jayne mansfield sexy

Jayne mansfield sexy

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Jayne mansfield sexy

Jayne Mansfield, who was not a dumb blond, spent most of her adult life in the service of that image. She was so successful that today, as she lies dead in New Orleans, there is very little to say about her that is not the invention of a press agent. She was not an original. The role she chose for herself was created by others before she came to Hollywood to play it. Mae West was probably the original. Marilyn Monroe was probably the best and Jayne Mansfield was always a carbon copy. Perhaps she learned the role from the movie screens of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, or Dallas, Texas, where she grew up. She played it to the hilt. Everyone knew that Mansfield's measurements were , but not many in her audiences knew very much more than that. She didn't want them to. She was a stereotype, almost a caricature, of the dumb blond: bigger, blonder, dumber, more publicity-conscious than any who had gone before. The story goes that 20th Century-Fox hired her in the first place to use her as a bargaining point with Monroe, who was causing contract trouble.

The year after reconstructing the "Pink Palace" as a "pink landmark", she began riding in a pink Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible with tailfinsthen the only pink Cadillac in Hollywood. Tony Cimber, born October 18, jayne mansfield sexy,

A sex symbol of the s and early s, Mansfield was known for her numerous publicity stunts and open personal life. Although her film career was short-lived, she had several box-office successes, and won a Theatre World Award and Golden Globe Award , and soon gained the nickname of Hollywood 's "smartest dumb blonde. Mansfield took her professional name from her first husband, public relations professional Paul Mansfield. She married three times, each marriage ending in divorce, and had five children. She was allegedly intimately involved with numerous men, including Robert and John F.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jayne Mansfield Actress Producer Soundtrack. Her parents were well-to-do, with her father a successful attorney in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, where she spent a portion of her childhood. Her parents were both born with the same surname, and her ancestry was seven eighths English and Cornish and one eighth German. She was reportedly a talented pianist and played the violin when she was young. Tragedy struck when Jayne was three, when her father suddenly died of a heart attack.

Jayne mansfield sexy

A sex symbol of the s and early s, Mansfield was known for her numerous publicity stunts and open personal life. Although her film career was short-lived, she had several box-office successes, and won a Theatre World Award and Golden Globe Award , and soon gained the nickname of Hollywood 's "smartest dumb blonde. Mansfield took her professional name from her first husband, public relations professional Paul Mansfield. She married three times, each marriage ending in divorce, and had five children. She was allegedly intimately involved with numerous men, including Robert and John F. Kennedy , her attorney Samuel S. Brody, and Las Vegas entertainer Nelson Sardelli. On June 29, , she died in a traffic collision while traveling to New Orleans at the age of In , her father died of a heart attack.

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Archived from the original on June 24, Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on April 14, Roger Ebert June 30, As a result of the film's success, Mansfield landed on the Top 10 list of box-office attractions for that year. The Shirley Temple story. August 19, Email me on new: Pictures Wall Posts. She performed in about shows between and What was behind it?

Although her career spanned only a little more than a decade, Jayne Mansfield certainly left her mark on Hollywood.

Palmer, was from the largely Cornish area of Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania , [9] where he was involved with the slate industry. Archived from the original on March 4, Archived from the original on February 13, Reports that Mansfield was decapitated are untrue, although she suffered severe head trauma. The Hollywood Book of Breakups. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. After a series of marital rows around Jayne's ambitions, infidelity, and animals, they decided to dissolve the marriage. Evening Independent. University of Pennsylvania. Perhaps she learned the role from the movie screens of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, or Dallas, Texas, where she grew up.

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