Autobots' resident weapons specialist and Optimus Prime 's old friend. He is old because he is hard. He's probably had enough replacement parts to build a small army, but Ironhide doggedly refuses to roll over and die for anyone. He'll fight to the bitter end and take down more than his fair share of Decepticons in the process. Ironhide doesn't always see optic to optic with Prime, despite their friendship.

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Last edited: Sep 13, The shuttle scene affected me so much, I made it a plot point in my book Old School Evil. All Rights Reserved. These missions would often have the recruits thrown into the sharp end: one, involving Signal Flare, Strongarm and Skyblast, abruptly turned into a raid on a Decepticon base and rescuing a prisoner. You try watching your Autobot main on the PS3 disintegrate at age 7. Sign In Register. To his disappointment, he arrived back at Hyperdynamix to find the three attacking Decepticons had already been finished off. This display of power was enough to make the remaining Decepticon, Fearswoop, surrender unconditionally. Ironhide showed annoyance that the humans couldn't see the Autobots were just trying to help, and he replied with a curt "fine" when he was ordered not to return fire on any human tanks. They found he was the prisoner of a living, predatory planet; Ironhide reasoned with the planet to let their friend go i. Ironhide stood with his commander as Optimus prepared to deliver the killing blow, listening to Demolishor's warning about The Fallen 's return before he died. The other Autobots pulled him out, and he decided the only logical response to Unicron's invasion was to blow up the planet.

Ironhide was the Autobots ' resident weapons specialist and Optimus Prime 's old friend. He probably had enough replacement parts to build a small army, but Ironhide doggedly refused to roll over and die for anyone. He would fight to the bitter end and take down more than his fair share of Decepticons in the process.

He was back up to fighting strength a month later, and helped Hyperdynamix test their new prototype tank, though he almost lost the battle with it. Ironhide was part of the team that halted Alice's rampage after the Decepticon stole an RV. Optimus and Ironhide both realised Allen would be used against them, and so two weeks before he was , Ironhide covertly contatced Tom Banachek and set him up to identify every Decepticon cerebro-strip puppet in the US government. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The plan might have succeeded had Starscream not chosen that moment to return from the nearby planet. He also suggested shooting the parents , as they were interfering with Sam's search for Captain Witwicky 's glasses. Sci-fi Transformers. Show Ignored Content. Thousands of years ago, with Cybertron's energy reserves dwindling and the Transformer race splintering into warring factions, Ironhide was part of the Thetacons, violent militants who rejected the teachings of Sentinel Prime. The Sentinel reveals that for the sake of Cybertron's survival, he had to make a deal with Megatron, after that he shooting Ironhide blowing he to pieces. Ironhide was part of this mission and led the defensive action against Unicron's internal defender drones, but lost his mega-bazooka in the process. Ordering the others to take cover, Ironhide and Bumblebee lifted a discarded truck full of Furby toys to protect the humans against Starscream's strafing run. The Last Knight [ ] Ironhide's head appeared in the Junkyard all rusted.

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