japanese nurse movie

Japanese nurse movie

Not Rated min Crime, Drama, Mystery. An executive of a Yokohama shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped by mistake and held for ransom. Votes: 52,

A disgruntled former patient interrupts the kooky routines of a hospital's employees. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Director Kazuyuki Morosawa. Kazuyuki Morosawa. See production info at IMDbPro.

Japanese nurse movie


Not Rated min Drama, Romance. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content.


About young British journalist, George Hogg, who with the assistance of a courageous Australian nurse, saves a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in George Hogg : [say something in Chinese]. Chen Hansheng : [impressed] Very good! George Hogg : Did you understand it? Chen Hansheng : Yes, you said, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a pumpkin. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Japanese nurse movie

A disgruntled former patient interrupts the kooky routines of a hospital's employees. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Director Kazuyuki Morosawa.

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Alisa Mizuki Izumi Asakura. Not Rated 86 min Comedy, Romance. R min Comedy, Horror. Everything ends well so no worries. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. Naohito Fujiki Kentaro Takasugi. She happens to meet her first love Ayukawa Itsuki from her high school days. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Instant Swamp min Comedy 6. One day, she returns to her hometown in Goto Islands from Tokyo.

In September , a nurse tending to a patient at the Oguchi Hospital accidentally dropped an infusion bag , causing the solution inside to begin foaming. The diamitol used for the crime was used for business purposes and was placed at various places in the hospital, making it extremely difficult to identify the culprit. At the end of June , the prefectural police began to interview Kuboki based on the circumstantial evidence they had gathered up until then.

In wake of the disaster, the members of the Ono family who reside just outside the border of the mandatory evacuation zone face uncertainty. Every man wants to be with her and every woman wants to be like her. It is set in a hospital where a hypochondriac takes the nurses hostage. The movie hits a seemingly unnecessary and melancholy wrinkle towards the end. Twenty-year-old Matsuri Takabayashi learns that she only has ten years to live due to an incurable disease. Votes: 6. More to explore. Kawana Tsugumi works at an interior design company. Connections Follows Nurse no oshigoto Learn more. The 8-Year Engagement min Drama, Romance 7. Before Ryo's girlfriend dies, she tells him that a woman who looks identical to her is in Hokkaido. Back then Mao was bullied, but now she is an attractive woman.

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