Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown This is the greatest love story never told.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Basketball: A Love Story. A sweeping and revelatory history of basketball, drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews with the greatest players, coaches, executives, and journalists in the history of the game.

Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Look Inside. Sep 18, Minutes Buy. This is the greatest love story never told. It has passion and heartbreak, triumph and betrayal. It is deeply intimate yet crosses oceans, upends lives and changes nations. This is the true story of basketball. It is the story of a Canadian invention that took over America, and the world. Of a game that demands everything of those who love it, yet gives so much back in return. To tell this story, acclaimed journalists Jackie MacMullan, Rafe Bartholomew and Dan Klores embarked on a groundbreaking mission to interview a staggering lineup of basketball trailblazers. J and Jerry West, spoke movingly about their greatest passion. Those who shattered glass ceilings, from Bill Russell and Yao Ming to Cheryl Miller and Lisa Leslie, explained what it really took to lay claim to their place in the game. At once a definitive oral history and something far more revelatory and life affirming, Basketball: A Love Story is the defining untold oral history of how basketball came to be, and what it means to those who love it. A sweeping and revelatory history of basketball, drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews with the greatest players, coaches, executives, and journalists in the history of the game. Most impressive was the extraordinary quality of the interviews. The book that grew out of those interviews is an extraordinary project and quite possibly the most ambitious basketball book ever written.

A solid, unbiased read with tons of interesting anecdotes and that doesn't drive any particular narratives. Great executive.

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown , This is the greatest love story never told. It has passion and heartbreak, triumph and betrayal.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Basketball: A Love Story. A sweeping and revelatory history of basketball, drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews with the greatest players, coaches, executives, and journalists in the history of the game. In an effort to tell the complete story of basketball in all its fascinating dimensions, celebrated journalists Jackie Macmullan and Rafe Bartholomew have compiled nearly a thousand hours' worth of interviews with a staggering number of basketball greats. They've talked to hundreds of legendary players, such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Magic Johnson, and spoken with renowned coaches, including Phil Jackson and Coach K, as well as numerous executives, commissioners, and journalists. Most impressive was the extraordinary quality of the interviews. Again and again, players spoke candidly about secrets and told stories they'd never before discussed on the record.

Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown , This is the greatest love story never told.

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I said, "Look, let me tell you why you should do this. Klores: So there's footage in the film of the nuns doing hula hoops and on roller skates and banging on drums like they're homeless guys in Times Square, all to raise money [they sold toothbrushes], and Title IX hurt them. The uses of imagery that are used help to give you an idea of what happened during a specific time or event. And Stern says it. I don't want to overstate it. MacMullan: You do a really great job with the women's game in this film, and just, you know, Carol Blazejowski should be a household name. So now they finally win in Boston. Two people that he trusts gave him my credentials: Rick Welts, a dear friend since the early '80s, and Charlie Rose I talk a lot about in the first night, and I don't start with Naismith And he's describing how against a 2-on-1 break, if he's defending and he's in the middle, and he'll say something simple. Basketball: A Love Story is a comprehensive oral history of basketball. That was the healthiest release. And maybe he's not.


Shooting Stars LeBron James. The shear volume of interview subjects in the book is staggering as is the positivity starting with athlete after athlete describing how and why they first fell in love with basketball to Magic Johnson's words that close out the book. I've actually coached against his guys a lot in AAU. I had to give that up. North Carolina is undefeated. The coach. She has been covering basketball for more than three decades, beginning at the Boston Globe, where she was the first female sports columnist in the paper's history. Klores: So I have a scene, as I interview Russell at his home on this, and after a while I said, "Do you think you are a genius? It was terrific. This ain't your park because I'm playing. He was born on my birthday. I am absolutely a child of the '60s, and I was extremely self-destructive for a good six-, seven-year period. Now, dig this. MacMullan: So just give people an idea of your favorite clip, couple clips that you used of Russell in the film. His wife knew.

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