javi teen mom

Javi teen mom

National Today. Jose Javier Marroquin was born on December 11, Marroquin is a reality star best known for co-starring with javi teen mom ex-wife Kailyn Lowry in the reality T. His popularity was greatly influenced by his love for his wife.

The couple also share son Eli, 5. Javi Marroquin is adding a little girl to his bunch! The Teen Mom 2 alum, 31, and girlfriend Lauren Comeau are expecting their second baby together, the couple announced on Instagram Thursday. The couple is already parents to son Eli, 5. Marroquin is also dad to son Lincoln, 10, with ex Kailyn Lowry. Last month, both Marroquin and Lowry celebrated Lincoln on his 10th birthday.

Javi teen mom

Marroquin rose to fame in the early s due to his relationship with Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry. The pair tied the knot in September after several months of dating — Marroquin had enlisted in the U. Air Force — and the two welcomed son Lincoln in November After their breakup, Marroquin met Lauren Comeau at a wedding in Soon after his romance with the Florida native came to an end, Marroquin had a whirlwind courtship with Comeau and the two welcomed son Eli in November Marroquin and Comeau have had their fair share of ups and downs through the years. The Delaware native faced multiple cheating allegations through the years, which led Comeau to leave him multiple times. After the drama — and more cheating allegations against Marroquin — Comeau eventually got back together with the former MTV star in late Cancel OK. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions.

Jose Javier Marroquin was born on December 11, The Teen Mom 2 alum, 31, and girlfriend Lauren Comeau are expecting their second baby together, the couple announced on Instagram Thursday. Need javi teen mom account?

This well-maintained residence offers both comfort and functionality, perfect for modern living. Step inside, and you'll find a warm and inviting atmosphere with an abundance of natural light flowing through the large windows. The kitchen, which Javi remodeled when he moved in, boasts granite countertops, white shaker cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The breakfast nook leads to the backyard, where there is an in-ground pool complete with a slide. Javi initially listed the house for sale on May , as it was pending sale just days later before it was back on the market.

Back on? Keep reading to find out their relationship status and where the coparents stand today. Javi, who was married to Kailyn from until , seemed to shade his ex by posting a quote via his Instagram Stories. Two months later, Lauren and Javi hard launched their relationship via Instagram when they both shared photos of a family trip to Orlando, Florida. Later that day, Javi shared a collage of photos to her Instagram Story, one which showed Lauren licking his face. In , Javi was allegedly caught cheating with another woman in the home he shared with Lauren. Javi and Lauren split for good shortly after the episode aired. However, the drama continued when she accused Javi of cheating with his ex-wife again during an emotional Instagram Live in January

Javi teen mom

Javi Gonzalez popped the question after eight months of dating. Briana DeJesus and Javi Gonzalez are taking the next step in their relationship. The Teen Mom 2 star, 27, announced that she said "yes" to Gonzalez after eight months of dating over the weekend. DeJesus shared a photo of her new engagement ring on Twitter Sunday. She also shared the happy news on TikTok, posting a montage video of some of her favorite moments with Gonzalez. She also wrote, "I love you," over the clip alongside a red heart emoji. The ring is beautiful and I've never been this happy! Earlier this month, DeJesus said she and Gonzalez were taking their relationship "very slow. He's so nice," she told E! DeJesus' husband-to-be will make his debut on Teen Mom 2 on Tuesday.

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Privacy policy. His popularity was greatly influenced by his love for his wife. Chloe Burrows Birthday Chloe Burrows is a talented influencer. Add to favorites View gallery. We can't wait to see what she does next! Follow us on. US Edition. Lowry, 31, is a mother of four other sons. Your password must include: Min 8 characters Min 1 lowercase character Min 1 uppercase character Min 1 number. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. About us Our Mission Our Story. The pair tied the knot in September after several months of dating — Marroquin had enlisted in the U.

The couple also share son Eli, 5. Javi Marroquin is adding a little girl to his bunch! The Teen Mom 2 alum, 31, and girlfriend Lauren Comeau are expecting their second baby together, the couple announced on Instagram Thursday.

The two are also parents to son Rio, 13 months. Please enter it below: Enter new password. Create profiles to personalise content. Jose's Social Media:. Related: Celebrity Pregnancy Announcements of His popularity was greatly influenced by his love for his wife. The reality T. The Teen Mom 2 alum, 31, and girlfriend Lauren Comeau are expecting their second baby together, the couple announced on Instagram Thursday. Sign Up. Relationship Status: Engaged. Chloe Burrows Birthday Chloe Burrows is a talented influencer. Check our latest news in Google News. His son's soccer team coach On his social media page, he said that despite having previously stated that he would just watch coaching from the sidelines, he is now back on the field and is making it happen for his kid.

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