jamal.murray bj video

Jamal.murray bj video

I woke up this morning went down to make a cup of coffee and hopped on the ol Twitter machine to see if the world was still in flames. My first thought was oh no, another high profile case of coronavirus, jamal.murray bj video. He jamal.murray bj video since made an apology and said he was hacked. With the state of the everything right now it seems like it is not in good taste to flaunt blowjobs in the face of the world during a pandemic.

While you were sleeping, Jamal Murray was hacked. Now, I believe him because a Kentucky man wouldn't just post a video of his smoke girlfriend also from Kentucky blowing him during a quarantine. We have a little class here. We don't just flaunt blowjobs in the face of the world during a pandemic. No sir, we do not. That said, Jamal Murray got a blowjob at 3am or at least there was a video posted on Jamal Murray's IG at 3am of him getting a blowjob. The video is down, but it's out there.

Jamal.murray bj video


Turns out that was NOT the case.


Users online could not believe what they saw on his social media account, and while the year-old claimed his account was hacked, many were still left wondering if that was true, and if not, if it was actually the NBA player in the video. However, Hempel, took to Twitter in the middle of the night to ask anyone with the footage of the alleged sex tape to delete it:. The year-old, who was drafted into the NBA as the No. Hempel, who was a star volleyball player at the University of Kentucky, where she first started dating Murray, also deleted her Instagram account. Further stirring the pot, before Murray deleted his Instagram account, a series of strange posts was shared via his Instagram stories. At around 3 a. My account has been hacked, currently working on the issue. My specialties include senior pictures, family portraits, couples, kids, and groups of friends. Hempel has also flexed her skills as a videographer.

Jamal.murray bj video

Getty Jamal Murray 27 of the Denver Nuggets. Users online could not believe what they saw on his social media account. The University of Kentucky alum promptly deleted the video from his Instagram stories before deleting his entire account, for which he had


This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. He has since made an apology and said he was hacked. Grow up people. Please take a look at the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for more details. Because everyone started roasting him on Twitter for having weird pubes that may or may not look like Kevin Durant's head and posting a video of him getting some head. Here's the thing though - are we going to pretend like Jamal Murray and millions of others don't get quarantine blowjobs? He has a beyond furious girlfriend on his hands now. I wish he just owned it. I mean, shit, there's a reason he's the No. Just know she is hot. We need to stop shaming blowjobs. We need to encourage them. The video is down, but it's out there. Close this module.

Denver Nuggets point guard Jamal Murray got some unwanted exposure on the weekend after graphic content of him and his girlfriend Harper Hempel appeared on his Instagram. According to reports, a video of the Kingston, Ont.

Here are some of the best tweets of people roasting Jamal. Here's the thing though - are we going to pretend like Jamal Murray and millions of others don't get quarantine blowjobs? My first thought was oh no, another high profile case of coronavirus. I mean, shit, there's a reason he's the No. Load More Posts. This is where I'd post some pictures of Murray's girlfriend, but her Instagram is deleted so I can't. Facebook Twitter Copy Link. That said, Jamal Murray got a blowjob at 3am or at least there was a video posted on Jamal Murray's IG at 3am of him getting a blowjob. We need to stop shaming blowjobs. Grow up people. Chris Rooke Mar 22,

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