jamie borthwick gay

Jamie borthwick gay

The online home of EastEnders discussion since We've updated our Privacy Policy and by continuing you're agreeing to the updated terms, jamie borthwick gay. Walford Web. Walford Web The online home of EastEnders discussion since

By Milly Veitch For Mailonline. Wednesday's episode of EastEnders saw viewers say goodbye to Lola Pearce as the much-loved character tragically passed away. Lola, played by Danielle Harold , finally succumbed to her terminal brain cancer , devastating her husband Jay Brown Jamie Borthwick. Their relationship has been popular with fans, so much so that many have hoped it has continued off-screen. In February, the soap stars sparked romance rumours and have spoken publicly about their close bond.

Jamie borthwick gay

EastEnders' Jamie Borthwick has played the role of Jay Brown since he was 12 years old - we take a closer look at his life off-screen including famous cousin and co-star crush. We have more newsletters. Jamie Borthwick has been a staple EastEnders cast member since , and for fans of the soap, has become a constant and familiar face in their lives. Playing the role of Jay Brown, throughout his 17 year stint on the show, the actor has been involved in some pretty heavy storylines. From coping with the death of his dad, Jase, as a 14 year old, to helping Ben Mitchell cover up the murder of Heather Trott, it's safe to say life hasn't always been a walk in the park for Jay. However, the heartbreaking plot which saw Jamie's character come to terms with the loss of his dying wife - and childhood sweetheart - Lola Pearce, was probably his most challenging one to date. The 29 year old dealt with the bleak yet realistic storyline with grace, decorum, and respect, and in doing so, pulled on viewers' heartstrings no end. But when it comes to Jamie's life away from Albert Square, what do fans actually know about the actor? Born in the borough of Barking in London, soon after joining EastEnders, Jamie discovered he was a second cousin to one of his cast members, Charlie Winter, who played the role of Hunter Owen on the show. The pair realised that their uncles shared the same name and it transpired that it was because they were actually the same person.

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Jamie Borthwick first burst onto our TV screens in as cheeky year-old Jay Brown in EastEnders , who was in town to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Evie Brown. Once a tearaway who terrorised the locals shouting racist insults and breaking into Pauline Fowler's house, Jay has been on an rollercoaster journey including gang fights, several deaths and having to sign the sex offenders register. But over 15 years later the character and actor are still going strong, after he was taken under Billy and Phil Mitchell's wing — becoming like a brother to Phil's son Ben and falling madly in love with Billy's granddaughter Lola. However, tragedy is set to strike Jay and the Mitchell's as they are preparing to say goodbye to Lola Pearce, just months after Jay and Lola finally got together. Jay is currently at the heart of a gripping and heartbreaking storyline with his on-screen wife Lola Pearce , played by Danielle Harold , who is dying from a brain tumour. As Jay and the Mitchells brace themselves for the heartache of losing Lola in the coming weeks, we take a look at the actor behind the beloved character Jamie decided to do some digging into his family background when he realised the Hunter actor, who was in the soap from until , shared the same name as a relative of his.

We never thought we'd see the day, but young EastEnders actor Jamie Borthwick is suddenly the show's man of the moment. After years of being criminally underused, his character Jay Brown has been wrongly accused of child grooming in a controversial new plot. Jamie is certainly impressing with his emotional performances, but what else do we know about him? Here's 9 facts you may not have been aware of He's been in EastEnders for nearly ten years. Jamie may not always immediately spring to mind when we think about EastEnders stars with staying power, but he's actually been part of the show's cast since - the same year we saw the likes of Max, Denise and Shirley brought into Walford. Introduced as a child actor, Jamie has served under the reign of five different executive producers. While not all of them gave him massive storylines boo! So he must be doing something right.

Jamie borthwick gay

Jay has been in turmoil ever since he lost the love of his life Lola Pearce-Brown Danielle Harold after she tragically passed away from a brain tumour earlier this year. Jay's behaviour spiralled out of control after he started taking drugs to cope with his grief and miraculously survived a devastating car accident , which left him fighting for his life. Thankfully, life away from Albert Square seems a lot happier for award-winning actor, Jamie, who's approaching his 17th anniversary on EastEnders. Here are a few fun facts about the star…. Jamie Borthwick was born on 23rd June , to mum Sharon and dad Simon, who ran pubs and nightclubs. I made drama my focus and never really looked back. The latest updates, reviews and unmissable series to watch and more! Just 18 months after his debut, Jamie scooped the gong for Best Young Performance at the British Soap Awards, and sweetly dedicated his win to his late grandmother, who had passed away the previous day. Having been in the public eye since he was a tween, Jamie has over episodes of EastEnders under his belt and has served under the reign of no fewer than 10 executive producers. That's some staying power!

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How bloodthirsty gangsters called 'The Family' could take over from the Kinahan Cartel as kings of drugs BRIT Awards. In February, the soap stars sparked romance rumours and have spoken publicly about their close bond. Worry not. Israel drops lyrics about Hamas attack from its Eurovision entry: 'October Rain' to be changed after song In response to these speculations, Danielle humorously remarked, "I'm just going to leave that one out there because it's so funny. I was wondering where he got the sparkly vest from. Get a daily email direct to your inbox with our newsletter. So, I re-watched Peggy and Archie's wedding last night and I'd totally forgotten Jay was even in the episode. Jamie, who plays Jay Brown in the BBC soap, dressed casual for the evening out, opting for a striped t-shirt, dark jeans and white trainers. Sue Osman.

EastEnders' Jamie Borthwick has played the role of Jay Brown since he was 12 years old - we take a closer look at his life off-screen including famous cousin and co-star crush. We have more newsletters.

She then left the soap briefly before returning in April with her on-screen daughter Lexi Pearce, and remaining until her death. Chloe Sims. I love the fact she was in his first ever scene. While Jay and Honey were together for around a year between and , romance never spilled over into real life despite some of his fellow cast members encouraging Jamie to take a chance and chat her up. Follow us. Abc Medium. Mirror Choice. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Kerry Katona 'so proud' as daughter DJ wins multiple gymnastics medals. Inside Vicky Pattison's adorable party for dog Milo - from ball pit to huge cake.

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