jessica marie alba

Jessica marie alba

Dwight must make amends with the office after his fire safety seminar goes awry; Michael tries to get his employees to relax; Andy becomes convinced that Pam and Jim are film gurus. Part 2 of 2, jessica marie alba.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Honest Renovations —. Her family moved to Biloxi, MS, when she was an infant.

Jessica marie alba

Jessica Marie Alba born April 28, [1] [2] is a businesswoman, [3] American television and movie actress , and model. She started her business, The Honest Company, in Both of these awards were for her acting in the series Dark Angel. She has been listed in the "Hot " section of Maxim magazine every year from to , [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] and she was voted " Sexiest Woman in the World" by FHM in Playboy did not ask her if they could use the picture or tell her they were going to use it. This caused a lawsuit that was later dropped. Alba was born in Pomona, California. Alba's father was in the Air Force and his career caused them to live in many different places. She had a collapsed lung twice, had pneumonia four or five times each year and had problems with her appendix and tonsils. She was in hospitals for much of her childhood. This meant Alba did not spend much time with other children. She graduated from high school when she was 16 years old. Alba wanted to act since she was five.

The Spoils of Babylon.

Her big screen breakthrough came in Honey From to , Alba starred in the Spectrum action crime series L. In , Alba co-founded The Honest Company , a consumer goods company that sells baby, personal and household products. Her mother has Danish, Welsh, German, English and French ancestry, while her paternal grandparents, who were born in California, were children of Mexican immigrants. Her third cousin, once removed, is writer Gustavo Arellano. Alba's early life was marked by a multitude of physical maladies. During childhood, she suffered from pneumonia four to five times a year and had partially collapsed lungs twice as well as a ruptured appendix and tonsillar cyst.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Honest Renovations —. Her family moved to Biloxi, MS, when she was an infant. Three years later her father's career brought the family back to California, then to Del Rio, TX, before finally settling in Southern California when Jessica was nine.

Jessica marie alba

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jessica Marie Alba. Sky Angel Albz. Mini Bio. Her family moved to Biloxi, MS, when she was an infant. Three years later her father's career brought the family back to California, then to Del Rio, TX, before finally settling in Southern California when Jessica was nine. In love with the idea of becoming an actress from the age of five, she was 12 before she took her first acting class.

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Retrieved October 11, Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. I got obsessed with it. Retrieved May 5, January 18, Archived from the original on September 23, Roles in comic crime caper "Stretch" and action comedy "Barely Lethal" played off of her action-heroine persona, while the Jason Statham thriller "Mechanic: Resurrection" played them straight. Pomona, California , United States. Dzhessika Alba. Entourage 6.

Jessica Marie Alba born April 28, [1] [2] is a businesswoman, [3] American television and movie actress , and model. She started her business, The Honest Company, in Both of these awards were for her acting in the series Dark Angel.

Kashika's 5 Picks for February. Latin Times. Daily Star. Valentine's Day. United Press International. Archived from the original on September 23, Alba expressed an interest in acting from age five. Knight Ridder Newspapers. Learn more. Luckily, her health eventually took a dramatically positive turn a few years later; an improvement Alba credited to her growing interest in acting. Saturn Awards. I just don't. They believe God wouldn't allow the Bible to be written if it wasn't what they are supposed to believe.

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