Johnny cash wiki

John R. Cash was known for his deep bass-baritone voice, [lower-alpha 1] [4] distinctive sound of his Tennessee Three backing band, a rebelliousness [5] [6] coupled with an increasingly somber and humble demeanor, [3] free prison concerts, johnny cash wiki, [7] [8] [ page needed ] and trademark look, which earned him the nickname "The Man johnny cash wiki Black". Much of Cash's music echoed themes of sorrow, moral tribulation and redemption, especially in the later stages of his career.

John R. Cash born J. Cash ; February 26, — September 12, was an American country singer-songwriter. Most of Cash's music contains themes of sorrow, moral tribulation, and redemption, especially songs from the later stages of his career. Born to poor cotton farmers in Kingsland, Arkansas , Cash grew up on gospel music and played on a local radio station in high school. He served four years in the Air Force , much of it in West Germany. After his return to the United States, he rose to fame during the mids in the burgeoning rockabilly scene in Memphis, Tennessee.

Johnny cash wiki

Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Connect to Spotify. A new version of Last. The line "crown of shit" was changed to "crown of thorns", not only removing profanity from the lyrics, but also more directly referencing Christ. The cover was released on a single with the B-side " Personal Jesus ", a cover of the Depeche Mode single. Reznor said that when Rubin first asked if Cash could cover his song, he was "flattered" but worried that "the idea sounded a bit gimmicky. I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. The song is also Cash's sole chart entry on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart, where it hit 33 in The house where Cash's music video for "Hurt" was shot, which was Cash's home for nearly 30 years, was destroyed in a fire on April 10, Track descriptions on Last. Feel free to contribute! All user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply. Don't want to see ads?

Cash and his wife appeared on a number of episodes of the television series Dr.

John R. Named J. In October , Johnny Cash was arrested in El Paso, Texas for attempting to smuggle amphetamines across the Mexican border in his guitar case. As shown in the movie, Johnny was on his way home from the fishing spot when his father, Ray Cash, picked him up in the preacher's Model A Ford. His father took him home and showed him Jack's bloody clothes, at which time his father pointed out "where the table saw had cut [Jack] from his ribs all the way down into his stomach and groin, through his belt and everything. Three weeks into their brief courtship, Johnny completed his training and was sent to Germany.

Johnny Cash grew up in a poor farming community and joined the Air Force in He co-founded a band following his discharge, and within a few years Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two had scored hits with songs like "Walk the Line. In later years, Cash joined the country supergroup the Highwaymen and released a series of recordings with producer Rick Rubin. Cash was born on February 26, , in Kingsland, Arkansas. The son of poor Southern Baptist sharecroppers, Cash, one of seven children born to Ray and Carrie Rivers Cash, moved with his family at the age of 3 to Dyess, Arkansas, so that his father could take advantage of the New Deal farming programs instituted by President Franklin Roosevelt. There, the Cash clan lived in a five-room house and farmed 20 acres of cotton and other seasonal crops. Cash spent much of the next 15 years out in the fields, working alongside his parents and siblings to help pay off their debts. It wasn't an easy life, and music was one of the ways the Cash family found escape from some of the hardships.

Johnny cash wiki

Johnny Cash was an international ambassador for country music who hewed his own path from the mids into the twenty-first century, broadening both the scope of country music and its audience. John R. Cash grew up in a government resettlement colony for struggling farmers in Dyess, Arkansas, working the cotton fields with his family and absorbing gospel music in church. On a battery-operated radio, he heard local country shows from Memphis, the Carter Family on border radio, and a host of Grand Ole Opry singers.

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A second, Cash: The Autobiography , appeared in Cash himself appeared at the end and performed for the first time in more than a year. Authority control databases. During that period, Cash appeared in a number of television films. He was also significantly influenced by traditional Irish music that he heard performed weekly by Dennis Day on the Jack Benny radio program. He served four years in the Air Force , much of it in West Germany. Cash began using amphetamines again in The album was produced by Rick Rubin with Sylvia Massy engineering and mixing. From the age of five, Cash worked in cotton fields with his family, singing with them as they worked. The decade saw his religious conviction deepening, and he made many evangelical appearances. February 26, In , Cash publicly campaigned for Al Gore for the presidential election.

John R. Cash born J.

The spirit of June Carter overshadows me tonight with the love she had for me and the love I have for her. On the same album, he performed the Bob Dylan favorite "Forever Young". During a live performance of Kristofferson's " Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down ", Cash refused to change the lyrics to suit network executives, singing the song with its references to marijuana intact:. Cash sang a duet with Dylan on Dylan's country album Nashville Skyline and also wrote the album's Grammy-winning liner notes. Starkville, where Cash was arrested over 40 years earlier and held overnight at the city jail on May 11, , inspired Cash to write the song "Starkville City Jail". Cash had tried for years to make the film, for which he won acclaim. Cash wrote the song to explain his dress code:. At night, he played with guitarist Luther Perkins and bassist Marshall Grant. In addition to having his four daughters and John Carter, Cash also became stepfather to Carlene and Rosie , June's daughters from her first two marriages, to, respectively, honky-tonk singer Carl Smith , and former police officer, football player, and race-car driver Edwin "Rip" Nix. Login to post a comment. It played an important role in building his legacy of spreading the gospel, albeit imperfectly.

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