jiren mbti

Jiren mbti

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With that being said, there appears to be a decent case for ESTJ, which we will present below. My ambitions were my only goal. He admits this to his team at the end of the tournament. He wants the power to control everything, even time itself. This is also supported in his lack of trust in the dragon, desiring to have the power to do it all himself.

Jiren mbti

One of the most alluring parts of One Piece is how complex the villains are. The villain's Oda creates always seem to have a humane side to them. Their reasoning for their devious deeds may not be justified or even genuine, but relatable to some aspect. He attempts to give every single one of his characters an interesting backstory or a relatable personality trait. This includes villains. This is mainly why One Piece has and will always stand the test of time. His characters don't come off as flat or one dimensional. INFPs are known to be mediators, which means they are very kind, helpful, and poetic. Baroque Works, Mr. Bon Clay may be a villain, but he has shown a tremendous amount of charisma toward his comrades. For example, the other members of Baroque Works such as Mr.

During the Arlong Park arc, Arlong is seen joking around with his crew members. Once he finally starts speaking, he spends much of the match talking down to his opponents, jiren mbti.


Spoilers ahead for anyone who's not caught up with Dragon Ball Super or who has only been watching the English dub. Dragon Ball Super is quickly drawing to a close, but the most recent episode just dropped some backstory for one of the anime's most intriguing new characters. But with the introduction of multiple universes, Akira Toriyama 's creation has expanded in a big way, allowing for new storylines to thread their way into Universe 7's own ongoing story. So while "The Approaching Wall! The Final Barrier of Hope! Universe 11's God of Destruction Belmod randomly broke into some backstory exposition when the question of what Jiren's wish would be, should he win the tournament, came up.

Jiren mbti

Jiren is easily one of the most powerful mortal warriors in the multiverse , being recognized even as the most absolute so among them. While starting off weak as a child and through much of his adolescence, his arduous pursuit for power led him to become the strongest mortal warrior of Universe 11 , being also said that since joining the Pride Troopers , Jiren had never lost a single battle. His might far surpasses Top , the second strongest mortal warrior of Universe 11 and a God of Destruction candidate whose training can wield said power for additional might. Despite possessing no godly ki , Jiren has already surpassed the domain of a God of Destruction, since the Destroyer of his universe, Belmod , cannot beat him in combat, making him famous in the other universes as the only mortal that Gods of Destruction cannot defeat. The sheer power his very presence gives off is monstrously overwhelming, able to affect vast distances and acting as a perfect barrier to all but the strongest of foes and their attacks. Likewise, his raw speed is even shown to exceed that of his ally Dyspo , a warrior well-renowned for his speed. An equal part of his immense might comes from complete mastery of wielding his ki. Jiren was seen as unbeatable by his allies, which allowed his gods to watch the Tournament of Power and its looming danger for Universe 11 with virtually no concern for most of the event.


Even before fans find out Captain Kuro is only masking to be a butler; the audience sees him as a no-nonsense guy that follows the rules. Once he finally starts speaking, he spends much of the match talking down to his opponents. Seeing that Alabasta is a desert country, Crocodile has a huge advantage over any opponent. Ace is the son of Gol D. Luffy, for example, uses one of Arlong crew members as a shield, during battle. This is also supported in his lack of trust in the dragon, desiring to have the power to do it all himself. To be more specific, they like to manage people. One of Big Mom's eldest children, Katakuri, has a strong advocate personality, especially when it comes to his family. Doffy is seen smiling whilst being incarnated in Impel Down, after losing everything. He attempts to give every single one of his characters an interesting backstory or a relatable personality trait. They will do just about anything to help their friends.

With that being said, there appears to be a decent case for ESTJ, which we will present below.

Overall, Jiren's personality reflects many of the core traits of an ISTJ personality type - discipline, practicality, responsibility, and a focus on structure and stability. He believes Luffy to be a tyrant and a plague on society, which is why he became fixated on apprehending him. The villain's Oda creates always seem to have a humane side to them. For example, the other members of Baroque Works such as Mr. To be more specific, they like to manage people. ESTPs are entrepreneurs and love living life to the fullest. He wants the power to control everything, even time itself. Seeing that he was once a Celestial Dragon, it makes sense he would worship money. One of Big Mom's eldest children, Katakuri, has a strong advocate personality, especially when it comes to his family. ENTJs are commanders and often portray a sense of strong will and tenacity. He even goes as far as to shoot a giant energy blast at the stands to prove the point that they could be easily killed and ripped away from Goku. Debate the personality types of your favorite fictional characters and celebrities. His characters don't come off as flat or one dimensional.

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