jesus calling august 6

Jesus calling august 6

I pray that a year later things are better for you. I will continue praying for you.

In these uncertain days , it is so comforting to read these encouraging devotionals and they reinforce that God is in control. My soul finds rest in my Lord. Tuesday, July 24 Jesus Calling: August 6th, Jesus Calling: August 6th When things seem to be going all wrong, stop and affirm your trust in Me. Calmly bring these matters to Me, and leave them in My capable hands. Then, simply do the next thing. Stay in touch with Me through thankful, trusting prayers, resting in My sovereign control.

Jesus calling august 6

Jesus, let Thy Beautiful Presence be always with us. There is no bond of union on earth to compare with the union between a soul that loves Me — and Me. In the merging of heart and mind and will a oneness results that only those who experience it can even dimly realize. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. Ephesians I love to pour My blessings down in rich, in choicest measure. But like the seed-sowing — the ground must be prepared before the seed is dropped in. Yours to prepare the soil — Mine to drop the seed-blessing into the prepared soil. Spend more time in soil-preparing. Prayer fertilizes soil. There is much to do in preparation.

Refilling with the Spirit is a need. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.


Prayer, love and compassion are key components in the Jesus Calls ministry. All the endeavors of Jesus Calls portray these major dynamics. The uniqueness of this global ministry is that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his entire family minister together to various people groups without regard to nationality, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. As a result, Jesus Calls necessitates a multi-faceted approach to a ministry that extends to men, women, youth, children, families, sick, the poor and needy. This mission is fulfilled through the Prayer Towers, Prayer Festivals, magazines, broadcast and digital media. In , late Dr. Dhinakaran, at the age of 27, had a vision of Christ for nearly three hours, wherein he spoke to Him face to face. Jesus told him that during his sojourn on earth, when He saw the sick, the lonely, the despised and the castaways, He was moved with compassion and laid hands upon them, embracing them and speaking words of grace and comfort, healing each one of them through the compassion that flowed out of Him.

Jesus calling august 6

In these uncertain days , it is so comforting to read these encouraging devotionals and they reinforce that God is in control. My soul finds rest in my Lord. Tuesday, July 24 Jesus Calling: August 6th, Jesus Calling: August 6th When things seem to be going all wrong, stop and affirm your trust in Me. Calmly bring these matters to Me, and leave them in My capable hands. Then, simply do the next thing. Stay in touch with Me through thankful, trusting prayers, resting in My sovereign control. Rejoice in Me--exult in the God of your salvation! As you trust in Me, I make your feet like the feet of a deer.

Miina marie

Thank you Father for never changing and loving us in both our highs and the lows. Thank you for praying with us. He will open the closed doors and make it happen. Notice: Field trip! You have not obeyed Me in this. Jeremiah Please pray with me. But Habakkuk affirmed that even in the times of starvation and loss, he would still rejoice in the Lord. I had to start using a cane but it is gone now!! You and your family are in my prayers. That dwelling apart, that shutting yourself away in the very secret place of your being — away alone with Me. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety. Matthew


May you have sweet travel and sweet celebrations with your family dear Jeanne. I had to take meds for the nerve pain caused by the cancer but not now!! Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another blessed day. Romans In the meantime, God's people need to live in the strength of his Spirit, confident in his ultimate victory over evil. And looking at them, Jesus said to them, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. I thank the Lord for each of you and will keep you all in my prayers. Is that possible? He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. I woke early today and was able to take a walk with my husband as we celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Allow her to be courageous along with ABC and give them confidence and strength. Your hour of need is the moment of My Coming. Psalm Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. God bless you dear JC family.

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