is the only woman in the room on netflix

Is the only woman in the room on netflix

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Hedy Lamarr had the kind of life that, at first glance, sounds too dramatic, terrifying and glamorous to be real. Her biography reads like the plot of an old-fashioned noir movie — born in Austria in at the cusp of World War I, married to an arms dealer with Nazi ties at the age of 18, she defected from the Nazis, fled to America, became a Golden Era of Hollywood movie siren and invented a frequency-hopping signal system patented by the US Navy during World War II. And yet, despite absolutely being one of the most interesting people to have lived in the past century, Lamarr is decidedly not a household name. Fascism aside, the novel is an entertaining, easy read, but it seems unsure of what exactly it wants to be. The prose holds her at a distance, and the result is a book chock full of war, sex, love, death, pain and glamour landing entirely flat on an emotional level. To some, she was a traitor. But the uncomfortable truth is that she was all of these things: Not a noir femme fatale, not a traitor, not a sex symbol, but everything at once.

Is the only woman in the room on netflix

From the time Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born in November , anyone who saw her was impacted by her beauty. No one failed to notice her whenever she entered a room. She was adored by her father, a prosperous banker in Vienna, and given every opportunity he could afford including a private tutor beginning at age 4. Unlike many other parents at the time, her father encouraged her curiosity and desire to know how things worked. Their times together included him explaining to her the intricacies of various inventions without doubting her capacity to grasp the information. And it was perhaps this that led her mother to be more critical of her skills and slow to commend her for anything she did. Marie Benedict tells her story in The Only Woman in the Room and gives keen insight into this fascinating woman whose beauty would open many doors for her throughout her lifetime. It would be this beauty that attracts Fritz Mandl to her when she is still a teen after seeing her live acting performance on stage. His extravagant gifts of roses sent to her dressing room each night piqued her curiosity, but when he wanted to call on her and her father discovered who he was it became evident that this relationship was one she could not avoid and might be key to the safety of her entire family. Her beloved Austria saw the rise of the fascist move in Germany and feared it would succumb and lose freedom. Fritz was a major munitions manufacturer with powerful connections all over Europe. When asked for consent to marry his eighteen-year-old daughter by Mandl, 33, he gave his daughter a choice while also telling her it could provide safety for her and the family in the time ahead. When Mandl chose to be in control of every aspect of the wedding including choosing the gown she would wear and the guests to be invited, Hedwig was disappointed but kept silent at the urging of her father. His wealth and power put him in positions to know the most significant men of the time from not only his own country but others as well.

This is just rubbish. The navy did not implement her system until the s.


Bestselling author Marie Benedict reveals the story of a brilliant woman scientist only remembered for her beauty. Her beauty almost certainly saved her from the rising Nazi party and led to marriage with an Austrian arms dealer. Underestimated in everything else, she overheard the Third Reich's plans while at her husband's side and understood more than anyone would guess. She devised a plan to flee in disguise from their castle, and the whirlwind escape landed her in Hollywood. She became Hedy Lamarr, screen star. But she kept a secret more shocking than her heritage or her marriage: she was a scientist. And she had an idea that might help the country fight the Nazis and revolutionize modern communication A powerful book based on the incredible true story of the glamour icon and scientist, The Only Woman in the Room is a masterpiece that celebrates the many women in science that history has overlooked. Once a New York City lawyer, Marie Benedict had long dreamed about a fantastical job unraveling the larger mysteries of the past as an archaeologist or historian -- before she tried her hand at writing.

Is the only woman in the room on netflix

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. Part 1, Chapters Part 2, Chapters Character Analysis. Important Quotes. Essay Topics.

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When I finish a book and sigh at its amazingness, one of the first things I do is read its lesser reviews there are always some and try to figure out the disparity. The author's attempt to reflect Hedy Lamarr's thoughts and experiences was lackluster and oddly repetitive. I found it disappointing. She was a woman who knew how and when to stand up for herself. She was told that she would do better selling war bonds. Sure thing! But the real Lemarr fought her entire life to be taken seriously, and here, she is not. Author Marie Benedict is making her literary career writing about marginalized women in history. Karen R. Fritz Mandl was a commanding man who decided Hedy was to be his wife. Marie Benedict tells a well researched tale about a woman that the world owes a lot to. Fans of World War II fiction will find much to love in this fascinating story. Hedy escapes Fritz and moves to Hollywood. Honestly, before I read this book I didn't know much about Hedy Lamarr, except for being a Hollywood starlet.

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I just can't with this. She was a woman who knew how and when to stand up for herself. I was very impressed by her innovative way of escaping him and making her way to another life. Fritz became abusive and wanted Hedy only for her beauty. A fascinating and surprising read and a book that will go onto my favorites list. They were unguarded in some of their conversations because they only saw her stunning beauty, and didn't realize she also had a brilliant mind. I won a free copy of this book in a giveaway but was under no obligation to post a review. Still thirsty. She is just gaining respect as an actress when she meets her biggest fan, Fritz Mandl. Fast forward to the second part of the book, she has escaped Austria and her abusive marriage. Even with my reluctance to read this book, I thought it started off at a pretty good pace. Displaying 1 - 30 of 8, reviews. Unlike many other parents at the time, her father encouraged her curiosity and desire to know how things worked. Her beauty leads to a starring role in a controversial film and marriage to a powerful Austrian arms dealer, allowing her to evade Nazi persecution despite her Jewish heritage.

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