jesus calling december 21

Jesus calling december 21

With what we see in this fallen world, it would seem easier to walk by faith than sight. It is selfish, unjust, and immoral.

Wednesday, January 8 Jesus Calling - December 21st, Jesus Calling: December 21 My plan for your life is unfolding before you. Sometimes the road you are traveling seems blocked or it opens up so painfully slowly that you must hold yourself back. Then, when time is right, the way before you suddenly clears -- through no effort of your own. What you have longed for and worked for I present to you freely, as pure gift. Do not fear your weakness, for it is the stage on which My Power and Glory perform most brilliantly.

Jesus calling december 21

Lord, give us Thy Joy, that Joy that no man, no poverty, no circumstances, no conditions can take from us. You shall have My Joy. But Life just now for you both is a march — a toilsome march. The Joy will come, but for the moment do not think of that, think simply of the march. Joy is the reward. Between My Promise of the Gift of Joy to My disciples and their realization of that Joy came sense of failure, disappointment, denial, desertion, hopelessness, then hope, waiting, and courage in the face of danger. Joy is the reward of patiently seeing Me in the dull dark days, of trusting when you cannot see. Stop thinking your lives are all wrong if you do not feel it. Remember you may not yet be joyous, but you are brave, and courage and unselfish thought for others are as sure signs of true discipleship as Joy. Jesus, we love Thee.

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Sunday, January 23 Jesus Calling: February 29th, Jesus Calling: February 29 You are on the right path. Listen more to Me, and less to your doubts. I am leading you along the way I designed just for you. Therefore, it is a lonely way, humanly speaking. But I go before you as well as alongside you, so you are never alone.

Jesus calling december 21

Certainly some statements in Jesus Calling are sound and helpful. Statements like this occur throughout the book. Second, Jesus Calling warns readers against succumbing to false beliefs and idols that inhibit trust in Jesus. Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god.

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But it must be My Peace. I know there are great things for me to see from this valley; open my eyes, heart and mind to allow me to see clearly. Amen Loveconquersall! Love and blessings to you and yours. You are Glory. The planets, their moons and rings are having quite the party up there! Peace be with you too my brother. The powers of evil watch you as a besieging force would watch a guarded city — the object being always to find some weak spot, attack that, and so gain an entrance. Live in the Joy of My constant Presence. Satan you do not belong here.. With men your task may be impossible, but with God all things are possible. Throughout all time people have witnessed this- Your Power and Glory. Thank you again for all of your comments and prayers from yesterday.

Thank you Lord for sacrificing your life so I can live eternally in Your presence, loving you and praising you.

Glad your heat is working. Thanks for continued prayers. So live, so love, so work. I will no longer be tormented. Serve others not being served. I seek. I'm keenly anticipating that day. Weaving the threads of our lives, interconnecting us to each other and Himself. It has power to hurt only those who do not place themselves under My Protection. We are witnessing the power of prayer and letting go to God in the change in our kids who have been struggling so.

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