jon bernthal nude

Jon bernthal nude

Jon Bernthal is a man of many talents and interests. Born and raised in Washington D.

Did you know that Jon Bernthal has to control his aggression? After all, once he almost went to jail because of a fight. This actor speaks excellent Russian, because for some time he studied acting in Russia. He has a pet dog a pitbull named Bam Bam. This brown-eyed handsome man will drive you crazy with his charming smile!

Jon bernthal nude

Jon Bernthal is a man of many talents and interests. Born and raised in Washington D. Jon played professional baseball in Europe while also appearing in more than 30 different stage productions. He starred in Bar Starz which featured him showering and showing off his ass! He did all this before skyrocketing into the public conscious when he landed the part of Shane in the smash hit series The Walking Dead -. In The Walking Dead he found time in between battling zombies to hook up with a girl in the forest. She pulls off his shirt and unbuttons his pants giving us a great view of his fine upper body. It's not a lot, but he looks fine as wine! This sexy actor, whose star is quickly on the rise, is sure to cause fury in your pants! Small Engine Repair - as Terrance Swaino. Shot Caller - as Frank 'Shotgun'. Sweet Virginia - as Sam Rossi. Bar Starz - as Donnie Pitron. American Gigolo - as Julian Kaye. Marvel's The Punisher - as Frank Castle.

After all, once he almost went to jail because of a fight.


Nick is an entertainment journalist based in New York, NY. If you like pugs and the occasional blurry photo of an action figure, follow him on Twitter NickARomano. Jon Bernthal does not disappoint in the new trailer for American Gigolo. The Punisher and We Own This City star has been gaining more and more notoriety as he steps further out of character actor work and into leading man roles. His personalized mix of machismo flair and endearing charm doesn't hurt his growing fan base either. Now in Showtime's American Gigolo , a reimagining of the Richard Gere classic, he's putting it all out there. Showtime announced the drama will premiere this Sep. The footage takes viewers back to Julian's childhood when the kid played by Gabriel LaBelle discovered he could always become "this other guy. But now he's out and trying to navigate his relationships with former lover Michelle Gretchen Mol , his troubled mother, and the people who betrayed him.

Jon bernthal nude

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jon Bernthal Actor Producer. Jon Bernthal was born and raised in Washington D.

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When a woman came to him, he could not control himself for a long time, and soon she was already in the same bed with him. After that they had passionate sex in different positions. She pulls off his shirt and unbuttons his pants giving us a great view of his fine upper body. Small Engine Repair - as Terrance Swaino. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and special offers By signing up you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Check out his acting in Small Engine Repair Top Jon Bernthal Scenes. Nude , butt Jon and Shea have their pants down to take a whiz outside at night. Sweet Virginia - as Sam Rossi. Nude , butt, sexy, shirtless, straight Ep. Marvel's The Punisher - as Frank Castle. Wind River - as Matt. Pilgrimage Sexy , shirtless Jon Bernthal strips off his shirt, showing his sexy, toned bod as he walks with his sword! It looks like Jon Bernthal was very badly hurt, because his entire naked muscular torso and face were bloodied.

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All Rights Reserved. Nude , butt, shirtless Ep. But in one of the scenes, Jon Bernthal pulled his cock out of his pants to pee outdoors with his friends. For example, he had to have a difficult conversation with shirtless tattooed men in the yard. Instagram: instagram. Biography Jon Bernthal is a man of many talents and interests. He starred in Bar Starz which featured him showering and showing off his ass! And then Jon Bernthal sat nude on the bed and told her stories about his lost family…. It's not a lot, but he looks fine as wine! Three men in their underwear - two of them wearing thongs - and showering together before fabulously preparing for a night at the club in their little robes. Free Signup. In addition, this hunk will turn you on with his acting in sex scenes! In The Walking Dead he found time in between battling zombies to hook up with a girl in the forest. Wind River Sexy , shirtless Jon Bernthal shows off his incredible muscular body as he pulls on a jacket! So, in one of the scenes, you could how he woke up in see bed and went to clean himself up.

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